It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Someone just sent this to me.

A large percentage of illegals arrive by air...that may be true. My guess is that those illegals arriving by air are the 'higher class' illegals not from Central and South America know, the ones who pull their own weight and only have anchor babies they can afford and support. The low grade trash is where our concern really lies and we all know where those come from and how they get here.
Your people may have chosen the wrong spokesperson...I highly doubt a guy with several teeth missing from the front of his grill could afford airfare..haha
Doesn't the guy know he can get free dental care here and send me the invoice? What a dumbass...huh?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k

Most Mexican illegals didn't overstay their visas.

Once we stop the flow from the South, and deport the millions of illegal Mexicans etc, we can work on the visa over stayers.

You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.

Not based on the "evidence" you provided.
We still need to boot the millions of illegals from Mexico and further south.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

And you better get busy deporting millions bc I don't see any mass and force deportations.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

Are you saying PEW and ICE data about visa overstays has the slightest relationship to illegal aliens who walked across our southern border? Tell me more.

Since you are so smart... take the total of illegals coming from south then subtract that from visa overstay from the rest of the world.

Why would you subtract it from Visa overstays? that makes no sense at all. A reduction in illegals, is a reduction in illegals.
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Don't care. BUILD IT
You should at least request some lube while Trump is fucking you up the ass.

Fucking us by working toward saving American taxpayers $80 Billion per year? Fucking us by working toward narrowing the footprint these filthy cockroaches leave behind on every community they inhabit?
Hmmm....that's weird you'd see it that way. What part of Mexico are you from?
Don't care. BUILD IT
You should at least request some lube while Trump is fucking you up the ass.

Fucking us by working toward saving American taxpayers $80 Billion per year? Fucking us by working toward narrowing the footprint these filthy cockroaches leave behind on every community they inhabit?
Hmmm....that's weird you'd see it that way. What part of Mexico are you from?
I'm a true American who isn't sickened by hate like you are. He lied directly to you about the wall and you bend over and take it deep.
You have no self respect. Only blind allegiance to your fuhrer.
He's not saving a penny you moron. You haven't figured out yet everything he tells you is a lie?
His agenda has been a complete failure.
His erratic behavior is the talk of the entire world.
Our allies are freaking out because we have a unstable president.
But you keep getting that partial erection with the money you think is being saved with his xenophobic policies..
Someone just sent this to me.

A large percentage of illegals arrive by air...that may be true. My guess is that those illegals arriving by air are the 'higher class' illegals not from Central and South America know, the ones who pull their own weight and only have anchor babies they can afford and support. The low grade trash is where our concern really lies and we all know where those come from and how they get here.
Your people may have chosen the wrong spokesperson...I highly doubt a guy with several teeth missing from the front of his grill could afford airfare..haha
Doesn't the guy know he can get free dental care here and send me the invoice? What a dumbass...huh?

Stop quoting me asshole.
You can twist the numbers however you want but the number of illegals coming from the south compared to other violators is way down.

Not based on the "evidence" you provided.
We still need to boot the millions of illegals from Mexico and further south.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

And you better get busy deporting millions bc I don't see any mass and force deportations.

Are you saying Pew and ICE are lying with the data?

Are you saying PEW and ICE data about visa overstays has the slightest relationship to illegal aliens who walked across our southern border? Tell me more.

Since you are so smart... take the total of illegals coming from south then subtract that from visa overstay from the rest of the world.

Why would you subtract it from Visa overstays? that makes no sense at all. A reduction in illegals, is a reduction in illegals.

His argument was. There are more illegals coming from the south that from other countries. What difference does it make? Both are illegals.
The RINO establishment Republicans are objecting? Who would have thunk it? Do you suppose the corporations who fund their campaigns put them up to it?

Of course they did.

The opinions of bought and paid for douche bags aren't relevent.

