Its Official! Donnie is depending totally on angry white men.

I suspect the women both DEM and GOP vastly outnumber The Donald's angry old poor white men.

And then there is the Latinos.

And the Negroes.

And the American Muslims.

Donnie is pretty much dog meat, certainly in the blue states, most likely in the purple states too.

Yes, I think the polls, the Quinnipiac and the Rasmussen are very skewed for Donnie.

By all means stick up for the negroes, muslims, and mexicans. You know, these were the people who made America great, not the angry white men.
Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?

Yeah--you'll find that his rallies are very reminiscent of an, Angry, Ignorant, mostly male WHITE mob that came out of the 1960's civil right movement. That's what the Republican party has been reduced too.

Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?

I don't blame him for turning them down when the President of the NAACP has made it clear that he wants to hear about white racism and police misconduct and what Trump planned to do about it.

Also Mitt Romney spoke at the NAACP convention in 2012 and got exactly 6% of the vote, so don't be all pretending like those negroes are going to be like "damn we would have voted for Trump had he just spoke at the NAACP convention"
Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?

Yeah--you'll find that his rallies are very reminiscent of an, Angry, Ignorant, mostly male WHITE mob that came out of the 1960's civil right movement. That's what the Republican party has been reduced too.


Yep, gotta hate us some white males. Country would have got along better without them no doubt. Like look at what they did to the poor japanese and germans during ww2. They could have been kinder and gentler I think.
thats because you dont want to hear that joe,EVERY black politician running for office tells the people where he is running what they want to hear,just like the white ones.....and MOST black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear?...unless they are republicans,is that what you are saying?...

I had to read that a couple of tiimes to get what you were trying to say.

Okay - here's the thing. Black politicians like Obama don't try to make white people more comfortable with their racism.

Unlike Uncle Tom Carson, who does exactly that. So he goes on the $1000 a plate minstrel shows saying he made it through hard work, and those other blacks are just being shiftless. He of course, doesn't mention all the government programs and affirmative action that gave him the opportunities he has had.

That's what makes him an Uncle Tom.
thats because you dont want to hear that joe,EVERY black politician running for office tells the people where he is running what they want to hear,just like the white ones.....and MOST black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear?...unless they are republicans,is that what you are saying?...

I had to read that a couple of tiimes to get what you were trying to say.

Okay - here's the thing. Black politicians like Obama don't try to make white people more comfortable with their racism.

Unlike Uncle Tom Carson, who does exactly that. So he goes on the $1000 a plate minstrel shows saying he made it through hard work, and those other blacks are just being shiftless. He of course, doesn't mention all the government programs and affirmative action that gave him the opportunities he has had.

That's what makes him an Uncle Tom.

Ben Carson has never called a negro shiftless and you can't provide a single quote from him doing so. Another lie.
thats because you dont want to hear that joe,EVERY black politician running for office tells the people where he is running what they want to hear,just like the white ones.....and MOST black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear?...unless they are republicans,is that what you are saying?...

I had to read that a couple of tiimes to get what you were trying to say.

Okay - here's the thing. Black politicians like Obama don't try to make white people more comfortable with their racism.

Unlike Uncle Tom Carson, who does exactly that. So he goes on the $1000 a plate minstrel shows saying he made it through hard work, and those other blacks are just being shiftless. He of course, doesn't mention all the government programs and affirmative action that gave him the opportunities he has had.

That's what makes him an Uncle Tom. democrat politicians go to those same $1,000 a plate dinners and kiss all those white rich democrats asses that are are just used to putting everyone you dont like in the same they all must be alike and the ones you do like are just great are a party guy joe....i can tell by your symptoms...
Ben Carson has never called a negro shiftless and you can't provide a single quote from him doing so. Another lie.

On Fox News, in classic black conservative talking-point form, Ben Carson channeled the ugly allusion that "he is not on a plantation" and "can think for himself." This is the same internalized racism for the benefit, amusement, and psychological validation of racially chauvinistic Conservative Whiteness that Herman Cain, Jessie Patterson, and other black conservatives have been channeling for the amusement of their overlords and masters for at least a decade.

The suggestion that black people who choose to support the Democratic Party are "on a plantation" is ugly and indefensible. No other group has its political decision-making maligned in such a way, where a political choice is linked to the charnel and death houses that were plantation life during the slaveocracy in the United States and across the Black Atlantic.

Dear Ben Carson, When A Person Has to Deny Being an Uncle Tom, It Usually Means They Are One democrat politicians go to those same $1,000 a plate dinners and kiss all those white rich democrats asses that are are just used to putting everyone you dont like in the same they all must be alike and the ones you do like are just great are a party guy joe....i can tell by your symptoms...

Actually, I'm a registered Republican.

I just want to rid my party of the fucking religious kooks who are fucking it up for the rest of us. democrat politicians go to those same $1,000 a plate dinners and kiss all those white rich democrats asses that are are just used to putting everyone you dont like in the same they all must be alike and the ones you do like are just great are a party guy joe....i can tell by your symptoms...

Actually, I'm a registered Republican.

I just want to rid my party of the fucking religious kooks who are fucking it up for the rest of us.
i think right now its just a "kook" who has taken it over....

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