It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Conservatives win in most honest elections.

That is not borne out by the records. I get that you think the 2020 elections were rigged or stolen or whatever. But prior elections show democrats win plenty of elections.

Was Obama elected in 2 dishonest elections? Or Clinton? Was Carter elected in a dishonest election? Kennedy?
But the situation we have now is atheism has been placed above all other religions by default, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a faith vacuum in government policy. And that's the worst of all worlds. And since it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a vaccuum, we have to pick a religion, and the best religion is Christianity. So that's the reasoning in my OP, as I have explained many many times.
What do you want to do with all those non Christians, gays, trans, Jews, Hindu ect?
That is not borne out by the records. I get that you think the 2020 elections were rigged or stolen or whatever. But prior elections show democrats win plenty of elections.

Was Obama elected in 2 dishonest elections? Or Clinton? Was Carter elected in a dishonest election? Kennedy?
It's a fact that Democrats have used illegals to steal elections for decades. For proof of that, you only need look at California. Solid red in 1980, right about the time illegal immigration took off. Now it's impenetrably blue. And these people are supposedly not allowed to vote. So how else did the big sea change happen? It's not like everybody in California suddenly fell in love with Marxist far-left rule.
It's a fact that Democrats have used illegals to steal elections for decades. For proof of that, you only need look at California. Solid red in 1980, right about the time illegal immigration took off. Now it's impenetrably blue. And these people are supposedly not allowed to vote. So how else did the big sea change happen? It's not like everybody in California suddenly fell in love with Marxist far-left rule.

That is nothing more than the Logical Fallacy of Correlation/Causation. Just because two things seem correlated does not necessarily mean one caused the other.

Democrats won the US Presidency in 7 elections since the 1980s. And have won elections for Congress and the House of Rep in many elections.
Do you think if we made same sex marriage illegal there would be less sex between same genders?
Yes. Because societal approval gives the fence-sitters 'permission' to go ahead. It would be the same for illegalizing abortion. The hard-core would always get their abortions, but those who aren't sure would probably be dissuaded. It was the same with prohibition. The fact is, prohibition DID reduce the amount of alcohol consumption, contrary to popular belief.
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