It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal
Darn me...I actually read the article and you're a sound bite moron.
Yeah I read it too. Your point?
Your OP's inference of the use of the budget is a lie.
You're either an outright liar or a low IQ imbecile.
Ah I see the problem -- you cant comprehend what you read.

Btw, you should change your name, rube
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal
Darn me...I actually read the article and you're a sound bite moron.
Yeah I read it too. Your point?
Your OP's inference of the use of the budget is a lie.
You're either an outright liar or a low IQ imbecile.
Ah I see the problem -- you cant comprehend what you read.

Btw, you should change your name, rube
The article is there for all to read.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

That is not what the lying president promised.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
Acceptable, however, they need to use illegal immigrants for labor, then when finished, toss them over the wall.
I'd much rather have my tax dollars going towards a down payment on the wall (and going after Mexico later) than towards paying for illegal immigrants, Muslim "refugees," and other leftist programs.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
But Trump can take it out of Mexico's foreign aid allotment.

So Mexico really IS paying for the wall.

Did he tell you that or you just pull that from your hat?
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

The 23 billion ESTIMATED cost for the wall is just for materials only, and does NOT include labor.

And after watching this video, I don't think many in this country would approve of another worthless wall.


The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors, (that they can't see) & more border patrol stations.

It does not include:
1. Buying land from private owners.
2. Heavy equipments.
3. Roads to deliver materials.
4. Housing ( water/electricity) & transportation for construction workers + wifi maybe some flat screen tv.
5. Maintenance of the wall.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I stopped reading at 100 lawyers to build a wall.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

The 23 billion ESTIMATED cost for the wall is just for materials only, and does NOT include labor.

And after watching this video, I don't think many in this country would approve of another worthless wall.


You also thought Hillary would be president - zero credibility

Without the help of Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey she would be POTUS today.

Then you are agreeing that the only reason that lying Trump won because of Russian intervention. A clear invasion of our democracy. That is un American on your part.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

The 23 billion ESTIMATED cost for the wall is just for materials only, and does NOT include labor.

And after watching this video, I don't think many in this country would approve of another worthless wall.


You also thought Hillary would be president - zero credibility

Without the help of Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey she would be POTUS today.

Then you are agreeing that the only reason that lying Trump won because of Russian intervention. A clear invasion of our democracy. That is un American on your part.

Her corruption should have remained hidden.

Bad Russians......Bad!!!!

You are missing something dude.... using the power of imminent domain against a citizen is always cruel. How would you feel if the government will seized your land? That is the equivalent of stealing. I'm sure Adolf Trump will be very confiscating lands.
There are lots of smith and joneses that own private lands along Texas borders.
If it slows down illegal immigration human trafficking and the flow of drugs entering the U. S. I'm fine with that.

It won't.

The US had the chance to stop human trafficking and the RWNJs refused to help.

The drugs will continue to come. Its just silly to think a wall will change that.

It is silly to think the wall wouldn't slow down the trafficking of drugs, and I would like a link to substantiate your first assertion.

You can go over, under and around it.
Just one of his weekend vacation golfing trips to his Florida resort costs us taxpayers $3million dollars.

And he wants to cut $4million from programs to help the homeless.

The cost of funding PBS and NPR is $1.38 per year per household.

Anyone want to bet that every RWNJ that is in favor of these cruel and needless cuts calls themselves a christian?
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
But Trump can take it out of Mexico's foreign aid allotment.

So Mexico really IS paying for the wall.
That foreign aid is for drug interdiction, retard. And it would take two and a half centuries of their foreign aid to pay for the wall, retard.

The U.S. set aside around $134 million for Mexico this year. For now, the U.S. hasn’t sent any of that money, but it also means Mexico won’t receive that entire amount.

For fiscal year 2016, the U.S. gave Mexico only $47 million out of the $142 million they had initially announced.

Mexico Foreign Aid from U.S. Decreasing
If it slows down illegal immigration human trafficking and the flow of drugs entering the U. S. I'm fine with that.

It won't.

The US had the chance to stop human trafficking and the RWNJs refused to help.

The drugs will continue to come. Its just silly to think a wall will change that.

It is silly to think the wall wouldn't slow down the trafficking of drugs, and I would like a link to substantiate your first assertion.

You can go over, under and around it.

TooTall said that a real American would donate their land.

Its really easy for these jerks to volunteer other people's hard fought for homes but you'll never see one them donating their own.

TooTall Why don't you start a GoFundMe page and donate a few thousand to start? You know - put your own money where your mouth is.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
But Trump can take it out of Mexico's foreign aid allotment.

So Mexico really IS paying for the wall.
That foreign aid is for drug interdiction, retard.

And why would he think that drumpf can take money from there?

That's as incorrect as the idea of taking money from that which is sent to Mexico.

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