It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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It's the same thing. You can't have a vacuum. Some issues are one or the other. Now laws governing traffic lights, no. But abortion and gay marriage has to be one or the other.
No it's not. Religion is not spirituality. One not need any religion to be spiritual
All of those countries have large religious communities
China does not. All Christianity has been closed. The RCC which was allowed to practice up until about three years ago, has been completely silenced. China instead has its phony Communist version of the Catholic Church which is run by the government. So that's 1.4 billion people right there.
China does not. All Christianity has been closed. The RCC which was allowed to practice up until about three years ago, has been completely silenced. China instead has its phony Communist version of the Catholic Church which is run by the government. So that's 1.4 billion people right there.
You're just completely wrong

An official Chinese government statement recognizes five major religions practiced in China—Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism—as well as many folk beliefs.
You're just completely wrong

An official Chinese government statement recognizes five major religions practiced in China—Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism—as well as many folk beliefs.
They might say the recognize them, but they don't. Communist regimes tend to lie.
It's an opinion piece and it certainly does not address the other 4 religions in that country
It's an article supported by facts. It's no more of opinion than any other article.
It's also clear you didn't read the article. If you're going to demand a source, and I go to trouble to find it, you need to read it.

It’s important to stress that these tactics are not unique to Christianity: the Chinese government has imposed similarly extensive restrictions against Tibetan Buddhism and Islam.
It's an article supported by facts. It's no more of opinion than any other article.
It's also clear you didn't read the article. If you're going to demand a source, and I go to trouble to find it, you need to read it.

It’s important to stress that these tactics are not unique to Christianity: the Chinese government has imposed similarly extensive restrictions against Tibetan Buddhism and Islam.
80% of the country practices a religion. It is more religious than the US. Lol

National surveys conducted in the early 21st century estimated that some 80% of the population of China, which is more than a billion people, practice some kind of Chinese folk religion; 13–16% are Buddhists; 10% are Taoist; 2.53% are Christians; and 0.83% are Muslims.
80% of the country practices a religion. It is more religious than the US. Lol

National surveys conducted in the early 21st century estimated that some 80% of the population of China, which is more than a billion people, practice some kind of Chinese folk religion; 13–16% are Buddhists; 10% are Taoist; 2.53% are Christians; and 0.83% are Muslims.
As I said, we're talking about within the past three years under Xinping's crackdown. Things were more open prior to that.
Many are in effect atheists, as they are not practicing of a faith, and this is getting more and more acute because of the barrage of atheist messages from the media and social media. Moral laws and ethics are the same and both come from God.
Moral laws and ethics are not the same
Moral laws very ethics do not and if you want to get into it or else more laws are created by man ethics were created by God. When your first started this threat one of your statements was to negate homosexual marriages, that is a moral judgment. There is no ethical reason to take a stance like that. It's a disservice to humanity.
It's the same thing. You can't have a vacuum. Some issues are one or the other. Now laws governing traffic lights, no. But abortion and gay marriage have to be one or the other. Government cannot be neutral. Allowing either to be legal is taking a side.

Same sex marriage is not the gov't taking a side. It is the gov't letting the free citizen make a choice.

I have long questioned why the gov't is involved in marriage at all. That is an intrusion on the most personal relationships. That two people of the same sex marry has no effect on your marriage at all. They were likely living together when they married, so the marriage was just a legal document that certified the committment. In fact, you would have no way of knowing if the couple were just living together as a romantic couple or married, unless they let the celebration be public.
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