I've made a major decision about my relationship with the Catholic Church

Good for you, Mary Madeline wasn't a whore but the wife of Jesus.
She could have been both, or neither.

The Bible doesn't say.
Mary was at the Cross and Mary Magdalene, mother and wife. Pontus Pilate said let the Jews decide.
You can believe Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus, but the Bible doesn't say so.
The Bible got twisted more times than I count using my fingers and toes.
Blame martin luther, that is the one who started this mess.
I'm not a Lutheran but monk Martin Luther attacked the Catholic Church over condolences. Rich people could buy a condolence which frees them from Sin.
If I am serious about this, there are many other things I must give up, including this forum possibly, since it is an occasion of sin to be here.

What that means is that being here tempts me into sinful behavior.


That is your weak excuse to use a religion for why you can not do something!

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can not participate in Online Forums and your Priest would even tell you that you are going to far.

Prayer, Reflection and listening to your inner self will tell you the truth.

The Devil as you call it can not tempt a pious man and if you are weak then that is on you!

You must accept responsibility for your failures, sins and realize when you do then you will then find the truth you are looking for.

You blame others for your relationship but did you reflect on your conduct during the marriage?

Maybe you did nothing wrong but maybe you did and never saw the signs of what you were doing to cause the destruction of your marriage and home...

You should join a group within your Church Community and talk things out and see different points of views and reflect on it.

Jesus was a man that taught us forgiveness in his teaching while trying to understand we are mortal, we sin and we must repent and learn from our failures in our father eyes...

So just chill on blaming others for your straying from the path and guess what you will stray daily but take a moment, sip some tea and sit and reflect on your daily sins and ask for forgiveness and try not to repeat them...
Good for you, Mary Madeline wasn't a whore but the wife of Jesus.
She could have been both, or neither.

The Bible doesn't say.
Mary was at the Cross and Mary Magdalene, mother and wife. Pontus Pilate said let the Jews decide.
You can believe Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus, but the Bible doesn't say so.
The Bible got twisted more times than I count using my fingers and toes.
Blame martin luther, that is the one who started this mess.
I'm not a Lutheran but monk Martin Luther attacked the Catholic Church over condolences. Rich people could buy a condolence which frees them from Sin.
He also was a priest who married a nun ( sounds like hunter biden)

Yeah it's in the lost books
If I am serious about this, there are many other things I must give up, including this forum possibly, since it is an occasion of sin to be here.

What that means is that being here tempts me into sinful behavior.


That is your weak excuse to use a religion for why you can not do something!

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can not participate in Online Forums and your Priest would even tell you that you are going to far.

Prayer, Reflection and listening to your inner self will tell you the truth.

The Devil as you call it can not tempt a pious man and if you are weak then that is on you!

You must accept responsibility for your failures, sins and realize when you do then you will then find the truth you are looking for.

You blame others for your relationship but did you reflect on your conduct during the marriage?

Maybe you did nothing wrong but maybe you did and never saw the signs of what you were doing to cause the destruction of your marriage and home...

You should join a group within your Church Community and talk things out and see different points of views and reflect on it.

Jesus was a man that taught us forgiveness in his teaching while trying to understand we are mortal, we sin and we must repent and learn from our failures in our father eyes...

So just chill on blaming others for your straying from the path and guess what you will stray daily but take a moment, sip some tea and sit and reflect on your daily sins and ask for forgiveness and try not to repeat them...
I haven't blamed anyone for anything.

You are putting words in my mouth.

If I am serious about this, there are many other things I must give up, including this forum possibly, since it is an occasion of sin to be here.

What that means is that being here tempts me into sinful behavior.


That is your weak excuse to use a religion for why you can not do something!

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can not participate in Online Forums and your Priest would even tell you that you are going to far.

Prayer, Reflection and listening to your inner self will tell you the truth.

The Devil as you call it can not tempt a pious man and if you are weak then that is on you!

You must accept responsibility for your failures, sins and realize when you do then you will then find the truth you are looking for.

You blame others for your relationship but did you reflect on your conduct during the marriage?

Maybe you did nothing wrong but maybe you did and never saw the signs of what you were doing to cause the destruction of your marriage and home...

You should join a group within your Church Community and talk things out and see different points of views and reflect on it.

Jesus was a man that taught us forgiveness in his teaching while trying to understand we are mortal, we sin and we must repent and learn from our failures in our father eyes...

