Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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What a bizarre and false thing to say. Atheists didn't invent the litany of gods that are worshipped today. Atheists didn't invent the 100s of different versions of the same magical god that you and the other sectarians slapfight over on this board.
You missed the point. Your description of a "magical" God is an invention. God is not magic, he is reality.
When I was 10 years old, we had a dog named Silver. A sealyham - sort of a largish Westie. He had been struck by a car when I was much younger and that had left him blind in one eye. We adapted. He adapted. But whenever he entered an unfamiliar space (the furniture moved, for instance) he would collide with things. I felt bad for him. Like most children my age I believed what I was told was the truth by my parents and the church they took me to. So I prayed as fervently and selflessly as I could manage that God would restore his vision. But, as would happen in any bad movie, his poor vision led Silver to wandering out in front of another car where he suffered another concussion which left him completely blind. Now all dogs go to heaven because all dogs are innocent. Every non-human form of life is innocent of the many sins the Bible spells out. Initially, I was angry. How could God cause my innocent dog to suffer, regardless of his motive or intent? The standard "mysterious ways" line didn't help at all. What did help was the realization that the best explanation was not that god was mysterious or unknowable, but that he simply wasn't there. The existence of the god described by the Bible and by our preacher and the believers I would talk with was simply not possible; not only because it violated all the laws of nature but because absolutely no evidence I could find supported the idea. Every thing I could learn about the world and how it worked refuted the idea of a caring, personal god who had created miraculous humans and a miraculous Earth to be their home and was everpresent, watching over us and, on proper supplication, violating the laws that he himself had set in place - if he felt like it.

As the years went by I simply became more and more convinced that there is a great deal about the working of the universe we do not yet know, but the basics - the principal of uniformitarianism, holds, everywhere and everywhen. Nothing is supernatural. No will directs or inspires the stream of events taking place over the passage of time. Only physics.

What signs or signals should I have caught that might have lured me back to my childhood faith? And how might my life have been different had I done so? I have lots of friends and I'm pretty sure most of them think I'm a nice guy. I buy fully and heartily into the Golden Rule. I believe it to be the sole basis of human civilization. How do you think my complete lack of divine faith hurt me? Will your god throw into a lake of fire because I led a good life but failed to do him obeisance? That is, of course, precisely what scriptures tells us. Why would ANY of you believe, much less WORSHIP such a god? He seems a monster. Would anyone care to correct me?
Where did the "golden rule" arise? Consider this carefully and you may find that what allowed you to live your life and try to be generally good without an overt belief in G-d carried with it the underlying essense of G-d. Before the bible the Golden Rule didn't exist. Humans were even more savage-like in actions until G-d first spoke to Mlses.

same people who told me about baby jesus also told me about santa claus and the easter bunny. i think we teach children to be skeptical, a vital life skill, in this way.

Did they tell you also something about Kal El and Ariadne?
If a God that cared if you believed really wanted you to believe he would have done a better job proving he is real. ...

But he is not [only] "real", he's the creator of reality. Tell me why something is at all and why not only is nothing.
You missed the point. Your description of a "magical" God is an invention. God is not magic, he is reality.

Which part of "reality" is this God? If he is a part of "reality", you'll be able to prove it, so, go ahead.

God is often termed "spiritual", as in, it's from something that does not conform to current science knowledge. Others would call that "magic", as, Harry Potter flying is "magic" because it's impossible for a human to pick up a broomstick and fly around, science does not allow it.
Why does that higher power necessarily have to be the god of the bible?

And how do you know there is only one? Oh yeah the bible told you

Also the structure of truth is telling you this. There's only one truth. Take science as an example: If a theory in physics and a theory in biology are in conflict with each other this has to be cleared. Reason: Scientists believe in one truth and not in many truthes. And they believe this truth is independent from human beings. We do not create the world - we are only able to use what's here.
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Which part of "reality" is this God? If he is a part of "reality", you'll be able to prove it, so, go ahead.

God is often termed "spiritual", as in, it's from something that does not conform to current science knowledge. Others would call that "magic", as, Harry Potter flying is "magic" because it's impossible for a human to pick up a broomstick and fly around, science does not allow it.
if there is some kind of multidimensional multiverse god and the angels could be folded into the extra dimensional strings, but when humans talk "reality" we can only sense the 4.
Which part of "reality" is this God? If he is a part of "reality", you'll be able to prove it, so, go ahead.

God is often termed "spiritual", as in, it's from something that does not conform to current science knowledge.