The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
As a business owner Trump did what was best for the Business he owned. Can't fault him for hiring cheap. As President he'll change things so Business owners will find it cheaper to hire an American to do the job, impossible to hire an immigrant to replace a job, and expensive to import for offshore.
Robotics: tax those who automate so that they pay the same in employment taxes that someone who hires an American would pay.
The dumb idea that you all insinuating ...... that only liberals are against this wall.......... is totally false.

That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
As a business owner Trump did what was best for the Business he owned. Can't fault him for hiring cheap. As President he'll change things so Business owners will find it cheaper to hire an American to do the job, impossible to hire an immigrant to replace a job, and expensive to import for offshore.

So people like you is so concerned about illegals taking over jobs....... but it's okay for Trump to hire foreign workers. That's very nice of you.
Hiring foreign workers are not cheap compared to hiring Americans. Don't forget any business owners that hire foreigners like Trump are responsible for board, lodging, health care plus salary. Don't tell me he can't find waitress, cook, janitors locally?
Trump is just a hypocrite, pathological liar etc etc etc.
That's pretty much the case. Only those who want to flood this country with illegals are against, or those who are naive and/or stupid.

Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
As a business owner Trump did what was best for the Business he owned. Can't fault him for hiring cheap. As President he'll change things so Business owners will find it cheaper to hire an American to do the job, impossible to hire an immigrant to replace a job, and expensive to import for offshore.

So people like you is so concerned about illegals taking over jobs....... but it's okay for Trump to hire foreign workers. That's very nice of you.
Hiring foreign workers are not cheap compared to hiring Americans. Don't forget any business owners that hire foreigners like Trump are responsible for board, lodging, health care plus salary. Don't tell me he can't find waitress, cook, janitors locally?
Trump is just a hypocrite, pathological liar etc etc etc.
As a private citizen it is ok to do what is best for yourself or the company you work for. As a Public citizen, like President, they are expected to do what is best for the country.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.

As always idiots like you are NOT very smart.

Takes more than a tiny hammer to take down a brick wall dumbass.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.
What's your address again?
A brick...what a moron.

Are you telling me you are that stupid?
Read your other dummy post. She is taking about a pieces of brick wall with her name on it. How stupid can you be?

Not as stupid and clueless as you. Dumbass.
Be specific........ Who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals?
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
As a business owner Trump did what was best for the Business he owned. Can't fault him for hiring cheap. As President he'll change things so Business owners will find it cheaper to hire an American to do the job, impossible to hire an immigrant to replace a job, and expensive to import for offshore.

So people like you is so concerned about illegals taking over jobs....... but it's okay for Trump to hire foreign workers. That's very nice of you.
Hiring foreign workers are not cheap compared to hiring Americans. Don't forget any business owners that hire foreigners like Trump are responsible for board, lodging, health care plus salary. Don't tell me he can't find waitress, cook, janitors locally?
Trump is just a hypocrite, pathological liar etc etc etc.
As a private citizen it is ok to do what is best for yourself or the company you work for. As a Public citizen, like President, they are expected to do what is best for the country.

Really? Why does it matter if he a private or president? So is it the best for this country to hire foreign workers instead of Americans?

Let me repeat..... In this thread alone people like you are bitchin about illegals and foreigners taking over American jobs..... Yet it's okay for this lying hypocrite president to hire foreign workers.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.

As always idiots like you are NOT very smart.

Takes more than a tiny hammer to take down a brick wall dumbass.

Yes it will take a tiny hammer [emoji375] to take down a brick wall. You don't need a sledge hammer.

Why in the world that you posted a brick wall in the first place? Stupid.
I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

As always you and your buddies here are NOT very smart..... BRICK ......... all you need is a tiny hammer and your brick wall is gone.
What's your address again?
A brick...what a moron.

Are you telling me you are that stupid?
Read your other dummy post. She is taking about a pieces of brick wall with her name on it. How stupid can you be?

Not as stupid and clueless as you. Dumbass.

Clueless? I didn't post or suggested brick wall. YOU did my dear.

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