It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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Globalist power mongers began salivating when they saw how quickly the masses were willing to fall in line and accept whatever crap was being handed out to them. The focus from the beginning should have been "Do everything you can to protect the immune deficient, the elderly and the obese". Instead of that, the government and health care industry did a terrible job of that while forcing their new found authority on EVERYONE.

And now there is evidence that there COULD be serious side effects for this experimental vaccine that turns your cells into spike protein chia-pets. That just seemed like a REALLY bad design for a vaccine, but hey that's just me.
Yep, you would think someone might ask if altering your genes to constantly produce toxic spike proteins throughout your body was smart or really, really, really stupid?
It probably won't help the medical community that people like me have lost all trust in their knowledge, intelligence & morals.
Yep, you would think someone might ask if altering your genes to constantly produce toxic spike proteins throughout your body was smart or really, really, really stupid?
It probably won't help the medical community that people like me have lost all trust in their knowledge, intelligence & morals.
Yes sir. I think it was another case of "WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!" and what they chose to do was worse than doing nothing. Maybe they even meant well, but as the old saying goes "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".
Well, no, actually vaccination has been an overwealming success... that we are down to less than a few hundred deaths a day compared to the 4000 deaths a day that were the case when we threw Trump out of office.

If mild inflation is the worst thing you have to worry about... then your life is pretty good.
Joey, you're full of shit again.
I think its time to allow hospitals to refuse covid treatment to antivaxxers antimaskers. We are short on medical supplies and those who refuse choose to take precautions should be the very last to get treated.
I think its time to allow hospitals to refuse covid treatment to antivaxxers antimaskers. We are short on medical supplies and those who refuse choose to take precautions should be the very last to get treated.
Who made you God? Should we kneel. Btw no one guves a damn about the covid bs anymore.

Go get your jabs Pfizer man
I think its time to allow hospitals to refuse covid treatment to antivaxxers antimaskers. We are short on medical supplies and those who refuse choose to take precautions should be the very last to get treated.

My local hospital system. Take a look. Most hospitalized WITH covid AND in the ICU are vaccinated. Whoa.

It won't really matter. The govt & medical profession are too invested in the lies about "safe & effective" to admit the truth.
The people taking the boosters won't believe it & still line up like lambs to a slaughter.
The ones who won't take the boosters don't want to believe they were deceived.
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been lied to"
This gene therapy experiment was a failure from the beginning & the court ordered released Pfizer docs are proving it
In 2018 the academy of medicine said masks do not work.
I think its time to allow hospitals to refuse covid treatment to antivaxxers antimaskers. We are short on medical supplies and those who refuse choose to take precautions should be the very last to get treated.
You sound like someone who believes you're protecting people by getting the experimental injection.

Do you believe that?
It won't really matter. The govt & medical profession are too invested in the lies about "safe & effective" to admit the truth.
The people taking the boosters won't believe it & still line up like lambs to a slaughter.
The ones who won't take the boosters don't want to believe they were deceived.
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been lied to"
This gene therapy experiment was a failure from the beginning & the court ordered released Pfizer docs are proving it
Buy bitcoin !....Oh wait.
Buy real estate ! Oh wait.
Fuck it. Buy something
In two large Indianapolis hospitals it has been the same story for months.
Diminishing number of positive results on both vaccinated and unvaccinated. The vast-vast majority hardly even get sick at all or mild symptoms. As my kids, an RT and a Respiratory Core Specialist have said.. for awhile now there is no significant difference between vaccinated and unvaxed. Primarily because the original vax is no longer effective, and most people are not getting boosters, and those that do - still test positive.
Less people are dying from it than the regular flu now. It's just true. And those that are dying have serious comorbidities.
And another thing... know any RTs?
Go ahead.... ask them, if they trust you - they will tell you - when all the people were dying the first 6 months of this thing.
It was the treatment that was killing them - not the virus.
We learned something about the human body through this. We can take plummeting Ox blood levels for short periods of time than ever thought before. Blood Ox levels dipping into the low 90s has always been considered a medical emergency.
And the medical response - put the patient on a respirator.
Respirators are a serious invasive procedure that has many dangers. It is a last ditch device to save a dying person.
Covid patients were being put on respirators right and left all over the world because this was the normal response to "dangerous" blood Ox.
Then they learned people did not need respirators. And the death spike plummeted.
One day this will be talked about.
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It is not the left, it is the entire world

Despicable individuals like Typhoid Sue have been cherry picking and spreading COVID misinformation contrary to what global experts are recommending

Hundreds of thousands have died for believing them
obviously your indoctrination is left wing bullshit is complete. Covid is no worse than the annual flu. Actually, covid is more easily treated and cured than the flu. But the Chinese got what they wanted when they released it on the world, unreasonable panic and a senile puppet in the whitehouse. and fools like you are unable to see what it really was.
obviously your indoctrination is left wing bullshit is complete. Covid is no worse than the annual flu. Actually, covid is more easily treated and cured than the flu. But the Chinese got what they wanted when they released it on the world, unreasonable panic and a senile puppet in the whitehouse. and fools like you are unable to see what it really was.
A million deaths

Some flu
A million deaths

Some flu
CDC already said only 5-6% died from ronaflu while the rest had comorbidities. The only thing novel about this was the way they counted the deaths.
Unless you are over the avg life expectancy already or have major medical problems you are pretty safe.
But feel free to cower over a minor illness for most of us

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But the Chinese got what they wanted when they released it on the world, unreasonable panic and a senile puppet in the whitehouse. and fools like you are unable to see what it really was.

You do realize that senile puppet would be Trump?
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