"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"

Thank you for demonstrating your lying. But this is for Camp to demonstrate that he is a liar. As all you libs are.

Also, fuck you as a race baiting asshole.
There ain't no lie, even if you are too stupid to know the difference between "your" and "you're." It was a racist rally. It was the brain child of racists, it was crafted by racists, it was promoted by racists to racists, it was sponsored by racists and it was attended by racists. There's no evidence that any of the alt-right attendees are not racist.

That's the reason when you're prompted to show who was there on the right who was not a racist, you can't find a single such person.

That is your opinion, and Trump clearly stated that he disagreed.

It is valid for you to disagree, and to attack him based on that disagreement. I would be happy to have the debate.

BUT, when you claim he said something that when you know that he clearly stated the opposite, even if in your mind, he was wrong about that,

that is you lying about Trump.

Like the media did. Like I said you did.

And like you just demonstrated for us, several times and will continue to do so, because liberals have to lie, to maintain their delusional world view.

But this thread, the topic is just how you libs treat Trump. You treat him badly and unfairly and you lie about him, all the time.

Thanks for proving my point. YOu don't need to prove it anymore.

Now you will start trying to get the thread so off topic and so heated, that the mods will shut it down.

Again, for the benefit of the brain-dead -- it was a racist rally, crafted, sponsored, promoted and attended by racists. There were no "very fine people" among them.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.
I couldn't find a single one that didn't scream racism.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.

The moment, that you move the discussion to, "was Trump right about who was there"

you are admitting that he did not say what the media said he did.

The most you can prove now, is that Trump was wrong about who was there.

His statement was clearly and explicitly NOT referring to the nazis and white supremacists, he specifically and explicitly excluded them from his statement.

ANY claim that he said, what he said, ABOUT nazis or white supremacists is a LIE.

Proving my point, once again.
"The most you can prove now, is that Trump was wrong about who was there. "

Nope, he lied. He even stated he waited to gather all the facts.
Since that was "SUPPOSED" to be the intent of the rally.

To be blunt, the reason for the rally DOES NOT MATTER....because US citizens have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble, AND the White Supremacists HAD A LEGAL PERMIT TO MARCH / PROTEST that day.

Antifa did NOT. They admittedly showed up with the intent to instigate violence to break up / disrupt a LEGAL protest...and did so.

I served 30+ years defending the Constitutional Rights of US Citizens, which includes Freedom of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble. I DON'T NECESSARILY GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR OPINION / CAUSE IS - I MAY NOT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY - BUT I WAS AND AM STILL WILLING TO DEFND YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT.

That means white trash, racist, hood-wearing white supremacists who request and obtain a legal permit to peacefully assemble and march can do so, and I would fight for their right to do so - not to defend that they are saying but to protect that Constitutional Right to express / communicate / engage in free speech that all of us have.

Counter-protestors must understand 1 thing:
-- You can DISAGREE all day long. They can peacefully assemble and counter-protest all they want. What they do NOT have is the right to lay hands on / physically attack anyone for believing something different.

You can disagree with me all day long...but the minute you attempt to deny me of my right of freedom of speech or strike me in violence because you disagree with me, you cross a line.

White supremacists are racist scum...but on that day in Charlottesville they crossed a line.

I don't disagree with anyone publicly expressing their views. Nor have I even implied that.

In fact, I would much prefer that to some wacko penning a manifesto in which they secretly fantasize about initiating mass violence against a segment of society that they blame for their miserable existence.
In fact, I would much prefer that to some wacko penning a manifesto in which they secretly fantasize about initiating mass violence against a segment of society that they blame for their miserable existence.
On that we agree.
The only lie told about Charlottesville was the "on both sides" thing.

Yes, you are right. The President was completely wrong to suggest 'it takes 2' in a situation like this and / or that the White Supremacists were not the only ones at fault...IF YOU COMPLETELY IGNORE ALL OF THE EVIDENCE.

1. The White Supremacists had a Constitutional Right to 'peacefully assemble' AND had a legal permit to march / protest that day.

2. The leader of the ANTIFA terrorists openly, publicly declared afterwards that Antifa showed up in Charlottesville WITTHE INTENT TO INSTIGATE VIOLENCE to break up the White Supremacists' event....and she bragged that instigating the violence is what Antifa did.

You hate President Trump[ - we got that. EVERYONE on this board understands that...but don't let that fact make you look like an irrational, reality-denying lunatic.

