It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
Last edited:
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You are missing something dude.... using the power of imminent domain against a citizen is always cruel. How would you feel if the government will seized your land? That is the equivalent of stealing. I'm sure Adolf Trump will be very confiscating lands.
There are lots of smith and joneses that own private lands along Texas borders.

What you missed is the use of imminent domain is legal and stealing is not. There are a lot of folks along the Texas border that would be glad to have a wall to keep people from using their land to come to this country illegally. I can understand why an Hispanic would not have a problem with their countrymen coming across their land. Can you?

Imminent domain is just a legal term ....... in reality you are confiscating the property. I asked you a question...... how would you feel if someone will come and seize your property just because an asshole wants to built a stupid wall?

Giving just compensation for the property is not confiscation. The wall is only stupid to those with a rather limited brain.

Eminent Domain is the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?

The white guys running Mexico love when their poor flood into the US illegally.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.
Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?

The white guys running Mexico love when their poor flood into the US illegally.

I asked for specifics.
Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.

Not based on the "evidence" you provided.
We still need to boot the millions of illegals from Mexico and further south.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?

The white guys running Mexico love when their poor flood into the US illegally.

I asked for specifics.

Specifically, the white ruling class in Mexico loves to send their poor to the US.
Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.

Not based on the "evidence" you provided.
We still need to boot the millions of illegals from Mexico and further south.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

And you better get busy deporting millions bc I don't see any mass and force deportations.
Okay.....just what is the net (benefits minus costs) economic impact of illegal immigration on U.S. GDP?

That you even made the statement above shows you don't actually know. The fact is that the answer can be found in a document published by one of the most anti-immigration conservative organizations around, the Center for Immigration Studies. Quite simply illegal immigration doesn't have a net cost, it yields a net gain to the U.S. economy.

The fact of the matter is that the net economic impact of illegal immigration is very small, but it's nonetheless positive, not negative.
  • Illegal immigrants increased GDP by $395 to $472 billion. This “contribution” to the economy does not measure the net benefit to natives.
  • The surplus from illegal immigration, or the net gain to US workers and employers exclusive of any labor income paid to the unauthorized immigrants themselves, is approximately 0.03 percent of US GDP.
  • The immigration surplus or benefit to natives created by illegal immigrants is estimated at around $9 billion a year or 0.06 percent of GDP -- six one-hundredths of 1 percent.
  • Although the net benefits to natives from illegal immigrants are small, there is a sizable redistribution effect. Illegal immigration reduces the wage of native workers by an estimated $99 to $118 billion a year, and generates a gain for businesses and other users of immigrants of $107 to $128 billion.
Economists have long known that immigration redistributes income in the receiving society. Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP. There is little evidence indicating that immigration (legal and/or illegal) creates large net gains for native-born Americans.

Even though the overall net impact on natives is small, this does not mean that the wage losses suffered by some natives or the income gains accruing to other natives are not substantial. Some groups of workers face a great deal of competition from immigrants. These workers are primarily, but by no means exclusively, at the bottom end of the skill distribution, doing low wage jobs that require modest levels of education. Such workers make up a significant share of the nation’s working poor. The biggest winners from immigration are owners of businesses that employ a lot of immigrant labor and other users of immigrant labor. The other big winners are the immigrants themselves. Illegal immigration continues to vex the public and policymakers.

Illegal immigrants have clearly benefited by living and working in the United States. Many business owners and users of immigrant labor have also benefited by having access to their labor. But some native-born Americans have also lost, and these losers likely include a disproportionate number of the poorest Americans.
Source 1 - CIS
Source 2 - MPI​

It may be politically inauspicious to tell the whole story of both costs and benefits of illegal immigration, but that one tells only half of it -- the negative half -- does not make the other side of the story fail to exist for responsible voters and policy makers who want to be fully informed before arriving at conclusion. Now you can have fun parsing the matter any way you want, but there is no way the numbers make a net increase to GDP become a cost; it is a gain.

The sources for the economic points of the post above come from the two opposing "think tanks" on the matter of illegal immigration. They both say the same thing: illegal immigration yields a small net gain to the U.S. economy.

Thanks for the info.

Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend in the schools for every illegal alien student. Not to mention the cost of charging and incarcerating illegal alien criminals. And the stress and expense imposed on our healthcare system by treating, for free, illegal aliens at our already underfunded hospitals.

I'm willing to forgo the 0.2% benefit...........
Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend

What part of the word "net" do you not understand? Net = All Gains - All Costs.

Your citing specific costs incurred in Chicago (or anywhere else, for that matter) does not obviate the fact that those costs have already been evaluated in the calculation of the net economic impact.

I'm willing to give up the tiny "net impact" to save on education, criminal justice system and healthcare system costs here in Chicago.


If you read the source document that contains the analysis that arrived at the net impact, you'll find that you don't save. That's the point of "net".....When the net impact is positive, giving it up means one isn't saving. What you are saying, in effect and with regard to illegal immigration, is that you are willing to "cut off your nose to spite your face."

I'm willing to forgo the tiny, supposed, benefit. Are we clear?

In fact, several things are now quite clear.
  1. You are willing to give up positive returns.
  2. Though you haven't said so explicitly, it's also clear -- due to the nature of the situation -- that you are willing to support/encourage the U.S. government creating a situation whereby it makes the interdiction, apprehension and deportation of illegal immigrants be a drain on U.S. resources.
That you personally are okay with #1 wouldn't be a problem if it were possible to isolate your personal share of the net positive impact while allowing the rest of the taxpaying polity to retain the net positive impact that accrues to them. Unfortunately, things don't work that way. If the nation is to give up your share of the net positive impact, it must give up everyone else's as well, but everyone else may not want to give up the net positive impact that accrues to them.
The more you snowflakes whine about the wall, the more we know it's the right thing to do.

Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.
Thanks for the info.

Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend in the schools for every illegal alien student. Not to mention the cost of charging and incarcerating illegal alien criminals. And the stress and expense imposed on our healthcare system by treating, for free, illegal aliens at our already underfunded hospitals.

I'm willing to forgo the 0.2% benefit...........
Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend

What part of the word "net" do you not understand? Net = All Gains - All Costs.

Your citing specific costs incurred in Chicago (or anywhere else, for that matter) does not obviate the fact that those costs have already been evaluated in the calculation of the net economic impact.

I'm willing to give up the tiny "net impact" to save on education, criminal justice system and healthcare system costs here in Chicago.


If you read the source document that contains the analysis that arrived at the net impact, you'll find that you don't save. That's the point of "net".....When the net impact is positive, giving it up means one isn't saving. What you are saying, in effect and with regard to illegal immigration, is that you are willing to "cut off your nose to spite your face."

I'm willing to forgo the tiny, supposed, benefit. Are we clear?

In fact, several things are now quite clear.
  1. You are willing to give up positive returns.
  2. Though you haven't said so explicitly, it's also clear -- due to the nature of the situation -- that you are willing to support/encourage the U.S. government creating a situation whereby it makes the interdiction, apprehension and deportation of illegal immigrants be a drain on U.S. resources.
That you personally are okay with #1 wouldn't be a problem if it were possible to isolate your personal share of the net positive impact while allowing the rest of the taxpaying polity to retain the net positive impact that accrues to them. Unfortunately, things don't work that way. If the nation is to give up your share of the net positive impact, it must give up everyone else's as well, but everyone else may not want to give up the net positive impact that accrues to them.

There are no "positive returns" for native Americans.
Really? I mean REALLY? Maybe read the entirety of the link no to update yourself.

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP

Trump’s Plan to Build Wall on US-Mexico Border Met With Resistance From GOP
CNN Wire
1 month ago
President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico is facing a major problem: A wall of resistance from his own party.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House February 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

A growing number of congressional Republicans are objecting to the cost and viability of a proposal that was a rallying cry for the billionaire businessman during his insurgent campaign. Interviews with more than a dozen GOP lawmakers across the ideological spectrum suggest Trump could have a difficult time getting funding for his plan approved by Congress.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.

Not based on the "evidence" you provided.
We still need to boot the millions of illegals from Mexico and further south.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

And you better get busy deporting millions bc I don't see any mass and force deportations.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

Are you saying PEW and ICE data about visa overstays has the slightest relationship to illegal aliens who walked across our southern border? Tell me more.
Thanks for the info.

Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend in the schools for every illegal alien student. Not to mention the cost of charging and incarcerating illegal alien criminals. And the stress and expense imposed on our healthcare system by treating, for free, illegal aliens at our already underfunded hospitals.

I'm willing to forgo the 0.2% benefit...........
Although immigration makes the aggregate economy larger, the actual net benefit accruing to natives is small, equal to an estimated two-tenths of 1 percent of GDP

And in Chicago, that 0.2% of GDP benefit is offset by the $11,000 a year, on average, we spend

What part of the word "net" do you not understand? Net = All Gains - All Costs.

Your citing specific costs incurred in Chicago (or anywhere else, for that matter) does not obviate the fact that those costs have already been evaluated in the calculation of the net economic impact.

I'm willing to give up the tiny "net impact" to save on education, criminal justice system and healthcare system costs here in Chicago.


If you read the source document that contains the analysis that arrived at the net impact, you'll find that you don't save. That's the point of "net".....When the net impact is positive, giving it up means one isn't saving. What you are saying, in effect and with regard to illegal immigration, is that you are willing to "cut off your nose to spite your face."

I'm willing to forgo the tiny, supposed, benefit. Are we clear?

In fact, several things are now quite clear.
  1. You are willing to give up positive returns.
  2. Though you haven't said so explicitly, it's also clear -- due to the nature of the situation -- that you are willing to support/encourage the U.S. government creating a situation whereby it makes the interdiction, apprehension and deportation of illegal immigrants be a drain on U.S. resources.
That you personally are okay with #1 wouldn't be a problem if it were possible to isolate your personal share of the net positive impact while allowing the rest of the taxpaying polity to retain the net positive impact that accrues to them. Unfortunately, things don't work that way. If the nation is to give up your share of the net positive impact, it must give up everyone else's as well, but everyone else may not want to give up the net positive impact that accrues to them.

You are willing to give up positive returns.

US per capita GDP is about $57000.
Yes, I'd give up $114 to deport all the illegal aliens.
Can I write you a check?

If the nation is to give up your share of the net positive impact, it must give up everyone else's as well

Git 'er done!
US per capita GDP is about $57000.
Yes, I'd give up $114 to deport all the illegal aliens.
Can I write you a check?

Yes, you can. Make it payable to Xelor and send it to me at:
P. O. Box 2188
Parkersburg, WV 26106-2188​

Great. As soon as all the illegals are gone, your check is on the way!

Well then, I guess you get to keep your money because it's not in the national interest to pay to fix a so-called problem that only actually does cost money if we try to fix it.
US per capita GDP is about $57000.
Yes, I'd give up $114 to deport all the illegal aliens.
Can I write you a check?

Yes, you can. Make it payable to Xelor and send it to me at:
P. O. Box 2188
Parkersburg, WV 26106-2188​

Great. As soon as all the illegals are gone, your check is on the way!

Well then, I guess you get to keep your money because it's not in the national interest to pay to fix a so-called problem that only actually does cost money if we try to fix it.

Yes, let's not enforce the law, because it'll cost 0.2% of GDP

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