It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
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Mexico will pay for the wall as there are a multitude of means of extracting wealth from the parasites.
Liberals need illegals. After all, who will mow their lawns and clean their hotels?

Democrat Sink: We need immigrants to clean our hotel rooms! - Allen B. West -

Dude you also need illegals. If you go to grocery to buy food that shove you in your mouth you support illegals. Don't be hypocrite.
Once more, in English.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
You mean the people who need corporate contributions to run for office are giving Trump a hard time?
No shit, Sherlock.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.
What's your address again?
A brick...what a moron.
I don't care how many $Billions or $Trillions it costs. Just get it done. I'm completely over all the excuses. Our Immigration System is a chaotic nightmare. The 9/11 Terrorists overstayed their Visas. Yet has anything really changed in our Immigration System? I don't see it. It's time for change. We need to get serious about our Immigration.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.

The wall will be made from pre-stressed concrete, not brick. Take a hammer to that and see how long it takes you to make a hole in it.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?


You are missing something dude.... using the power of imminent domain against a citizen is always cruel. How would you feel if the government will seized your land? That is the equivalent of stealing. I'm sure Adolf Trump will be very confiscating lands.
There are lots of smith and joneses that own private lands along Texas borders.

What you missed is the use of imminent domain is legal and stealing is not. There are a lot of folks along the Texas border that would be glad to have a wall to keep people from using their land to come to this country illegally. I can understand why an Hispanic would not have a problem with their countrymen coming across their land. Can you?

Imminent domain is just a legal term ....... in reality you are confiscating the property. I asked you a question...... how would you feel if someone will come and seize your property just because an asshole wants to built a stupid wall?
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
We have 2 sources of trespassers...
[1] Those who trespassed
[2] Those born of trespassers
Time to go back home when you're accustomed to living 5 families to a house and the next generation is no better off than the last generation.

You better get busy. Trump is not doing any mass or force deportation.
You not watching the news lately?
I mean someone other than Rachel Maddow.

I am watching news. Can you be more specific?
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
You mean the people who need corporate contributions to run for office are giving Trump a hard time?
No shit, Sherlock.

Well. The link tells you that it's not only the smart liberals that is against your beautiful wall but also republicans. What that tells you?
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.
What's your address again?
A brick...what a moron.

Are you telling me you are that stupid?
Read your other dummy post. She is taking about a pieces of brick wall with her name on it. How stupid can you be?
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.

The wall will be made from pre-stressed concrete, not brick. Take a hammer to that and see how long it takes you to make a hole in it.

What an idea...... So why don't you tell that to your very smart buddies? I never said the wall should be made of brick. Are you all these dumb?
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.
Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
You mean the people who need corporate contributions to run for office are giving Trump a hard time?
No shit, Sherlock.

Well. The link tells you that it's not only the smart liberals that is against your beautiful wall but also republicans. What that tells you?

The people who voted for Trump support the wall, and that's all that matters. Republicans ignore that fact at their peril. Any who do will be primaried.
Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

1. The 93k coming from Canada is way too low because nobody is really guarding the border between US and Canada.
2. The poor sea man that work for the shipping industry then jump ship as soon as they landed here.
3. Seasonal workers that disappear as soon as they landed here or end of their contract.
4. Working visa that disappear as soon as they landed or end of their contract.
All 1, 2, 3 & 4 are not accounted for.

Okay Einsteins.......... How are we going to stop these violators? A mosquito net?

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