So just chill on blaming others for your straying from the path and guess what you will stray daily but take a moment, sip some tea and sit and reflect on your daily sins and ask for forgiveness and try not to repeat them...
I haven't blamed anyone for anything.

You are putting words in my mouth.

Interesting that this thread evolved into Theocracy.
If you are Catholic, I hope that you will understand.

The Pope, the bishops, the priests, many of them are no longer fighting for the truth the Catholic Church stands for.

But that is no excuse for me. I must fight for the truth, in my own life.

My soul is my most precious possession. If I don't fight to save it, who will?
I am Catholic. I do understand. Let's recall a couple of other things Jesus said. He said the Kingdom of heaven is at hand--within reach. His way is eternal life, and eternal means forever, no beginning, no end.

Our faith is not only a ticket into a heavenly afterlife, it is our ticket into eternal life, a life we begin living in the here and now.

Let your wife know when you spoke your vows, through better and for worse, you meant them, and that you are waiting and welcoming her through this bad time of your marriage. Ask her forgiveness and let her know you will continue to wait. Meanwhile, do a study on what makes a marriage work, what one can do to build and rebuild a marriage. Do this for her, you are her husband.

The miracle of wine at the wedding feast: It is more than just an account of an event that happened long ago. It is a promise that when we go to Jesus with a request to lend a hand in our lives, all we have to do is fill up the vat with water. (Do what he tells you, Mary said.) He will turn that water into wine.

As for our present day Pope and some priests: Jesus worked with the imperfect Apostles, and one betrayed him, yet his Church carried on. You and I are not a Pope or a priest, but we ARE the Church. The Church carries on through good times and in bad. Let's tend to this marriage as well.
Tonight, I was playing Dungeons & Dragons with my son and his friends. Between sessions, we got into a discussion about religion. My son went into a spiel about Jesus. He said that after Jesus died, he came down the elevator from Earth down to purgatory. He reprogrammed the computer and changed all the rules of the universe. The switch for what happens to unbaptized babies he left in the middle somewhere between heaven and purgatory, so no one could tell where it was. Then he went on to explain that changing water to wine, walking on water, and raise dead were spells in the Players Handbook, and that Jesus never cast any spells higher than a ninth level cleric.

I went into a dark and terrible mood. Later that night, my son took me home. I explained to him that what he had said made me feel that everything I believed, the entire Catholic religion, was a ridiculous theory that couldn't be proved. I told him that I needed the Catholic religion, since I had nothing else but heaven to look forward to. I broke down in tears and my son comforted me. He told me he hadn't been mocking the Catholic religion, just trying to explain in a way his friends would understand. Then he went home.

So I have made a decision.

I have spoken on this forum about how I am divorced and my Catholic faith forbids me to remarry unless I get an annulment.

I have spoken of my disillusionment with the Pope and the bishops.

I have spoken about how the sex scandal has made it hard to be a Catholic.

I have said the Catholic faith is leaving me, I'm not leaving the Catholic religion.

Now I have come to a decision.

I have dallied long enough at the doorway of the Catholic Church, trying to figure out whether to leave permanently or come back inside.

Now, I finally realize that there is no choice for me at all. I must remain a Catholic because if I leave the Church I give up my hope for heaven, and that would be unbearable to me.

And if I go back, I must go all the way back. I must accept all of it, because there's no accepting parts and rejecting other parts. The Catholic faith is either true or untrue, there is no middle ground where part of it is true and part of it isn't.

And the hardest part is I must give up the search for a woman to replace my wife. I cannot remarry, even though it means I will be alone for the rest of my life.

The alternative is finding such a woman, having a relationship with her, and believing I was in a state of adultery. That would be torment to me, and it wouldn't be fair to the woman.

You will note that I called the woman I was married to my wife, because in the eyes of Church, and the eyes of God, we are still married.

It was a sin not to fight for our marriage when she decided to leave me, because now she lives in a state of adultery. According to Jesus, when a man divorces his wife, he is forcing her to commit adultery, so her sin is also on him.

Knowing that, it is my duty as a Catholic to tell my wife that if she ever decides to leave her boyfriend, I will take her back.

All of this may seem weird to you, but it wasn't that long ago that every Christian believed that marriage was for life, and that divorce was impossible for a Christian couple.

Now, every Christian denomination except the Catholic Church allows divorce.

The Episcopalians have made it their mission to recruit divorced Catholics and give them a Catholic-lite experience that will make these Catholics feel they haven't really gone that far away from being Catholic.

