It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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Maybe election fraud is not their only potential liability?

Nope. It is imaginary and unfounded.

Trump tried but never made a case for fraud in 60 or so tries. Maybe the next time will be different.
the election was rigged, the vote counting machines were rigged, the mail in ballots were fake. this has all been proven. will anything be done? probably not because the entire corrupt DC cabal was in on it. Why? because they all knew that in a second term Trump would have exposed their corruption and treason. our country is on the brink of failure, its amazing that you lefties support its demise.
I honestly don't know enough to say you're wrong, I only know the medical establishment would not agree and that is good enough for me.
the "medical establishment" is NOT in agreement. there are many doctors and researchers who disagree with what the CDC has put out. its much like climate change, there is an equal divide of opinion among experts but the media only covers one side, and people like you who believe the media are the true victims in all of this.
Well I guess you can ignore all the harm caused by the medical establishment and only see the good.

I‘m a firm believer in positive thinking, but this is a bridge too far.
Life is a balance between risk and reward. Unfortunately too many of us are unbalanced.
Disprove her study..........Countless adverse effects are happening..........And many diseases are increasing...............

Oh well............I told you I simply don't care anymore.........You chose poorly
I'm not a medical professional but then neither is she. I'll wait for the professionals to acclaim her study. Or find it's flaws.
I miss the days of honest information being disseminated to the public unlike what we just saw with these covid injections. Its a travesty as to what transpired and how they lied and withheld crucial information during their experimental phase of the trials. Not only that, they didn't even bring their clinical trials to completion.
Medicine hasn't changed, American society has. There is so much disinformation being circulated the public has no idea who to trust so they are scared.
the election was rigged, the vote counting machines were rigged, the mail in ballots were fake. this has all been proven. will anything be done? probably not because the entire corrupt DC cabal was in on it. Why? because they all knew that in a second term Trump would have exposed their corruption and treason. our country is on the brink of failure, its amazing that you lefties support its demise.
None of that is true. Trump was the corruption and the traitor. Our country is on the brink of failure thanks to those trying to destroy our democracy for their personal gain. And the sheep who follow them.
I'm not a medical professional but then neither is she. I'll wait for the professionals to acclaim her study. Or find it's flaws.
That is called a choice and I have no issues with that.

I have issues with our Gov't purposely slandering know off label treatments for covid. I have problems with them trying to force jabs on the public which if not for SCOTUS they would have done.

I have issues with not being offered conventional vaccines like Covaxin.

I have issues with no one charged for the Gain of Function tests in Wuhan China. Eco Health alliance and DARPA.

I have issues with the the number of cycles used on PCR from the beginning of this plannedemic guaranteeing false positives.

I have issues with the gov't putting businesses under as they were deemed Not essential.

I have issues with locking down the country when we knew it would economically screw us.

In other words.............I NO LONGER TRUST GOV'T OR PHARMA.
the "medical establishment" is NOT in agreement. there are many doctors and researchers who disagree with what the CDC has put out. its much like climate change, there is an equal divide of opinion among experts but the media only covers one side, and people like you who believe the media are the true victims in all of this.
So you don't believe the 'media'? Does that include Breitbart, FoxNews, OAN, Facebook, Twitter, etc.?
None of that is true. Trump was the corruption and the traitor. Our country is on the brink of failure thanks to those trying to destroy our democracy for their personal gain. And the sheep who follow them.
You must be getting paid to say this shit.

lmao...........your side is garbage now..........polls show what the people think of you.
That is called a choice and I have no issues with that.

I have issues with our Gov't purposely slandering know off label treatments for covid. I have problems with them trying to force jabs on the public which if not for SCOTUS they would have done.

I have issues with not being offered conventional vaccines like Covaxin.

I have issues with no one charged for the Gain of Function tests in Wuhan China. Eco Health alliance and DARPA.

I have issues with the the number of cycles used on PCR from the beginning of this plannedemic guaranteeing false positives.

I have issues with the gov't putting businesses under as they were deemed Not essential.

I have issues with locking down the country when we knew it would economically screw us.

In other words.............I NO LONGER TRUST GOV'T OR PHARMA.
I think you've left the Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare room and are now in the conspiracy room. Have fun there.
I think you've left the Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare room and are now in the conspiracy room. Have fun there.
I don't care what you think. You are a gov't mouthpiece

Wanna know why India is night and day better than us..........They rejected Pfizer and Moderna.

Here is a list of what they allowed.

Here is some early reasons for not allowing it.

What are the expert body’s concerns?

The Subject Expert Committee under CDSCO that looked into Pfizer’s proposal and presentation did not recommend that the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) approve the application at present.

“After detailed deliberation, the committee has not recommended for grant of permission for emergency use in the country at this stage,” stated minutes of the SEC’s meeting dated February 3.

This was due to concerns over certain Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) and the fact that additional safety information had not been generated from local trials in the country.

“The committee noted that incidents of palsy, anaphylaxis and other SAE’s have been reported during post marketing and the causality of the events with the vaccine is being investigated. Further, the firm has not proposed any plan to generate safety and immunogenicity data in Indian population,” stated the minutes.

What was Pfizer’s response?​

Pfizer has decided to withdraw its application until it can generate the additional information required by the Indian regulator.

“Based on the deliberations at the meeting and our understanding of additional information that the regulator may need, the company has decided to withdraw its application at this time,” stated a Pfizer spokesperson.

Americans infected with COVID-19 are not actually dying from the virus, doctors warn.

The United States has the highest COVID death rate in the world because COVID patients are dying in hospitals under the CDC guidelines, Dr. Ben Marble MD., primary care doctor, told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“There’s no question without a doubt that the reason why the United States has the number one highest death toll from COVID is because of all these policies,” he said.

Health practitioners in hospitals “stopped administering all the drugs that work — they stopped the Ivermectin, they stopped the Hydroxychloroquine, and they start protocols that don’t work. They started bad drugs that don’t work like Remdesivir which causes kidney failure in at least 20 percent of people who get it. It’s a bad drug that should be pulled off the market. They didn’t want us doing early treatment — that didn’t make any sense. Early treatment is the cornerstone of all good medicine. Treat everything as early as possible.

In addition to providing every COVID-19 patient with deadly Remdesivir, doctors are required to intubate patients as their health depletes from the drug notorious for causing renal failure.

“They basically hold the patient hostage,” Marble explained. “They won’t let the patient have any visitors. If they complain incessantly, then they sedate the patient. Once you’re sedated, you get intubated. Intubated patients end up dying overnight.”

332 million in America
524k covid deaths in India.
1 million deaths in the U.S.

I miss the days of honest information being disseminated to the public unlike what we just saw with these covid injections. Its a travesty as to what transpired and how they lied and withheld crucial information during their experimental phase of the trials. Not only that, they didn't even bring their clinical trials to completion.

I never thought I would live in a world where I would say this but it's such a catastrophic scandal that it would not surprise me in the least if the PTB unleashed high gas prices and inflation to give us something to talk about other than vaccine illness

The vaccine illness will effect all of us--if not us, someone we know. Well. So do gas and food inflation.
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