It's official: YOU'RE paying for the wall; not Mexico

Trump logic: Spend 50 billion on a wall that can be defeated with a big ladder and some rope. Cut Coast Guard budget because no smuggling ever happens on the two huge coasts the US has.
Republicans and "conservatives" claim to be fiscally responsible yet can't wait to blow money on pie in the sky bullshit.

How about instead of wasting money building an ineffective wall: spend that money hiring a plethora of boarder patrol officers. Create jobs and better secure the border.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.
Budget cuts and smaller government coming. Get you Kleenex out so you can cry over all those poor children that will be hurt.
How about instead of wasting money building an ineffective wall: spend that money hiring a plethora of boarder patrol officers. Create jobs and better secure the border.
The Trump Administration wants to do that to, they've proposed hiring 5,000 more border agents and 10,000 more ICE agents, however whether or not that will be effective remains to be seen; The number of border patrol agents doubled under Bush and Obama and it was largely ineffective because the new agents weren't trained properly and the turn over was high.

So yeah, we may end up with a wall that is little more than a giant decoration and a bunch of new federal employees that don't know what the fuck they're doing... and the money wasting machine in Washington just keeps chugging along.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.
Budget cuts and smaller government coming. Get you Kleenex out so you can cry over all those poor children that will be hurt.
Republicans will explode the debt., guaranteed. Cut taxes and spend away, they do it every time.
Mexico will pay for the wall as there are a multitude of means of extracting wealth from the parasites.

Except you don't need to spend on a wall for ANY such extraction, so it's not actually them paying for the wall.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss

I will gladly pay my share.

Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.
Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

What country are you living in ? You start selling bricks at $50 per brick and you can bet your ass that less than 10% of the money that the citizens pay for those bricks would ever go toward paying for a wall, the other 90% would just be Congress Critters going "Oh goody! more money to blow on buying votes (aka federal 'programs') !" ;)
Me too. Sell bricks at $50 per brick. A brick with you're name on it to be part of the wall.

I'd bet most American would buy a brick. All the money would go towards the wall.

The wall that will keep illegals out of America.

What country are you living in ? You start selling bricks at $50 per brick and you can bet your ass that less than 10% of the money that the citizens pay for those bricks would ever go toward paying for a wall, the other 90% would just be Congress Critters going "Oh goody! more money to blow on buying votes (aka federal 'programs') !" ;)

You're probably right but one can hope that the Trump people keeping track of things would be better. LOL
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Does that include the defense department?
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.
Budget cuts and smaller government coming. Get you Kleenex out so you can cry over all those poor children that will be hurt.
But no decrease in our deficits or national debt
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.

If it's "bloated," then why are douche bags like you bleating about how much Trump is cutting it?
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Now you are wasting your dollars on bloated republican government.
Budget cuts and smaller government coming. Get you Kleenex out so you can cry over all those poor children that will be hurt.
But no decrease in our deficits or national debt
The deficit is already down considerably since Trump took office, moron.
Trump’s Border Wall Gets Billions in Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON — To secure the southern border — his top campaign promise — President Trump next year is seeking to hire 100 new government lawyers, add 1,500 law enforcement officials and spend more than $1 billion on detention and deportation, according to the White House budget plan released on Thursday.

The proposal, which includes a $2 billion down payment on Mr. Trump’s signature border wall, is one of the single largest investments in the president’s budget plan. Yet experts say it appears only to scratch the surface of what Mr. Trump has pledged, and highlights the difficulty of translating campaign promises into a workable, governing reality.

“It’s easy to promise things until you have to pay for them,” said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former senior official at the Department of Homeland Security. “It is certainly an attempt to begin to carry out what he promised.”

Mr. Trump is proposing to pay for his border security plan by marshaling savings from across the federal government. To what extent it is ultimately funded will depend in large part on Congress, which makes spending decisions based on the president’s proposals.


Another failure that the rubes will make excuses for and gulp down like so much piss
I don't give a fuck. Just build the damn thing.

You pay for it then stop wasting my tax dollars.
I waste my tax dollars everyday on bloated liberal government.
Does that include the defense department?
No it doesn't include the defense dept.

Are you going to cry now?

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