It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
The money American states and cities will save by not having the cost of illegal immigrants will pay for the wall alone.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
Apparently, a Masters in Bation
And yet you know nothing about Investing or International Commerce.
So you're a loser...ok.
The money American states and cities will save by not having the cost of illegal immigrants will pay for the wall alone.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Be specific...
You got more than you deserve. I also retired early while peons like you have to work your asses off.
So when Mexico doesn't pay for the wall, guarantee you'll never mention it again.
You have your part down in this Trump disaster like a seasoned pro.
Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
Apparently, a Masters in Bation
And yet you know nothing about Investing or International Commerce.
So you're a loser...ok.
Struggling mightily and still falling on your face.
You're like the little engine that could... but you can't.

Don't forget... your hero is under a criminal investigation for collusion with our mortal enemy.
Gee what a guy.
The money American states and cities will save by not having the cost of illegal immigrants will pay for the wall alone.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Be specific...
You got more than you deserve. I also retired early while peons like you have to work your asses off.
So when Mexico doesn't pay for the wall, guarantee you'll never mention it again.
You have your part down in this Trump disaster like a seasoned pro.
And that's why you're a globalist; you live off of other's taxes while you work and retire off of your slave labor investments.
I fully understand you.
Which doesn't excuse the fact that you know Jack Shit about Commerce and Investments.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
Apparently, a Masters in Bation
And yet you know nothing about Investing or International Commerce.
So you're a loser...ok.
Struggling mightily and still falling on your face.
You're like the little engine that could... but you can't.

Don't forget... your hero is under a criminal investigation for collusion with our mortal enemy.
Gee what a guy.
I'm glad you're retired as you must have been a useless tool in the "work force".
Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
Apparently, a Masters in Bation
And yet you know nothing about Investing or International Commerce.

Neither does Trump and his 6 bankruptcies prove it.
So when is he going to release his tax returns to see that he's NOT a billionaire and how deeply in debt he is to Russia?
You backed the dirtiest president in history. You should be proud.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.
Apparently, a Masters in Bation
And yet you know nothing about Investing or International Commerce.
So you're a loser...ok.
Struggling mightily and still falling on your face.
You're like the little engine that could... but you can't.

Don't forget... your hero is under a criminal investigation for collusion with our mortal enemy.
Gee what a guy.
I'm glad you're retired as you must have been a useless tool in the "work force".
Still batting .000 and (((( swinging))))) and missing.
Can't discuss what a disgrace the orange clown is.
I understand your predictament.
The money American states and cities will save by not having the cost of illegal immigrants will pay for the wall alone.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Be specific...
You got more than you deserve. I also retired early while peons like you have to work your asses off.
So when Mexico doesn't pay for the wall, guarantee you'll never mention it again.
You have your part down in this Trump disaster like a seasoned pro.
And that's why you're a globalist; you live off of other's taxes while you work and retire off of your slave labor investments.
I fully understand you.
Which doesn't excuse the fact that you know Jack Shit about Commerce and Investments.
Another (( swing ))) and a miss. You know nothing about it ... so you make it up. You've learned your lessons well from the Liar in Chief.

So did Trmp have the largest electoral victory since Reagan?
Was his crowd larger thanObama's
Is crime the highest in 47 years?
You backed a pathological liar.
Nice job asshole.
Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.
You're a sock puppet.
There are many ways to make the opposing party in a transaction absorb the cost.
But you're a young, uneducated schnook.
nice link, coward.
You've been fucked in the ass AGAIN by your orange clown and you stopped using lube eons ago.
You've swallowed deep every one of his lies but you never learn your lesson.
That shows you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee.
How old are you and what's the highest level of education you've received?
Answer or I ignore the rest of this thread.
You are simply too uneducated to have a discussion with.
Yeah run away. Perfect. Lol
I have a masters plus and I'm probably older than you.
Obviously smarter too since I wasn't duped by a con artist like you were.

Masters of what?! Do elaborate as to what you taught as well.

I will chug a whole beer when that first header gets poured.

It's coming real soon, I'm thinking June. It's going to be a good year.

Yes the US will have to pay for it initially, that can be garnished by reducing aid to Mexico and other things.

Do you realize a wall should have already been in place since the 80s? Congress already funded and looted that money twice. Third time's a charm,baby.

Hillary voted for a wall as a Senator.
You people want to flood this country with low wage immigrants legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You'd prefer to do it legally and you don't give a fuck how many Americans end up without jobs or having to compete for substandard wages because of it.

1. Where and who in the world wants to flood this country with illegals? Just because...... Just because........ I or we are trying to tell you the reality and facts *NOT* hatred about illegals and stupid walls. That doesn't mean we support illegals.
2. You don't like legal immigrants either so you are hopeless.
3. What made you think we don't give a fuck? Are you and your buddies here are willing to do these reject jobs from the illegals? Who do you think will take over those jobs? You? Those Americans that are on welfare or you ........ are you going to give up your welfare checks ....... find a babysitter just to make $12 to $20? I doubt it. The unemployment right now is very low and the economy is booming....... if we deport those people........ what do you think will happen?