The whole thing is a scam. The words of Jesus in the Bible can't be erased by men and women agreeing that sin is no longer sin.

And because I know the truth, I can't go down this road, because if I did, I'd be living a lie and giving up my hope for heaven.

I could get an annulment, but I still feel this is a corrupt practice that the Catholic Church engages in because the bishops want to keep divorced Catholics from leaving. Perhaps, if I spoke to a priest, he could explain it to me and change my mind.

What this means is a radical change in my way of doing things.

I will cancel my subscription to Match.com and other dating websites.

I will no longer date women looking for a replacement for my wife.

I will broach the delicate subject to my wife that I am willing to do what I can to repair our marriage, if that's what she wants. I don't expect her to want to repair our marriage in the immediate future, but maybe some day she will change her mind.

The reason I'm doing this is because there is no other choice for me.

Some people can close off their mind to logic, but I can't.

If the Catholic Church teaches the truth, and I believe it does, I must accept all of the truth or lose my chance for heaven.

After experiencing doubt tonight during my son's little spiel about Jesus on the elevator, I realize that I can't live without my faith.

I simply cannot live knowing that the way I'm living will mean I end up in hell.

If you are not Catholic, you might not understand any of this.

If you are Catholic, I hope that you will understand.

The Pope, the bishops, the priests, many of them are no longer fighting for the truth the Catholic Church stands for.

But that is no excuse for me. I must fight for the truth, in my own life.

My soul is my most precious possession. If I don't fight to save it, who will?
You're a deluded fool. Try joining the real world and not basing your whole existence on made up nonsense.
If you are Catholic, I hope that you will understand.

The Pope, the bishops, the priests, many of them are no longer fighting for the truth the Catholic Church stands for.

But that is no excuse for me. I must fight for the truth, in my own life.

My soul is my most precious possession. If I don't fight to save it, who will?
I am Catholic. I do understand. Let's recall a couple of other things Jesus said. He said the Kingdom of heaven is at hand--within reach. His way is eternal life, and eternal means forever, no beginning, no end.

Our faith is not only a ticket into a heavenly afterlife, it is our ticket into eternal life, a life we begin living in the here and now.

Let your wife know when you spoke your vows, through better and for worse, you meant them, and that you are waiting and welcoming her through this bad time of your marriage. Ask her forgiveness and let her know you will continue to wait. Meanwhile, do a study on what makes a marriage work, what one can do to build and rebuild a marriage. Do this for her, you are her husband.

The miracle of wine at the wedding feast: It is more than just an account of an event that happened long ago. It is a promise that when we go to Jesus with a request to lend a hand in our lives, all we have to do is fill up the vat with water. (Do what he tells you, Mary said.) He will turn that water into wine.

As for our present day Pope and some priests: Jesus worked with the imperfect Apostles, and one betrayed him, yet his Church carried on. You and I are not a Pope or a priest, but we ARE the Church. The Church carries on through good times and in bad. Let's tend to this marriage as well.
His wife probably left him because he's a deluded fool and a big baby who cries when someone ridicules Jesus, the guy who was so holy they nailed him to wood.
Taz seem upset today. Let's all pray for Taz.

Dear Father, please help Taz to reach rock bottom so that he has no where else to go but up.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. :)

Be happy that your wife did not shoot you down or poisened you. This saved her soul. And bishops and popes also did not send a Mafia-killer to you. Good for them. And I am on my own by the way a "remarried" Catholic (indeed it is impossible to be a remarried Catholic, but this is another theme). I live since decades very happy with my second wife - and whether someone excommunicated me or not is for me personally absolutelly uninteresting.

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Taz, not believing in God will work for you so long as you are safe, well fed, and not suffering.

But what happens if your life turns for the worse?

My life became the worst possible suffering. I was so hopeless I wanted to die.

The only thing that saved me was my faith that God loved me.
Tonight, I was playing Dungeons & Dragons with my son and his friends. Between sessions, we got into a discussion about religion. My son went into a spiel about Jesus. He said that after Jesus died, he came down the elevator from Earth down to purgatory. He reprogrammed the computer and changed all the rules of the universe. The switch for what happens to unbaptized babies he left in the middle somewhere between heaven and purgatory, so no one could tell where it was. Then he went on to explain that changing water to wine, walking on water, and raise dead were spells in the Players Handbook, and that Jesus never cast any spells higher than a ninth level cleric.

