Its Official! Donnie is depending totally on angry white men.

joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

Just asking if the blacks who disagree with you and Carson can be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas without republicans constantly whining about who we vote for.

Does that door only swing one way?
you will have to ask a republican for the answer....i encourage everyone to shun the 2 parties....

I don't intend to vote for either party .. unless Trump puts up a credible challenge .. then I'll vote for Clinton against my will :0)

Nothing can be worse then Trump as president.
Yes there is worse and Cankles is it.

She says and does stupid shit. He says stupid which is worse? Try to use logic before answering.

:0) Not sure how much you know about logic .. but logic does not favor a loud-mouth reality show host as president.
You think logic dictates we elect a known criminal, prolific liar, tool of the 1%, warmonger, and terribly corrupt life long politician. Apparently, a loud mouth is WORSE than all that is most ILLOGICAL.
Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than White folk splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

So, the next time you want to throw rocks at Whites for voting Republican, remember that no Democratic candidate on a national (and most State) ticket could ever win, without vast numbers of Whites voting Democratic.

Or, you could just keep throwing rocks at them, until you piss off enough White Democrats, as well, to cross the line, in order to serve you up some payback.

If Whites ever begin to vote as a solid bloc, the rest of you will be shitting your pants.

Don't push them like that... only idiots poke at a docile grizzly bear with a sharp stick, for no good reason.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

Next contestant, please.

:0) A Black president .. thousands of elected black legislators every year .. a party that listens to and acts on black concerns .. Blacks elect US Presidents. You speak as if this could have happened for black people voting for republicans.

The republican problem isn't just with black people. Virtually every group in America rejects republicans in the majority .. which includes millennials, grads and the college-educated.

All white people do not see society as Us vs Them as republicans and the right do .. AND, because THOSE whites understand the power of diversity, they've beaten republicans and the right on nearly every major social issue this nation has faced .. and guns are next. THOSE white people are winning, while those on the right are losing .. now down to supporting a clown for president.

Black people aren't democrats because of race. We used to be republicans, or didn't you know that? Black people are democrats because of the reasons I started this post with. There is no black party. Most people align politically because of ISSUES, not race. Republicans are on the wrong side of ISSUES .. that's why it's so diminished and increasingly impotent.

If you're so anxious to create a white party, perhaps you should try attracting white democrats with ISSUES, because the vast majority of them aren't hearing your fear-mongering screed.

.. good luck with your white people only dreams .. but the really real world doesn't look like this board.
Calm yourself, youngling... nowhere in my post do I suggest that Pubs would do a better job for Blacks than Dems do... nowhere. may want to read the source…. She’s leading with blacks 81-6 percent.
Blacks are only 12.6% of the population.

Outside the confines of the big cities, and a couple of Southern States, they're grotesquely out-numbered, and band together for protection and mutual benefit.

White Folk snookered them into voting Republican, as an ethnic bloc, for decades, until the early 20th, then...

White Folk snookered them into voting Democratic, as an ethnic bloc, for decades, until the present day...
If Whites voted as a solid bloc, like Blacks did for Obumble in 2008 and 2012, rather than splitting their vote between the Democratic and Republican parties, you would never see another minority elected official outside of inner-city shit-holes, ever again.

But, as it is, White folk primarily vote the issues and their hearts, rather than their skin color.

I think you are a little confused.

You see, if people actually voted their own economic interests, the 80% of us who control less than 13% of the wealth in this country and are just squeaking by would vote Democratic and that would be the end of it.

But the Republicans have gotten very good at using bullshit issues like abortion, guns, gay marriage and racial fear to get about 60% of Republicans to vote against their own economic interests. then they scratch their big monkey craniums and wonder why their good paying union job went to China.

Besides... the slavish devotion of Blacks to the Democratic Party - which takes them for granted and plays them like a fiddle - leaves them zero... and I do mean zero... room to talk.

People who live in glass voting-booth demographics should not throw stones.

what possible reason would any black person, other than a pathetic Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, have for voting Republican?
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....
Dr. Ben Carson apparently betrayed The Race by striking out on his own, carving out a phenomenal career as an unbelievably skilled clinician and administrator, and then having the gall to take-up with the political party that most of his own race routinely avoid and disparage.