If you are so worried about foreigners taking over American jobs..... Then explain why is Trump hired foreign workers for his Maralago?
Jan/17 he just hired foreign workers for his vineyard in in Virginia. EXPLAIN.

His products are made in China and Mexico. Where the fuck is his bullshit that he keep blabbing.... Hire Americans and Buy Americans?
As a business owner Trump did what was best for the Business he owned. Can't fault him for hiring cheap. As President he'll change things so Business owners will find it cheaper to hire an American to do the job, impossible to hire an immigrant to replace a job, and expensive to import for offshore.

So people like you is so concerned about illegals taking over jobs....... but it's okay for Trump to hire foreign workers. That's very nice of you.
Hiring foreign workers are not cheap compared to hiring Americans. Don't forget any business owners that hire foreigners like Trump are responsible for board, lodging, health care plus salary. Don't tell me he can't find waitress, cook, janitors locally?
Trump is just a hypocrite, pathological liar etc etc etc.
Trump hired 300 workers over a 30 year period for one summer.
Lmao. Does that make up for his lie that Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
Onto the taxpayers yet you're getting an erection over 300 workers.
Lead a horse to water but can't make him drink.

First we stop sending charity payments to Mexico and use that to help pay for the wall.
Then we tax all money transactions being sent to Mexico and use that to help pay for the wall.
Then we save money not paying medical, school, welfare, to illegal immigrants who we deport and use the savings to help pay for the wall.
And, we tariff the shit out of Mexican goods, until either the wall is paid for or they start making them here with American workers.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Those industries "they are a major part of" are called jobs dickhead. Jobs that should be going to legal citizens and legal immigrants, not to people that sneak across the border and work for less than the going rate. That brings wages down for the industry the gravitate to. You must have a government job!
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

The 23 billion ESTIMATED cost for the wall is just for materials only, and does NOT include labor.

And after watching this video, I don't think many in this country would approve of another worthless wall.


The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors, (that they can't see) & more border patrol stations.

Land mines and armed helicopters would also work.
The money American states and cities will save by not having the cost of illegal immigrants will pay for the wall alone.
They add more than they take away.
Just look at the list of industries they are a major part of.
Your xenophobia and hate is making you stupid.
Be specific...
You got more than you deserve. I also retired early while peons like you have to work your asses off.
So when Mexico doesn't pay for the wall, guarantee you'll never mention it again.
You have your part down in this Trump disaster like a seasoned pro.
And that's why you're a globalist; you live off of other's taxes while you work and retire off of your slave labor investments.
I fully understand you.
Which doesn't excuse the fact that you know Jack Shit about Commerce and Investments.
Another (( swing ))) and a miss. You know nothing about it ... so you make it up. You've learned your lessons well from the Liar in Chief.

So did Trmp have the largest electoral victory since Reagan?
Was his crowd larger thanObama's
Is crime the highest in 47 years?
You backed a pathological liar.
Nice job asshole.
Your Masters in ad hominem?
Inabilty To Compose A Coherent Thought?

Please continue exhibiting your inability to hide the fact that you're a bottom feeder buffoon.
What's even more hilarious about this is that repubs are too stupid to know that there will be a never ending cost to maintain the wall after it is built.

Compared to the annual cost of illegal aliens....that'll be a bargain.

Wow. You really need to change your sig.

And you need to stop getting your news from Brietbart and Jones.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican. Very few are coming across from the south. No terrorists came from the south. The wall is stupid, unnecessary and will not accomplish anything except take money away from America and Americans.

For the gazillionth time, most undocumented are not Mexican or SAmerican.

Where are most illegal aliens coming from?

You are shocking the heck out of me Todd. I'm very sure this is not the first time you came in to this particular topic............ And...... You don't
know where most of the illegals are coming from?
Total illegals coming from SA & CA countries plus Mexico is approximately 153k....... the rest of the world is about 401k ........ ending 2015.
Is your pretty WALL will able to stop these violators?

View attachment 117211

Your little graphic and reasoning is heavily flawed. The graphic pertains to overstayed visas only, not people and criminals that just sneak in.

Okay. Take the numbers of illegals entries.... then deduct the total number of overstay. See what the difference.
Trump hired 300 workers over a 30 year period for one summer.

Are you sure it's only 300? How did you even came up with one summer when he just hired foreigners for his vineyard........... And does it make any difference? Are you sure he cannot find waitress, janitors, cook in Florida and vineyard workers in Virginia?

If you support Trump hiring foreign workers...... then you should not be bitchin immigrants taking over American jobs.
Because that's the only story MSNBC and CNN came up with when they accused Trump of hiring foreigners.
Try keeping up.

Dude this is indefensible.
What is CNN or MSNBC has anything to do with Trump hypocritism? You are in denial that Trump the lying, hypocrite, bullshit in chief.
Could you translate that into English for us?
It's called desperation.

Nope. I didn't bring up CNN & MSNBC.
Funny how quickly the Trump whores deflected from the OP topic. They won't admit he lied... they won't admit it it's going to cost them....
so change the subject.
You learned your lessons well from Kellyanne.

They desperate to cover the lies of the Lying President.

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