It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall

Now let's boot more illegal aliens.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I've also heard that some Mexican construction companies may actually be paid to build the wall. Hilarious!
This presidency has so far turned out to be a failure of epic proportions. :rofl:

But for the consequences deriving from having been serendipitously born of Fred Trump in testament either to contraceptive failure or unprotected intercourse, the maladjusted, grudge festering, acrimoniously vulgar cretin known as Donald J. Trump is an epic failure.
If it slows down illegal immigration human trafficking and the flow of drugs entering the U. S. I'm fine with that.

It won't.

The US had the chance to stop human trafficking and the RWNJs refused to help.

The drugs will continue to come. Its just silly to think a wall will change that.

It is silly to think the wall wouldn't slow down the trafficking of drugs, and I would like a link to substantiate your first assertion.

I swear to fucking god, you RWNJs don't read or learn or remember or -

Are you really saying you would like to stop human trafficking but don't remember children being turned away from our southern border?

And no, a wall will not slow or stop drugs.

Finally, most undocumented in the US are not from Mexico or SAmerica and almost none are coming across now.

This is nothing but hating people who are brown. That and the gullibility stupidity of the right.

If you don't know these things, might I suggest you do what I did?
1. Go out and buy a computer.
2. Get yourself hooked up to thee InerWebs.
3. Get a LIB-rule to teach you how to type in G-O-O-G-L-E-dot-COM
4. Educate yourself.

Because, YOU voted for this lying cheeto and you're going to pay for it.

So if she had been of German extraction, she would have cheerfully given up her land for pennies on the dollar?

That's just plain stupid.

Her land is her land. Period.

The cheeto said he wants to make it easier to steal Americans' land and that's what he will do.

You aren't bright enough to read your own link. Get someone to explain that eminent domain pays the appraised value for land. You might also try and learn the difference between buying and stealing.

"Flores was offered $2,900 for the land, the same amount that was offered when President George W. Bush’s administration attempted to seize their land to build a wall more than a decade ago. The Bush administration ultimately had to abandon their efforts due to a U.S.-Mexico treaty that prohibits building structures in the Texas floodplain that could result in flooding of nearby communities. However, the Department of Homeland Security successfully lobbied to the International Boundary and Water Commission (which manages the treaty) to build a wall in the floodplain in 2012, setting a precedent that could be used against Flores."
that big wall will do as much good as a $10 umbrella in a class 5 hurricane.

where theres a will theres a way takes on new meaning.
Isnt it funny, they took all of what Trump promised them and used it to say its real change, leadership, outside the box. Then when he sticks with twist that he was lying they pretend that saying they dont care is a defense for being duped again.
Can't wait for more illegals to start fleeing this country.

But I'm a little disappointed in Lying Lefties promises to move to Cuba.

How come you lazy mofos haven't started packing?

Why haven't you denounced your Citizenship like you promised to?

The Wall is way cheaper than paying for Criminal Aliens, and will end up saving us money. Then maybe you broke ass Libtards can finally afford to leave our country.

Win Win!

Illegals circulate 4 TRILLION dollars through out our economy each year. They contribute much more than what you know.
Immigration Benefits The U.S., So Let's Legalize All Work

40% of illegals in this country own homes. If they left your property values would collapse and you would then start complaining about bailing out mortgages brokers again.
Facts About Immigration and the U.S. Economy: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

No they can't vote, & they're NOT eligible for Welfare benefits.

Furthermore I don't know what you plan on doing about Social Security/Medicare? We are an aging population. Today there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 10 years, adding another 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. This is why we're always have to raise the debt ceiling. So your choice is to bankrupt these funds, raise the age limit of eligibility to 90 years old, cut benefits to the bone, or use immigration reform to bring in younger workers to support these funds. There is no reason not to legalize those that are here, that are no threat to this country, are not criminals to insure they're paying their fair share into these funds to support them.


