Its Official! Donnie is depending totally on angry white men.

Of course.... black are not allowed to stray from the D plantation.

There is no Plantation cooter; those are in the GOP south. I’m sure blacks look at what the Republicans have to offer and what the Democrats have to offer and it’s not even a close call.

Why do they need to be offered anything? What's that all about? I guess the black vote needs to be bought?

Offerings come in both what you will pledge to take away and what you plan to do for All Americans.

Can you explain what the D's are offering blacks?

he says as the GOP does everything it can to keep minorities away from the polls. Are you really that slow?

Really? How so?

Just one example of the Republican Party trying desperately to keep blacks from the voting booth.

From your link:


Sorry for the inconvenience,
this page could not be loaded.
There is no Plantation cooter; those are in the GOP south. I’m sure blacks look at what the Republicans have to offer and what the Democrats have to offer and it’s not even a close call.

Why do they need to be offered anything? What's that all about? I guess the black vote needs to be bought?

Offerings come in both what you will pledge to take away and what you plan to do for All Americans.

Can you explain what the D's are offering blacks?

he says as the GOP does everything it can to keep minorities away from the polls. Are you really that slow?

Really? How so?

Sorry, have someone who can read, read the linked page to you...I forgot you were illiter.....well you know.

Try this link Mister Clueless

"The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote," admits GOPer
So, do you write Donnie's racist quotes?

What racist quotes?
Don't ask him questions he can't possibly answer.

He was told by Cankles and the DNC that Trump is a racist. So, he dutifully believes.


Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -
Yeah you just love what Rs say...Jimbo The Dumbo!

Ryan was saying, "Yes, I realize he is a flaming racist, but I still support him." HOW STUPID CAN ONE MAN GET?
He certainly is stupid, but then he is a progressive like you. Progs generally lack intelligence.
Why do they need to be offered anything? What's that all about? I guess the black vote needs to be bought?

Offerings come in both what you will pledge to take away and what you plan to do for All Americans.

Can you explain what the D's are offering blacks?

he says as the GOP does everything it can to keep minorities away from the polls. Are you really that slow?

Really? How so?

Sorry, have someone who can read, read the linked page to you...I forgot you were illiter.....well you know.

Try this link Mister Clueless

"The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote," admits GOPer

Dude... the link wouldn't open, see post 83. I can't read that which I cannot see you nitwit. And what, I'm illiter? Oh, the irony.
What racist quotes?
Don't ask him questions he can't possibly answer.

He was told by Cankles and the DNC that Trump is a racist. So, he dutifully believes.


Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -
Yeah you just love what Rs say...Jimbo The Dumbo!

Ryan was saying, "Yes, I realize he is a flaming racist, but I still support him." HOW STUPID CAN ONE MAN GET?
He certainly is stupid, but then he is a progressive like you. Progs generally lack intelligence.

I've asked them all repeatedly to provide examples of racist quotes, nary a one presented as of yet.
Why do they need to be offered anything? What's that all about? I guess the black vote needs to be bought?

Offerings come in both what you will pledge to take away and what you plan to do for All Americans.

Can you explain what the D's are offering blacks?

he says as the GOP does everything it can to keep minorities away from the polls. Are you really that slow?

Really? How so?

Sorry, have someone who can read, read the linked page to you...I forgot you were illiter.....well you know.

Try this link Mister Clueless

"The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote," admits GOPer

From your link:

“I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”

Post it in its entirety... you think the Democrats would want blacks voting if they voted Republican 9 -1?

You're one dishonest mofo.
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
i will not vote for either one....neither one of these stroonges should be anywhere near the white house....
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
Yes there is worse and Cankles is it.

She says and does stupid shit. He says stupid which is worse? Try to use logic before answering.
I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
i will not vote for either one....neither one of these stroonges should be anywhere near the white house....

But one of them will be regardless of if they deserve it.

I'd rather vote for Stein as I did in 2012, but if I think Trump is close, I'd much rather have Clinton in the White house.
I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
Yes there is worse and Cankles is it.

She says and does stupid shit. He says stupid which is worse? Try to use logic before answering.

:0) Not sure how much you know about logic .. but logic does not favor a loud-mouth reality show host as president.
Uhhhhhh, maybe if the NAACP had not invited him to speak . . . during the GOP convention. . . . Hey? You know, he's gonna be just a little busy that week.

And, uh, who says the NAACP speaks for all blacks?

By the way, did you see the recent poll that shows Trump leading among Hispanics in Florida?

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