"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Of course it doesn't. I mean, why should he serve ungrateful brats like you?

Says the guy who plays video games all day?

It's a good brain exercise. Something you might wish to try when you aren't being a seething old badger on an internet forum.

The cry of slackers everywhere. "It's a good brain exercise." I may have even used that excuse a time or two myself. The reality is you're wasting time you could be productively using making money.
Making money you say Dragon?
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Well considering Yahoo news confronted Trump during a press briefing and said South Korea had 5 times the number of tests that we do and Trump said you're wrong and the guy had to later retract and admit he was wrong, I would say the media is out to get him.
Nobody is out to get trump. trump has created enemies. He's an asshole.
The fake news media made themselves his enemy from day one., douchebag.
And Biden has a lot of terrorists, pedophiles, convicted felons and cop killers in his base.
So does Trump. The difference here is that trump would call them fine people, if he thought it would help his re election.
Wrong and wrong.

BTW, I forgot to add serial rapists.
Well, sorry my man, but spot on on all counts. Trump knows full well the nazi pukes were all in for him as president. And he has to get re elected to stay out of prison. So do the math....
ROFL! Do you remember how all you TDS morons so outraged when Trump promised to prosecute Hillary Clinton after he got elected? You seem to have lost your revulsion at that kind of behavior.
And Biden has a lot of terrorists, pedophiles, convicted felons and cop killers in his base.
So does Trump. The difference here is that trump would call them fine people, if he thought it would help his re election.

Biden defended a gang of racists:

VP Joe Biden rebuffed former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani's remarks describing the Black Lives Matter movement as "inherently racist," calling that "a very broad statement." http://cnn.it/29EfBBR
your claim that Trump was defending racism
Trump wasn't defending racism. He is not that deep. Trump was saying what he thought he had to say to maintain his base, which consists of a lot of white supremists and just flat out racists. Y'all are thinking way too far into this.
And you're saying what you believe you have to say because you're a douchebag.
And Biden has a lot of terrorists, pedophiles, convicted felons and cop killers in his base.
So does Trump. The difference here is that trump would call them fine people, if he thought it would help his re election.
Wrong and wrong.

BTW, I forgot to add serial rapists.
Well, sorry my man, but spot on on all counts. Trump knows full well the nazi pukes were all in for him as president. And he has to get re elected to stay out of prison. So do the math....
So they aren't attacking him because Trump knew they were douchebags before he was elected?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I'm done arguing with you about it, moron.

Fucking moron, you're not capable of arguing. That's why you run. Like your idiocy that racists "co-opted" their own racist rally.

What part of "I'm done arguing with you about it" didn't you understand?

Faun understands nothing.
I know. Without the ROFL emoji he'd be a big nothing.
And BTW I don't want Trump getting treated worse than Lincoln I want him treated the same
Would you like Trump to shut down leftwing newspapers and networks?
I know he'd like to bri How successful he'd be is doubtful He's even pissed at FOX They aren't kissing his ass as much as before
"You know he'd like to?" How do you know that? Do you always preface your post with claims that can't possibly be true?
Difference between Trump and Lincoln

Lincoln did not go out of his way to create enemies, he did not engage in petty name calling, he did not constantly complain about how mean people are to him
He threw reporters in prison and closed 300 newspapers, dumbass.
And BTW I don't want Trump getting treated worse than Lincoln I want him treated the same
Would you like Trump to shut down leftwing newspapers and networks?
I know he'd like to bri How successful he'd be is doubtful He's even pissed at FOX They aren't kissing his ass as much as before
"You know he'd like to?" How do you know that? Do you always preface your post with claims that can't possibly be true?
Posting seven consecutive comments equals talking to yourself. You are talking to yourself on a public message board.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.
I find it bizarre that Trump hating reporters can make the most insulting comments imaginable and then get offended when Trump gives them what they deserve. Trump is the victim. The reporters always attack Trump before he ever says a thing about them. Only TDS morons believe Trump is obligated to put up with that shit.
And BTW I don't want Trump getting treated worse than Lincoln I want him treated the same
Would you like Trump to shut down leftwing newspapers and networks?
I know he'd like to bri How successful he'd be is doubtful He's even pissed at FOX They aren't kissing his ass as much as before
"You know he'd like to?" How do you know that? Do you always preface your post with claims that can't possibly be true?
Posting seven consecutive comments equals talking to yourself. You are talking to yourself on a public message board.
Is this a new rule you just invented? I'm responding to posts. That's what people do in this forum.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

What would PROGS do if they weren't projecting?