It's really astounding how you Reich wingers never THINK beyond the tip of your noses. It's because you spend your lives in a Reich wing media bubble that continually spoon feeds you 3 or more daily hours of reich wing hyperbole, along with enough conpsiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. And you gobble it up.


The point in all of this is just it says in the part you c/p:

"... declaring that the government would seize her land using eminent domain..."


Texans Receive First Notices of Land Condemnation for Trump’s Border Wall

The government offered $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If Flores chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain.

Jen Reel
The ribbon left by the DHS in 2008 to note where the border wall would enter on Aleida Flores’ land still remains.

The week before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Yvette Salinas received a letter she had been dreading for years: legal notice that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to build a border wall on her family’s land in Los Ebanos. The 21-page document, entitled a “Declaration of Taking,” is addressed to her ailing mother, Maria Flores, who owns the property with her siblings. The letter offers Flores $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If she chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain. “It’s scary when you read it,” Salinas says. “You feel like you have to sign.”

The 16-acre property has been in the family for so long that none of them can remember the year it was acquired. Salinas only knows they’ve had it for five generations. Her uncle runs a few head of cattle on the property, which lies not far from Los Ebanos’ most famous attraction, a hand-drawn ferry that shuttles cars and their passengers across the river to Mexico.

Bottom line is that the US caused this problem and the US should take responsibility for that. As it is, innocent people on both sides of the border will pay a huge price for a wall we don't need and that will not work.
Not only will the wall pay for itself, we'll be raking in $ from the many options Trump has available. :2up:
If it slows down illegal immigration human trafficking and the flow of drugs entering the U. S. I'm fine with that.

It won't.

The US had the chance to stop human trafficking and the RWNJs refused to help.

The drugs will continue to come. Its just silly to think a wall will change that.

It is silly to think the wall wouldn't slow down the trafficking of drugs, and I would like a link to substantiate your first assertion.

I swear to fucking god, you RWNJs don't read or learn or remember or -

Are you really saying you would like to stop human trafficking but don't remember children being turned away from our southern border?

And no, a wall will not slow or stop drugs.

Finally, most undocumented in the US are not from Mexico or SAmerica and almost none are coming across now.

This is nothing but hating people who are brown. That and the gullibility stupidity of the right.

If you don't know these things, might I suggest you do what I did?
1. Go out and buy a computer.
2. Get yourself hooked up to thee InerWebs.
3. Get a LIB-rule to teach you how to type in G-O-O-G-L-E-dot-COM
4. Educate yourself.

Because, YOU voted for this lying cheeto and you're going to pay for it.
View attachment 117061

Debunk one LIE at a time.

"Finally, most undocumented in the US are not from Mexico or S America and almost none are coming across now."

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 10, 2016

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Thursday said agents are seeing a renewed surge of people attempting to sneak into the U.S. through the southwestern border over the past few months, with more than 46,000 caught in October alone.

It’s the highest tally since the surge of illegal immigrant children in the summer of 2014.

The numbers were released two days after the presidential election that culminated a campaign in which the porous condition of the southwest border was a heated topic.

Mr. Johnson said he is scrambling resources to try to contain the situation, including putting more illegal immigrants into detention and urging other countries to expedite the process of taking back their citizens.

“Our borders cannot be open to illegal migration. We must, therefore, enforce the immigration laws consistent with our priorities,” Mr. Johnson said in a statement announcing the numbers.
Isnt it funny, they took all of what Trump promised them and used it to say its real change, leadership, outside the box. Then when he sticks with twist that he was lying they pretend that saying they dont care is a defense for being duped again.

Same with health care. The cheeto admitted to Tucker Carlson he knew his plan aka LyinRyan's plan would screw over the very people who voted for him.

But hey, the good news is that every single thing he has done and said he plans to do will enrich him, his family and his 1% cronies and that's really the important thing, right?

