It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Same sex marriage is not the gov't taking a side. It is the gov't letting the free citizen make a choice.

I have long questioned why the gov't is involved in marriage at all. That is an intrusion on the most personal relationships. That two people of the same sex marry has no effect on your marriage at all. They were likely living together when they married, so the marriage was just a legal document that certified the committment. In fact, you would have no way of knowing if the couple were just living together as a romantic couple or married, unless they let the celebration be public.
Anything the government allows is them taking a side. Anything it makes illegal is them taking a side. And anything it pushes is them absolutely taking a side.
The effect of marriage is so profound to the health of a society and individuals. There is no way the leftists in government should be in the business of discouraging marriage or encouraging illicit relationships which they do through their policies.
Moral laws and ethics are not the same
Moral laws very ethics do not and if you want to get into it or else more laws are created by man ethics were created by God. When your first started this threat one of your statements was to negate homosexual marriages, that is a moral judgment. There is no ethical reason to take a stance like that. It's a disservice to humanity.
Is this your definition? Because I've never seen this distiction anywhere.
Anything the government allows is them taking a side. Anything it makes illegal is them taking a side. And anything it pushes is them absolutely taking a side.
The effect of marriage is so profound to the health of a society and individuals. There is no way the leftists in government should be in the business of discouraging marriage or encouraging illicit relationships which they do through their policies.
Agreed. Government should NOT discourage marriage between gay people
Anything the government allows is them taking a side. Anything it makes illegal is them taking a side. And anything it pushes is them absolutely taking a side.
The effect of marriage is so profound to the health of a society and individuals. There is no way the leftists in government should be in the business of discouraging marriage or encouraging illicit relationships which they do through their policies.
You don't like it because you don't agree with it. Newsflasj, not everybody agrees with your narrow view of how the world should be. In fact, most of the world does not.
You don't like it because you don't agree with it. Newsflasj, not everybody agrees with your narrow view of how the world should be. In fact, most of the world does not.
The Marxist apparatchik wants you to believe the majority believes in immoral things, but they don't. Don't fall for their propaganda. Be strong enough to resist it.
50 years ago, the immoral crap promoted by government today would have been seen as preposterous. Well, God didn't suddenly change His mind. It was the Marxists who worked to alter society's views.
Agreed. Government should NOT discourage marriage between gay people
See? Now that's an example of trolling that you are initiating today. You know full well I didn't say or imply that. That's the kind of thing I encourage you to get away from.
The Marxist apparatchik wants you to believe the majority believes in immoral things, but they don't. Don't fall for their propaganda. Be strong enough to resist it.
50 years ago, the immoral crap promoted by government today would have been seen as preposterous. Well, God didn't suddenly change His mind. It was the Marxists who worked to alter society's views.
The people vote every election and your nonsense never wins. Lol
The Marxist apparatchik wants you to believe the majority believes in immoral things, but they don't. Don't fall for their propaganda. Be strong enough to resist it.
50 years ago, the immoral crap promoted by government today would have been seen as preposterous. Well, God didn't suddenly change His mind. It was the Marxists who worked to alter society's views.
Teaching religion, other than a comparative religion class, does not belong in public schools. There are representatives of every religions in public schools.
Again, it's not my opinion. It's facts.

Again, it's not my opinion; it's facts. "Dismissed" is a trolling term. it does not further the debate in constructive form.
In your opinion. And I dismiss that opinion

If that upsets you too bad
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