It’s official: Trump agrees there was an insurrection - Video from today

Can you link the definition of insurrection that says guns have to be used?
Cannot have an Insurrection w/o being armed ... pally.
No need for a thesis on this simple point.
We had an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } where Protests
quickly turned into Insurgencies and/or Insurrections.
The Drat Democrat party in their August DNC Convention
did not mention that Summer of Love Insurgecy.
Not once.
Where at the August RNC Convention every major speaker
spent time addressing Violence and what took place in that
Summer of Love.
Additionally V.P. Harris found it in her heart to start a
fund where those arrested during the Summer of Love riots
get bailed out.Which continues forward to today.
Except of Course ANY J6 Insurrectionist { unarmed and merely
inside the Capitol }.
Cannot have an Insurrection w/o being armed ... pally.
No need for a thesis on this simple point.
We had an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } where Protests
quickly turned into Insurgencies and/or Insurrections.
The Drat Democrat party in their August DNC Convention
did not mention that Summer of Love Insurgecy.
Not once.
Where at the August RNC Convention every major speaker
spent time addressing Violence and what took place in that
Summer of Love.
Additionally V.P. Harris found it in her heart to start a
fund where those arrested during the Summer of Love riots
get bailed out.Which continues forward to today.
Except of Course ANY J6 Insurrectionist { unarmed and merely
inside the Capitol }.
Untrue insurrections can happen without firearms.

Insurrection: a violent uprising or organized resistance against the government or its regulations.

What is the difference between insurrection and rebellion?

Rebellion: Opposition to one in authority or dominance; open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government. Insurrection: An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

Rebellion or Insurrection - FindLaw​

But since Trump was kind enough to define insurrection in his own words, not sure that will help.him.
The only help Trump needs is for Americans to follow his
lead and his prudent use of energy and getting things done for
the better of our Citizenry.
While Trump's nemesis is stumbling,bumbling,Lying,acting
belligerent and proving what an incompetent spoiled brat
he's been.And it's only getting worse.
Trump virtually,lives for a better america where people
are happy,making ends meet and getting ahead.
Biden is all about committed Venegence.
Hardly Retributive Justice but definable Revenge.
I liked the part where he messed up and tried to correct himself when he said, "if there was an insurrection", after saying it was an insurrection two times previously.
Well Gee golly how dare anyone think to rain on yer parade.
Are you this demanding on the Current Potus.
Parsing his every word and statement.
Of course not.Meaning yer not a true American.
Even flaming Movie Director Sam Peckinpah who
could be a real pain in the kesiter could never allow
someone like you on his set.You can't appreciate Truth.
It defies yer less than functional brainwaves.
On Tuesday, the International Union of Police Associations announced that it was endorsing Donald Trump for president of the United States.

In a statement, the IUPA cited Trump’s “unmatched” support for law enforcement, contrasting it with the Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies…

“His policies and actions were directed at improving safety in our communities and the men and women who provide that shield. He has earned and deserves our wholehearted support.”
Well Gee golly how dare anyone think to rain on yer parade.
Are you this demanding on the Current Potus.
Parsing his every word and statement.
Of course not.Meaning yer not a true American.
Even flaming Movie Director Sam Peckinpah who
could be a real pain in the kesiter could never allow
someone like you on his set.You can't appreciate Truth.
It defies yer less than functional brainwaves.
This thread is about Trump start another thread for Biden, thanks.
On Tuesday, the International Union of Police Associations announced that it was endorsing Donald Trump for president of the United States.

In a statement, the IUPA cited Trump’s “unmatched” support for law enforcement, contrasting it with the Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies…

“His policies and actions were directed at improving safety in our communities and the men and women who provide that shield. He has earned and deserves our wholehearted support.”
The criminals need to support each other.
The only help Trump needs is for Americans to follow his
lead and his prudent use of energy and getting things done for
the better of our Citizenry.
While Trump's nemesis is stumbling,bumbling,Lying,acting
belligerent and proving what an incompetent spoiled brat
he's been.And it's only getting worse.
Trump virtually,lives for a better america where people
are happy,making ends meet and getting ahead.
Biden is all about committed Venegence.
Hardly Retributive Justice but definable Revenge.
Wow, you're like a priest talking about his Baby Jesus. Fascinating and repulsive.
This thread is about Trump start another thread for Biden, thanks.
Biden is finished.He's no longer capable of being propped-up.
Watch and see how the MSM starts deflecting reasons as to what
they think about Biden.
Biden is finished.He's no longer capable of being propped-up.
Watch and see how the MSM starts deflecting reasons as to what
they think about Biden.
Cannot have an Insurrection w/o being armed ... pally.
No need for a thesis on this simple point.
We had an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } where Protests
quickly turned into Insurgencies and/or Insurrections.
The Drat Democrat party in their August DNC Convention
did not mention that Summer of Love Insurgecy.
Not once.
Where at the August RNC Convention every major speaker
spent time addressing Violence and what took place in that
Summer of Love.
Additionally V.P. Harris found it in her heart to start a
fund where those arrested during the Summer of Love riots
get bailed out.Which continues forward to today.
Except of Course ANY J6 Insurrectionist { unarmed and merely
inside the Capitol }.
Did you find a definition of insurrection that states guns must be involved?

Also, as a side note; I disagree with Trump and do not believe it was insurrection.

It was seditious conspiricy.
No, every time Trump talks, you demented ZOMBIES twist his words out of context, and take everything he says VERBATIM without any sense of nuance or sarcasm.
All you mother fuckers have is gaslighting and projection.
Keep twisting into 🥨 🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨🥨


I had to find this post before I understood what you meant with all the pretzels. I LOVE it though!! :D
Wow, you're like a priest talking about his Baby Jesus. Fascinating and repulsive.
Used to be that Priests and Baby's and Moms were a dynamic
part of what defined this once Great Republic.
S'not know mores.Thanks exclusively to the snakes in the grass
of the Democrat persuation.Virtually every hour of every day
on a mission to " TRansform " this Country.Weaken our Military,
our Schools,our Economy,our living standard while making it seem
like something Good and Needed.
Like making sure to Not mention God or Faith.
Or the name of a Baby being carried by a Pregnant Woman.
Knowing that according to these Evil dastardly shithead
Democrats it's Possible for a Male to get pregnant.

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