The point in all of this is just it says in the part you c/p:

"... declaring that the government would seize her land using eminent domain..."


Texans Receive First Notices of Land Condemnation for Trump’s Border Wall

The government offered $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If Flores chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain.

Jen Reel
The ribbon left by the DHS in 2008 to note where the border wall would enter on Aleida Flores’ land still remains.

The week before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Yvette Salinas received a letter she had been dreading for years: legal notice that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to build a border wall on her family’s land in Los Ebanos. The 21-page document, entitled a “Declaration of Taking,” is addressed to her ailing mother, Maria Flores, who owns the property with her siblings. The letter offers Flores $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If she chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain. “It’s scary when you read it,” Salinas says. “You feel like you have to sign.”

The 16-acre property has been in the family for so long that none of them can remember the year it was acquired. Salinas only knows they’ve had it for five generations. Her uncle runs a few head of cattle on the property, which lies not far from Los Ebanos’ most famous attraction, a hand-drawn ferry that shuttles cars and their passengers across the river to Mexico.

Bottom line is that the US caused this problem and the US should take responsibility for that. As it is, innocent people on both sides of the border will pay a huge price for a wall we don't need and that will not work.

I notice you avoided blaming Obama and blamed Trump. A real American would donate 1.2 acres of the 16 to keep illegal aliens from coming into the US.
Last edited:
Not only will the wall pay for itself, we'll be raking in $ from the many options Trump has available. :2up:

No, actually it won't. Nor will "we" be raking in $$.

OTOH, his cabinet, made up of Goldmann Sachs, K Street lobbyists, billionaires who literally paid for their seat -- they will be raking it in. Do a little reading. Educate yourself. Google is your friend but how about you go read the garbage that drumpf has already signed.

The point in all of this is just it says in the part you c/p:

"... declaring that the government would seize her land using eminent domain..."


Texans Receive First Notices of Land Condemnation for Trump’s Border Wall

The government offered $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If Flores chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain.

Jen Reel
The ribbon left by the DHS in 2008 to note where the border wall would enter on Aleida Flores’ land still remains.

The week before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Yvette Salinas received a letter she had been dreading for years: legal notice that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to build a border wall on her family’s land in Los Ebanos. The 21-page document, entitled a “Declaration of Taking,” is addressed to her ailing mother, Maria Flores, who owns the property with her siblings. The letter offers Flores $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If she chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain. “It’s scary when you read it,” Salinas says. “You feel like you have to sign.”

The 16-acre property has been in the family for so long that none of them can remember the year it was acquired. Salinas only knows they’ve had it for five generations. Her uncle runs a few head of cattle on the property, which lies not far from Los Ebanos’ most famous attraction, a hand-drawn ferry that shuttles cars and their passengers across the river to Mexico.

Bottom line is that the US caused this problem and the US should take responsibility for that. As it is, innocent people on both sides of the border will pay a huge price for a wall we don't need and that will not work.

I notice you avoided blaming Obama and blamed Trump. A real American would donate 1.6 acres of the 16 to keep illegal aliens from coming into the US.

She should DONATE her land?????????????????


Boy, you RWNJ assholes have no problem at all giving away other people's property.

Obama isn't prez. Look at the date of the letter. He wasn't prez then either.
Isnt it funny, they took all of what Trump promised them and used it to say its real change, leadership, outside the box. Then when he sticks with twist that he was lying they pretend that saying they dont care is a defense for being duped again.

Same with health care. The cheeto admitted to Tucker Carlson he knew his plan aka LyinRyan's plan would screw over the very people who voted for him.

But hey, the good news is that every single thing he has done and said he plans to do will enrich him, his family and his 1% cronies and that's really the important thing, right?

He's putting Americans First. Just his friends and family tho...

The point in all of this is just it says in the part you c/p:

"... declaring that the government would seize her land using eminent domain..."


Texans Receive First Notices of Land Condemnation for Trump’s Border Wall

The government offered $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If Flores chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain.