Again, the EVIDENCE shows President Trump was RIGHT, that the White Supremacists were not solely responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, that the Antifa leader ADMITTED Antifa showed up with the intent to initiate violence against the White Supremacists...and did.

There is a lot of legitimate reasons not to like President Trump - you don't need to make shit up or parrot the Left-wing Fake News Media / Democrat lies.

Moron, the white supremacists did not have a permit to protest that day. They were denied a permit after their previous rally which the Charlottesville mayor described as reminiscent of KKK torch-bearing days. So the white supremacists challenged that rejection to obtain a permit in court and prevailed. So what they protested with was a court order, not a permit. Which is why they planned to gather in Emancipation Park that day since a permit is not needed to protest there.

Even worse for your idiocy, no one denies there was violence on both sides. You attempting to frame this as though that was at issue only serves to demonstrate your own disconnect from reality. So no, Impeached Trump was not right. There were no "very fine people" among the right that weekend at those rallies.

Furthermore, equating the two sides is a slap in the face to all Americans in this day and age. One side is full of bigots and racists who hate Jews, blacks and browns. The other side is full of people who hate bigots and racists who hate Jews, blacks and browns. The two sides are not equal. Antifa was wrong to resort to violence but that does not equate racists with racist haters.
Well considering Yahoo news confronted Trump during a press briefing and said South Korea had 5 times the number of tests that we do and Trump said you're wrong and the guy had to later retract and admit he was wrong, I would say the media is out to get him.
Nobody is out to get trump. trump has created enemies. He's an asshole.
The fake news media made themselves his enemy from day one., douchebag.

Actually, Impeached Trump and his admin were calling the media fake news from day one when he idiotically challenged them on the size of his inauguration crowd which showed Obama had a significantly larger attendance.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can
Says the moron who is about to vote for a senile child molester and rapist.
What on Earth leads you to b'lieve eddiew is going to vote for Impeached Trump?? :dunno:
And BTW I don't want Trump getting treated worse than Lincoln I want him treated the same
Would you like Trump to shut down leftwing newspapers and networks?
I know he'd like to bri How successful he'd be is doubtful He's even pissed at FOX They aren't kissing his ass as much as before
"You know he'd like to?" How do you know that? Do you always preface your post with claims that can't possibly be true?
Posting seven consecutive comments equals talking to yourself. You are talking to yourself on a public message board.
Bri is bonkers Didn't you know that camp?
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.
Surely some of them o, if not most. Call me an optimist, but i refuse to believe that many people can all completely lack self awareness and abandon all logic all at once. I think most of these cultists are just bad actors who have given themselves a license to lie out loud to themselves and to everyone else. They post things here that i just cannot believe they, themselves, believe to be true. So its just bad acting. They are all lying and winking to each other.
And BTW I don't want Trump getting treated worse than Lincoln I want him treated the same
Would you like Trump to shut down leftwing newspapers and networks?
I know he'd like to bri How successful he'd be is doubtful He's even pissed at FOX They aren't kissing his ass as much as before
"You know he'd like to?" How do you know that? Do you always preface your post with claims that can't possibly be true?
Posting seven consecutive comments equals talking to yourself. You are talking to yourself on a public message board.
Bri is bonkers Didn't you know that camp?
Ya, but village idiots can be entertaining.
Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.
You and other snowflakes are just butt-hurt that intelligent, educated people called you on your bullshit regurgitation / parroting of Democrat / fake news talking points.

Snowflakes attacked Trump for allowing people from China to come to the US after his travel ban was imposed ..... because you were either unwilling or too duped to know the people coming to the US were UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

'You' snowflakes like to tell / spread / parrot half-truths to attack the President...then get triggered when you appropriately get called on it.
Nope. All we do is point out his lies.

The "half truths" are you guys trying to excuse him.

Nobody's buying it though.

I presented a major example of you guys lying, and faun demonstrated it for me.

So, your denial at this point, is not valid.

Trump's claim is a reasonable position for him to take, and your denial, has been refuted.

Trump wins, you lose. Again.
No, you didn't. You just repeated why Fox news told you to say. It's a lie, by the way.

I challenge you to post the transcripts that back up your claim.

You filthy liar.
*president* tRump's long list of exemptions:

Aw, you're pretending to be too stupid to remember the example we were discussing.

Your lie is dismissed. Your pretense of being retarded is dismissed. You lose.
That's what you posted about, son.

If you've already forgotten it's not my problem.

P.S. I've heard tRumpism causes early onset Alzheimer's.