I went into a dark and terrible mood. Later that night, my son took me home. I explained to him that what he had said made me feel that everything I believed, the entire Catholic religion, was a ridiculous theory that couldn't be proved. I told him that I needed the Catholic religion, since I had nothing else but heaven to look forward to. I broke down in tears and my son comforted me. He told me he hadn't been mocking the Catholic religion, just trying to explain in a way his friends would understand. Then he went home.

So I have made a decision.

I have spoken on this forum about how I am divorced and my Catholic faith forbids me to remarry unless I get an annulment.

I have spoken of my disillusionment with the Pope and the bishops.

I have spoken about how the sex scandal has made it hard to be a Catholic.

I have said the Catholic faith is leaving me, I'm not leaving the Catholic religion.

Now I have come to a decision.

I have dallied long enough at the doorway of the Catholic Church, trying to figure out whether to leave permanently or come back inside.

Now, I finally realize that there is no choice for me at all. I must remain a Catholic because if I leave the Church I give up my hope for heaven, and that would be unbearable to me.

And if I go back, I must go all the way back. I must accept all of it, because there's no accepting parts and rejecting other parts. The Catholic faith is either true or untrue, there is no middle ground where part of it is true and part of it isn't.

And the hardest part is I must give up the search for a woman to replace my wife. I cannot remarry, even though it means I will be alone for the rest of my life.

The alternative is finding such a woman, having a relationship with her, and believing I was in a state of adultery. That would be torment to me, and it wouldn't be fair to the woman.

You will note that I called the woman I was married to my wife, because in the eyes of Church, and the eyes of God, we are still married.

It was a sin not to fight for our marriage when she decided to leave me, because now she lives in a state of adultery. According to Jesus, when a man divorces his wife, he is forcing her to commit adultery, so her sin is also on him.

Knowing that, it is my duty as a Catholic to tell my wife that if she ever decides to leave her boyfriend, I will take her back.

All of this may seem weird to you, but it wasn't that long ago that every Christian believed that marriage was for life, and that divorce was impossible for a Christian couple.

Now, every Christian denomination except the Catholic Church allows divorce.

The Episcopalians have made it their mission to recruit divorced Catholics and give them a Catholic-lite experience that will make these Catholics feel they haven't really gone that far away from being Catholic.

The whole thing is a scam. The words of Jesus in the Bible can't be erased by men and women agreeing that sin is no longer sin.

And because I know the truth, I can't go down this road, because if I did, I'd be living a lie and giving up my hope for heaven.

I could get an annulment, but I still feel this is a corrupt practice that the Catholic Church engages in because the bishops want to keep divorced Catholics from leaving. Perhaps, if I spoke to a priest, he could explain it to me and change my mind.

What this means is a radical change in my way of doing things.

I will cancel my subscription to Match.com and other dating websites.

I will no longer date women looking for a replacement for my wife.

I will broach the delicate subject to my wife that I am willing to do what I can to repair our marriage, if that's what she wants. I don't expect her to want to repair our marriage in the immediate future, but maybe some day she will change her mind.

The reason I'm doing this is because there is no other choice for me.

Some people can close off their mind to logic, but I can't.

If the Catholic Church teaches the truth, and I believe it does, I must accept all of the truth or lose my chance for heaven.

After experiencing doubt tonight during my son's little spiel about Jesus on the elevator, I realize that I can't live without my faith.

I simply cannot live knowing that the way I'm living will mean I end up in hell.

If you are not Catholic, you might not understand any of this.

If you are Catholic, I hope that you will understand.

The Pope, the bishops, the priests, many of them are no longer fighting for the truth the Catholic Church stands for.

But that is no excuse for me. I must fight for the truth, in my own life.

My soul is my most precious possession. If I don't fight to save it, who will?

There'll be pie in the sky when you die?

It's a lie.
Taz seem upset today. Let's all pray for Taz.

Dear Father, please help Taz to reach rock bottom so that he has no where else to go but up.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. :)
Nasty little prick, aincha?
The switch for what happens to unbaptized babies he left in the middle somewhere between heaven and purgatory
The baby needs a bath. The baby doesn't need to be all cut up and bloodied doped with heavy opiate painkillers at the pleasure of the gentlemen of the district, cigars passed all around, steak tartare and crab quiche for dinner. The baby needs to be dried off and clothed, held and nursed. Why does the Catholic church leave babies in purgatory?

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