Jen Reel
The ribbon left by the DHS in 2008 to note where the border wall would enter on Aleida Flores’ land still remains.

The week before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Yvette Salinas received a letter she had been dreading for years: legal notice that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to build a border wall on her family’s land in Los Ebanos. The 21-page document, entitled a “Declaration of Taking,” is addressed to her ailing mother, Maria Flores, who owns the property with her siblings. The letter offers Flores $2,900 for 1.2 acres near the Rio Grande. If she chooses not to accept the offer, the land could be seized through eminent domain. “It’s scary when you read it,” Salinas says. “You feel like you have to sign.”

The 16-acre property has been in the family for so long that none of them can remember the year it was acquired. Salinas only knows they’ve had it for five generations. Her uncle runs a few head of cattle on the property, which lies not far from Los Ebanos’ most famous attraction, a hand-drawn ferry that shuttles cars and their passengers across the river to Mexico.

Bottom line is that the US caused this problem and the US should take responsibility for that. As it is, innocent people on both sides of the border will pay a huge price for a wall we don't need and that will not work.

I notice you avoided blaming Obama and blamed Trump. A real American would donate 1.6 acres of the 16 to keep illegal aliens from coming into the US.

She should DONATE her land?????????????????


Boy, you RWNJ assholes have no problem at all giving away other people's property.

Obama isn't prez. Look at the date of the letter. He wasn't prez then either.

"Obama isn't prez. Look at the date of the letter. He wasn't prez then either."

You didn't even read your own link.

Maria Flores, a Texas woman who along with her siblings co-owns 1.2 acres near the town of Los Ebanos, received a letter in the week before Trump’s inauguration declaring that the government would seize her land using eminent domain.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

How is that again? He stated before he wants to get construction going, so he is going to use money to get it going...and then get Mexico to reimburse it........are all left wingers like you this stupid?
If you truly believe that Mexico will pay for this wall, then you're dangerously stupid

If you don't believe Trump will get the money back you are the one that is dangerously stupid. In addition, you are an anti-American piece of dog squeeze.
Yeah you can fuck off with that anti-American bullshit, fuck face

Should I believe Trump just like you believed him about all of the other lies that come out of his mouth?
Not only will the wall pay for itself, we'll be raking in $ from the many options Trump has available. :2up:

No, actually it won't. Nor will "we" be raking in $$.

OTOH, his cabinet, made up of Goldmann Sachs, K Street lobbyists, billionaires who literally paid for their seat -- they will be raking it in. Do a little reading. Educate yourself. Google is your friend but how about you go read the garbage that drumpf has already signed.
It most certainly will pay for itself, and Trump has several options available.

Weren't you one of those who thought Trump didn't have a chance against Hillary? lol
If it slows down illegal immigration human trafficking and the flow of drugs entering the U. S. I'm fine with that.

It won't.

The US had the chance to stop human trafficking and the RWNJs refused to help.

The drugs will continue to come. Its just silly to think a wall will change that.

It is silly to think the wall wouldn't slow down the trafficking of drugs, and I would like a link to substantiate your first assertion.

I swear to fucking god, you RWNJs don't read or learn or remember or -

Are you really saying you would like to stop human trafficking but don't remember children being turned away from our southern border?

And no, a wall will not slow or stop drugs.

Finally, most undocumented in the US are not from Mexico or SAmerica and almost none are coming across now.

This is nothing but hating people who are brown. That and the gullibility stupidity of the right.

If you don't know these things, might I suggest you do what I did?
1. Go out and buy a computer.
2. Get yourself hooked up to thee InerWebs.
3. Get a LIB-rule to teach you how to type in G-O-O-G-L-E-dot-COM
4. Educate yourself.

Because, YOU voted for this lying cheeto and you're going to pay for it.
View attachment 117061

We were stuck with the Obammy's failed policies

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