I posted about the Lie of Charlottesville. Your idiocy or lies are not my concern. YOur inability to make an argument supporting your position is universal among libs.

You lose. AGAIN.
The only lie told about Charlottesville was the "on both sides" thing.

So this:
Snowflakes attacked Trump for allowing people from China to come to the US after his travel ban was imposed ..... because you were either unwilling or too duped to know the people coming to the US were UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

'You' snowflakes like to tell / spread / parrot half-truths to attack the President...then get triggered when you appropriately get called on it."

Wasn't you?

Was not. You made a mistake. My example was the Lie of Charlottesville. This is your chance to bow out with grace, or post a link supporting your lies about Charlottesville.

Decide. Without boring me with ravings.
I worked with what you said. Don't like it?

I don't really care.

What part of was not me, was too complicated for you?

Decide. Stay and comment on my actual example, or go huff glue for all I care.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.

The moment, that you move the discussion to, "was Trump right about who was there"

you are admitting that he did not say what the media said he did.

The most you can prove now, is that Trump was wrong about who was there.

His statement was clearly and explicitly NOT referring to the nazis and white supremacists, he specifically and explicitly excluded them from his statement.

ANY claim that he said, what he said, ABOUT nazis or white supremacists is a LIE.

Proving my point, once again.

Your "point" has nothing to do with the question that I asked, nor is it anything that I'm interested in.

I asked a poster (other than YOU) if they had seen any flyers that specifically addressed the removal of the confederate statues.....since that was SUPPOSED to be the intent of the "rally".

The topic is, how the libs, specifically the media treat Trump, compared to Lincoln.

The example I provided was the Lie of Charlottesville.

Attacking Trump for being wrong about who was at Charlottesville, would not be a lie, nor was it what I was presenting as my example.

Indeed, such a discussion could have been very fruitful and good for America.

Instead liberals decided to lie and continue to do so. That is my point.

And that point proves Trump right.

For the most part an.....

I simply asked (someone other than you) if they had ever seen a flyer that specifically supported NOT removing the statues.

Since that was "SUPPOSED" to be the intent of the rally.

And I pointed out, that the most that line of discussion could demonstrate, would be whether or not, that Trump was right about who was there.

It would not change the fact that he clearly and explicitly did NOT say what the media claimed he said, and what faun is still claiming he said.
Since that was "SUPPOSED" to be the intent of the rally.

To be blunt, the reason for the rally DOES NOT MATTER....because US citizens have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble, AND the White Supremacists HAD A LEGAL PERMIT TO MARCH / PROTEST that day.

Antifa did NOT. They admittedly showed up with the intent to instigate violence to break up / disrupt a LEGAL protest...and did so.

I served 30+ years defending the Constitutional Rights of US Citizens, which includes Freedom of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble. I DON'T NECESSARILY GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR OPINION / CAUSE IS - I MAY NOT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY - BUT I WAS AND AM STILL WILLING TO DEFND YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT.

That means white trash, racist, hood-wearing white supremacists who request and obtain a legal permit to peacefully assemble and march can do so, and I would fight for their right to do so - not to defend that they are saying but to protect that Constitutional Right to express / communicate / engage in free speech that all of us have.

Counter-protestors must understand 1 thing:
-- You can DISAGREE all day long. They can peacefully assemble and counter-protest all they want. What they do NOT have is the right to lay hands on / physically attack anyone for believing something different.

You can disagree with me all day long...but the minute you attempt to deny me of my right of freedom of speech or strike me in violence because you disagree with me, you cross a line.

White supremacists are racist scum...but on that day in Charlottesville they crossed a line.

I don't disagree with anyone publicly expressing their views. Nor have I even implied that.

In fact, I would much prefer that to some wacko penning a manifesto in which they secretly fantasize about initiating mass violence against a segment of society that they blame for their miserable existence.
Yep, that's the beauty of freedom of expression: It shines the light on the whackos, nice and clear.
Since that was "SUPPOSED" to be the intent of the rally.

To be blunt, the reason for the rally DOES NOT MATTER....because US citizens have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble, AND the White Supremacists HAD A LEGAL PERMIT TO MARCH / PROTEST that day.

Antifa did NOT. They admittedly showed up with the intent to instigate violence to break up / disrupt a LEGAL protest...and did so.

I served 30+ years defending the Constitutional Rights of US Citizens, which includes Freedom of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble. I DON'T NECESSARILY GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR OPINION / CAUSE IS - I MAY NOT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY - BUT I WAS AND AM STILL WILLING TO DEFND YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT.