They B lyin'
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can
Says the moron who is about to vote for a senile child molester and rapist.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
Would you call getting into armed conflict with China hysteria ? Hysteria enough to turn you off from this basher Trump? Just trying to find out how deep you are into this moron

Nice hypothetical.

Yes, launching a war, for no reason, would be a cause for losing support.

Meanwhile in the real world, his policies have been completely reasonable and mainstream.

It is you who are radical. You lefties.
View attachment 332236
Many examples of bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalist leaders getting control of a country in world history.

Not good. But countries usually get past them.
You actually support comparing Trump to Kim Jong Il, and you call yourself a "moderate?"
Trumpoholics are whining because Trump's methods of branding are being used against him. Truth, facts, reality, and ethical concerns are irrelevant in Trump and tea bagger trumpoholic world. Branding is the only thing important. Racist liar in chief crybaby little hands bone spur whore spoiled rich kid is branded no matter how much his cult whines.
Those aren't Trump's tactics. They are yours.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.
That was how it started, but the racist right crashed the party big time. One poster here who was in on the original protest about removing the statues said they backed out when they heard who was coming.....
Got any links?
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
Would you call getting into armed conflict with China hysteria ? Hysteria enough to turn you off from this basher Trump? Just trying to find out how deep you are into this moron

Nice hypothetical.

Yes, launching a war, for no reason, would be a cause for losing support.

Meanwhile in the real world, his policies have been completely reasonable and mainstream.

It is you who are radical. You lefties.
View attachment 332236
Many examples of bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalist leaders getting control of a country in world history.

Not good. But countries usually get past them.
You actually support comparing Trump to Kim Jong Il, and you call yourself a "moderate?"
I made a point that purposely did not specify names, and I'm glad that it made you that defensive and brought that name to your mind.

And I'm not a moderate. I've had you folks lie about that so many times, that it's the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

Great response, good stuff.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
Would you call getting into armed conflict with China hysteria ? Hysteria enough to turn you off from this basher Trump? Just trying to find out how deep you are into this moron

Nice hypothetical.

Yes, launching a war, for no reason, would be a cause for losing support.

Meanwhile in the real world, his policies have been completely reasonable and mainstream.

It is you who are radical. You lefties.
View attachment 332236
Many examples of bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalist leaders getting control of a country in world history.

Not good. But countries usually get past them.
You actually support comparing Trump to Kim Jong Il, and you call yourself a "moderate?"
I made a point that purposely did not specify names, and I'm glad that it made you that defensive and brought that name to your mind.

And I'm not a moderate. I've had you folks lie about that so many times, that it's the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

Great response, good stuff.
You're always comlaining about "extremists" on either side, supposedly. So what are you pretending to be?
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
Would you call getting into armed conflict with China hysteria ? Hysteria enough to turn you off from this basher Trump? Just trying to find out how deep you are into this moron

Nice hypothetical.

Yes, launching a war, for no reason, would be a cause for losing support.

Meanwhile in the real world, his policies have been completely reasonable and mainstream.

It is you who are radical. You lefties.
View attachment 332236
Many examples of bold, brash, pugilistic, nationalist leaders getting control of a country in world history.

Not good. But countries usually get past them.
You actually support comparing Trump to Kim Jong Il, and you call yourself a "moderate?"
I made a point that purposely did not specify names, and I'm glad that it made you that defensive and brought that name to your mind.

And I'm not a moderate. I've had you folks lie about that so many times, that it's the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

Great response, good stuff.
You're always comlaining about "extremists" on either side, supposedly. So what are you pretending to be?
I'm just honest, and I'm happy to hold my "side" accountable. Such as my many, many tiffs with the Regressive Left.

Honestly & accountability. Obviously someone like you wouldn't understand.

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