To the Leftist brain... and most especially to Black Leftists... that makes him a Race Traitor, and fair game for the worst race-baiting insults.

So much for a fellow who thought it more important to be a wildly successful humanitarian and human being, rather than simply Black.
Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?

Most of the anger and violence has come from the democrats this election season. Mostly at Trump rallies. Republican convention coming up soon in Cleveland. Let's see if it's the angry white men who initiate violence. My guess is any violence that happens will be started by the angry democrats, black or otherwise.
  • Nearly Four-Fifths of White Evangelicals Say They’ll Vote for Donald Trump....These are ANGRY WHITE MEN???...LOLOL! ^ | 7/13/16 | Laurie Goodstein
    Nearly four-fifths of white evangelical voters plan to cast their ballots for Donald J. Trump, despite his multiple marriages, lack of piety and inconsistency on the issues they care about most, a new poll has found. Support for Mr. Trump among white evangelicals is even stronger than it was four years ago for Mitt Romney, the previous Republican candidate for president, according to the poll of religious voters, released on Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. White evangelicals make up about one-fifth of all registered voters and are a coveted bloc who, when energized, can turn out the vote through...
Donald Trump declines invite to NAACP convention -

Yup, Donnie has given up on everyone except angry, white men. Is this his "47%" moment?

Most of the anger and violence has come from the democrats this election season. Mostly at Trump rallies. Republican convention coming up soon in Cleveland. Let's see if it's the angry white men who initiate violence. My guess is any violence that happens will be started by the angry democrats, black or otherwise.

"Anger from Democrats " seriously? Have you watched Donnie for more than five minutes? The man is an angry professional bully.
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

What makes him an Uncle Tom is that he makes a bunch of money telling white people what they want to hear. Black people aren't behind because of the inherent racism in this country, they are behind because they are shiftless and don't work hard.

He would not be where he is today without the very government programs he now denounces.

I suspect the women both DEM and GOP vastly outnumber The Donald's angry old poor white men.

And then there is the Latinos.

And the Negroes.

And the American Muslims.

Donnie is pretty much dog meat, certainly in the blue states, most likely in the purple states too.

Yes, I think the polls, the Quinnipiac and the Rasmussen are very skewed for Donnie.
Yes, but who can be sure how they self identify....
Its possible they could all truly be black, homosexual, short, fat, atheist, women ..... Lol
joe why is ben carson an uncle tom? it because he has the gall and audacity to disagree with you and many on the left?...cant he and other blacks be their own person with their own beliefs and ideas?.....or do they have to toe that evil line of yours?.....just asking....

What makes him an Uncle Tom is that he makes a bunch of money telling white people what they want to hear. Black people aren't behind because of the inherent racism in this country, they are behind because they are shiftless and don't work hard.

He would not be where he is today without the very government programs he now denounces.

What makes him an Uncle Tom is that he makes a bunch of money telling white people what they want to hear
so that makes him an uncle tom? is he any different than a black democrat telling white people what they want to hear?.....i call that being a Politician.....
What makes him an Uncle Tom is that he makes a bunch of money telling white people what they want to hear
so that makes him an uncle tom? is he any different than a black democrat telling white people what they want to hear?.....i call that being a Politician.....

I can't think of a black Democratic politician who fits that bill. Frankly, most black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear. You know. things like 'hey, racism is still a thing" and "Cops are shooting our kids for no good reason". White folks don't want to hear that shit.
As I recall, this is the actual truth:

Then, it is no wonder that the regressives and their ilk would once again resort to making a completely racist thread. Calling whites "angry". There is just no end to the racism these people inhibit.
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What makes him an Uncle Tom is that he makes a bunch of money telling white people what they want to hear
so that makes him an uncle tom? is he any different than a black democrat telling white people what they want to hear?.....i call that being a Politician.....

I can't think of a black Democratic politician who fits that bill. Frankly, most black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear. You know. things like 'hey, racism is still a thing" and "Cops are shooting our kids for no good reason". White folks don't want to hear that shit.
thats because you dont want to hear that joe,EVERY black politician running for office tells the people where he is running what they want to hear,just like the white ones.....and MOST black politicians tell white folks what they DON'T Want to hear?...unless they are republicans,is that what you are saying?...

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