In the beginning was the word.
Anton Zeilinger

I hope you know this physicist. He's well known because of "quantum teleportation". And he explains very well why he thinks so.

Others would call that "magic", as, Harry Potter flying is "magic" because it's impossible for a human to pick up a broomstick and fly around, science does not allow it.

Do you know the three Magi, the three holy kings [of wisdom]? Do you know that it is "magic" to fly in an aeroplane through the air from one continent to another continent? And can it be your "knowledge" about the Christian religion is a little lousy?

Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to what we know about nature.
Aurelius Augustinus

if there is some kind of multidimensional multiverse god and the angels could be folded into the extra dimensional strings, but when humans talk "reality" we can only sense the 4.

And it's funny that some people think they can sense some other multidimension, and others can't, and it's mostly about what they were taught when they were young....
interesting examples, i'm sure they tagged superman as "fiction" and i read the myth of the minotaur on my own .
Do you understand Kal El? Do you understand Ariadne? Do you understand what they have to do with each other?
Of Taoism I know very little ...

Crippled becomes whole, crooked becomes straight, empty becomes full, worn out becomes new, small possessions shall prosper, great possessions shall terrify. Therefore the called one: He cherishes the highest unity and becomes an example to the world. Work on that which is not yet there ... organize that which is still confused. A tree of a fathom's circumference arises from a hair-thin stalk, a nine-tiered terrace rises from a heap of earth, a journey of a thousand miles begins at your feet.
Lao Tse

Now you know a little more.
Also the structure of truth is telling you this. There's only one truth. Take science as an example: If a theory in physics and a theory in biology are in conflict with each other this has to be cleared. Reason: Scientistst believe in one truth and not in many truthes. And they believe this truth is independent from human beings. We do not create the world - we are only able to use what's here.
only one truth? how does that fit into the "alternate realties" so colorfully displayed in the former presidents delusions?
And it's funny that some people think they can sense some other multidimension, and others can't, and it's mostly about what they were taught when they were young....
Do you understand Kal El? Do you understand Ariadne? Do you understand what they have to do with each other?
both are myths, but i might say that jesus (the mystery god of sheep and fish, ) would be closer to the mysteries of persepine and dionesius
... Speaking lies is evil ... can we agree on that? ...

No. Good or evil depends on the intention why to use a lie and on the effects of such a lie. You do not have to risk a heart attack by telling someone what's a lie ... or what's true. Love is the most important.
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Yes, I know you did and I addressed it. You just like to argue because you are a militant atheist who hates Christians.

I don't hate people.

I hate institutions that control people.

And once again I do not believe in the biblical god but I am not an atheist.

But you just don't seem intellectually capable of grasping that concept.
Before Christianity there were related words, happiness, gladness, rejoice. But 'joy' essentially came with Christianity. It's interesting that Buddhism doesn't pursue emotions such as joy, but rather equanimity and peace of mind. Peace is also a hallmark of Christianity. Daily peace, daily joy.

As someone who grew up in a family of Buddhists, atheist, Catholics, and non-Catholic Christians, with Judaism tossed in along the way, anyone telling another that one's own way was the "right" way never surfaced. Being so unfamiliar with that ever taking place either at home, school, community, I find it utterly strange you keep harping about it. Who were all the people telling you their way was the "right" way? (I'm curious)
Joy was not invented by Christianity.

Joy is a state of mind that comes from the quality of life that a person experiences. When a person experiences joy, it is a sign that they are living a life of purpose and meaning. It is also a sign that they are living a life of compassion for others. In Buddhism, compassion is a key part of what allows a person to experience joy.

Joy is not predicated on an external event according to Buddhist teaching's but it is cultivated from within.
Like the Tao Buddhism teaches that nothing can exist without its opposite and that by seeking joy from an external source is akin to creating unhappiness in order to find a remedy for it.

And don't deny that there are posters here who have told me flat out that their religion, namely Christianity, is the only path to salvation (whatever that is).
Will we also continue to see the rise of depression and lack of joy? What say you?

That has nothing to do with religion,

depression is living in the past, anxiety is living in the future. Joy is cultivated within not caused by an external stimulus.

We are suffering from the disease of consumerism combined with egoism and it is a deadly combination. We have forgotten that we are of the universe, of the earth not in the universe or on the earth.
Isn't it ironic that it is atheists who invent/come up with magical versions of God. Meanwhile those who have experienced/believe in God are content with the reality.
We each create our own reality.

The actual universe we perceive does not exist but through electrochemical impulses interpreted in our brains we each create our own reality.

In that sense we are the Creators and artists of the universe
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