It's odd that Berkeley has "FREE SPEECH WEEK"Why only 1 week? Why no free speech the other 51 weeks?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
UC Berkeley professors urge campus boycott during ‘Free Speech Week’

"At UC Berkeley, 177 professors and graduate students have signed an open letter urging thousands of colleagues and classmates to boycott campus for four days this month to ensure their “physical and mental safety.”


Someone with an opposing viewpoint is going to speak? All you have to do is fucking ignore them....but nope, they need mental health help.

It's pretty weird to have a "FREE SPEECH WEEK" at Berkeley.

Isnt that supposed to be the case 365?

Can conservatives have a "PURGE" night when laws do not apply?

Fucking Progs make "FREE SPEECH" only 7 days/year....and cancel classes and go to counselling because the free speech scares them!
Their physical and mental safety? Did these guys sign up for a tour of duty in Afghanistan? Give me a break.
"Mental Safety" for free speech from a Jew, a Queer, and a female?


They wonder why they are called snowflakes.

If you cant handle a Jewish man, a gay man, and a female from speaking for 45 minutes to a volunteer audience, you are a fucking pussy.
That tells you all you need to know, right there.

Classic liberalism in academia is fucking dead. They are all anti-freedom statist authoritarians. They are put in power at universities to indoctrinate the masses with government dogma.

with classes cancelled and mental health services offered?

it's like out of a spoof movie.

What absolute fucking......SNOWFLAKES.
UC Berkeley professors urge campus boycott during ‘Free Speech Week’

"At UC Berkeley, 177 professors and graduate students have signed an open letter urging thousands of colleagues and classmates to boycott campus for four days this month to ensure their “physical and mental safety.”


Someone with an opposing viewpoint is going to speak? All you have to do is fucking ignore them....but nope, they need mental health help.

It's pretty weird to have a "FREE SPEECH WEEK" at Berkeley.

Isnt that supposed to be the case 365?

Can conservatives have a "PURGE" night when laws do not apply?

Fucking Progs make "FREE SPEECH" only 7 days/year....and cancel classes and go to counselling because the free speech scares them!

Berkeley is a young version of North Korea
It's a poke in the eye to Berkeley because that campus was the birthplace of the free speech movement in the 60s.

Well, free speech was actually adopted with the founding of our country, but why quibble over actual historical facts, eh?
"Mental Safety" for free speech from a Jew, a Queer, and a female?


They wonder why they are called snowflakes.

If you cant handle a Jewish man, a gay man, and a female from speaking for 45 minutes to a volunteer audience, you are a fucking pussy.

Actually, I believe that would make you a NAZI, especially when you're a socialist bed wetter on top of it.

I had no idea the left was full of a bunch of whiney bitches until Trump kicked Hillary' ass.
It's been kinda fun watching them go crazy when things don't go their way.

it's odd to have a special week to obey certain laws.

How about a "MURDER IS BAD WEEK"?





What the fuck is going on with these asshole snowflakes who only pick a week to follow the law....and even then, LOSE THIER FRAGILE LITTLE MINDS!
"Free speech week" is the name of an event organized by Milo to annoy and piss people off.

It is not a UC Berkeley orgainized event.
Yeah, silly to think a leftist university would allocate even an entire second as a free speech period.


This isn't about "free speech", it's about provoking confrontation.

Freedom of speech isn't restricted at UC Berkeley. You, or anyone else, can walk into Sproul and rant about whatever you want, whenever you want.

What Milo is demanding is that the school provide him a venue to speak at - and I'll respect that demand as soon as Bob Jones University gives Gloria Steinem a venue to speak there.

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