That means white trash, racist, hood-wearing white supremacists who request and obtain a legal permit to peacefully assemble and march can do so, and I would fight for their right to do so - not to defend that they are saying but to protect that Constitutional Right to express / communicate / engage in free speech that all of us have.

Counter-protestors must understand 1 thing:
-- You can DISAGREE all day long. They can peacefully assemble and counter-protest all they want. What they do NOT have is the right to lay hands on / physically attack anyone for believing something different.

You can disagree with me all day long...but the minute you attempt to deny me of my right of freedom of speech or strike me in violence because you disagree with me, you cross a line.

White supremacists are racist scum...but on that day in Charlottesville they crossed a line.

I don't disagree with anyone publicly expressing their views. Nor have I even implied that.

In fact, I would much prefer that to some wacko penning a manifesto in which they secretly fantasize about initiating mass violence against a segment of society that they blame for their miserable existence.
Yep, that's the beauty of freedom of expression: It shines the light on the whackos, nice and clear.
You have demonstrated that numerous times.
Since that was "SUPPOSED" to be the intent of the rally.

To be blunt, the reason for the rally DOES NOT MATTER....because US citizens have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble, AND the White Supremacists HAD A LEGAL PERMIT TO MARCH / PROTEST that day.

Antifa did NOT. They admittedly showed up with the intent to instigate violence to break up / disrupt a LEGAL protest...and did so.

I served 30+ years defending the Constitutional Rights of US Citizens, which includes Freedom of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble. I DON'T NECESSARILY GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR OPINION / CAUSE IS - I MAY NOT AGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY - BUT I WAS AND AM STILL WILLING TO DEFND YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT.

That means white trash, racist, hood-wearing white supremacists who request and obtain a legal permit to peacefully assemble and march can do so, and I would fight for their right to do so - not to defend that they are saying but to protect that Constitutional Right to express / communicate / engage in free speech that all of us have.

Counter-protestors must understand 1 thing:
-- You can DISAGREE all day long. They can peacefully assemble and counter-protest all they want. What they do NOT have is the right to lay hands on / physically attack anyone for believing something different.

You can disagree with me all day long...but the minute you attempt to deny me of my right of freedom of speech or strike me in violence because you disagree with me, you cross a line.

White supremacists are racist scum...but on that day in Charlottesville they crossed a line.

I don't disagree with anyone publicly expressing their views. Nor have I even implied that.

In fact, I would much prefer that to some wacko penning a manifesto in which they secretly fantasize about initiating mass violence against a segment of society that they blame for their miserable existence.
Yep, that's the beauty of freedom of expression: It shines the light on the whackos, nice and clear.
You have demonstrated that numerous times.
And luckily I have you super extra smart Trumpsters to tell me what's what!
Trumpoholics are whining because Trump's methods of branding are being used against him. Truth, facts, reality, and ethical concerns are irrelevant in Trump and tea bagger trumpoholic world. Branding is the only thing important. Racist liar in chief crybaby little hands bone spur whore spoiled rich kid is branded no matter how much his cult whines.

THat sounds like an admission/justification of the behavior that Trump and I have accused you of.

Now, walk it back, liar.
Everyone and anyone who disagrees with you gets the same response from you. Liar, liar, liar. screams the dick breath brainwashed tea bagger trumpoholic. How do people wake up so angry and miserable every morning? Must be trumpoholic hangover.

If you can ever honestly respond to a post or a point, I promise you, you will see me deliriously happy.

For example, this thread is an attack on Trump for what he said. I am defending what he said, by saying that what he said, was true.

Most of your lib buddies, are saying that it is not true.

You come on, and your position is that the behavior I describe, is justified, for various reasons.

Unstated, because saying it, would require some honesty and moral courage from you, impossible because you are a liberal,

unstated is the admission, that my described behavior, of the lying media, is true. And thus, Trump is correct, that he is treated "Worse" than Lincoln.

Why, as you made a justification for a behavior, are you unable to admit it?

And, now that I point it out, why are you still unable to admit it, and why did you, walk it back, as you will now do so?


You are the one full of hate and brainwashed, as you will now demonstrate with your inability to respond honestly.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
To a Traditional, White, Male American

I said what I meant to say. If I wanted to say "white" I would have said "white". As I have often demonstrated, I am not afraid of your bullshit.

My point stands.

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.

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