I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

Blah blah blah, you’re just saying shit. Empty and meaningless. I have no hate of Trump the man. Trump the leader is just shitty. He is too small a person for leadership
You are obsessed with your hatred for Trump.

Your comments are all revealing for all to see even if you can't see it.
But Trump sucks as a businessman. He turned a large fortune into a small fortune. In the NYC real estate market, he was regarded as a patsy who would pay far more than the property was worth.

World leaders saw him the same way. He was easy to manipulate into bad deals if you just stroked his ego. His surrender to the Taliban was one obvious example.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit you psycho Leftist believe.
First of all you haven't refuted anything I put up! Why not provide LINKS like I do that substantiate my statements? That's because you are LIKE the MSM... deal with emotion, subjectivity... personal stupidities!
But the simple fact the MSM donated 96% to Hillary... BEFORE Trump was President... and she lost so THEY spent the next 4 years suffering like you from TDS and then put 90% in Biden PLUS totally negative news...

Explain to me how anyone could accuse the MSM being objective, journalists? They are suppose to report the facts...not opinions regardless of the subject's attitude. Why was THAT acceptable for the MSM after donating to Hillary to then put THEIR opinions in their news... For example you and your other Trump haters use this statement repeated endless by the MSM..."There were very fine people on both sides,
But this is what Trump actually said but the biased MSM left off the last part!!!
The post the states that Trump really said,
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
That’s the problem, he can’t!!
Right so you think it is OK for the MSM to bias voters?
Hey I don't really care who the MSM voted for!
What I do care though is for intelligent people to understand the sources of their influences for their opinion!
I am NOT against the MSM voting how they vote BUT I am against like I would be a Doctor who when providing a patient with life saving efforts, decides NOT to because the doctor doesn't like the person's race!
The MSM has just as the Hippocratic Oath forbids such behavior, so to does "freedom of the press". I expect news not biased news like this:
A statement repeated endless by the MSM.. that Trump said."There were very fine people on both sides,
But this is what Trump actually said but the biased MSM left off the last part!!!
The post the states that Trump really said,
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
Does not bother me. So, you think the right wing outlets don't do the same? Statement presented by and repeated by the right wing outlets are highly publicized and have the same effect. Big deal. Trust me. There are no fine people on either extreme of the race thing. The statement that there are, reeks of stupidity and lack of judgement, evaluation, and situational awareness at the time. Speaking before really thinking has always been a problem for him.
So you want a politician like this? Constantly side-stepping... no opinions except what polls tell them, decisions made within the political party?

No. Just politicians with a clue, willing to work together to get positive things done for the country, not just for their political party or friends.
Nah, Donny just leaked negative news like a sieve, because he quite often sucked, and couldn't keep his own mouth shut, so he was his own worst enemy creating negative news daily.
Donnies problem was 90% Donnie.
Don't disagree with you regarding Trump's talking! But see that's what a successful businessman has... a loudmouth, but gets things done! Why did you people want Trump to be just telling you what YOU wanted to hear? Trump was like most Americans. Loves his family. Loves his Country Loves military and law enforcement and above all knows that America is the BEST place in the world for freedom and now you and others are watching how the MSM put their money where their mouth is right on the Democrats socialistic and totally incorrect ideas.!

Trump's success in business was as a salesman. He suffered by inheriting his corporate position and didn't need to learn leadership skills which is impression I've held for years before he sought the presidency. I totally believe what I've seen written about how he was treated by the mainstream media. I've wonder if they felt some guilt by the way they covered his candidacy in 2016 in which they fell for his showmanship?

As for what I want to hear, I don't expect that at all from anybody in government.
Right after they had donated 96% to Hillary in 2016! Then they pulled out all the negative news and naturally as any normal person would do Trump (NOT being politically correct ass kissing person but a Queens NYC native responded...as would normal not politically correct people do...which is what millions of us liked even though like me we think Trump is an ass, bully, etc... kind of like Theodore Roosevelt was, but he got things done! Trump was like several bosses I had. I thought they were dumb. Loudmouth bastards. But they got things done! So yea... make all your personal subjective attacks on Trump but to me that's like the below doing this: View attachment 538260View attachment 538261
Just more proof that tRump sucked.
Over here the coverage is 100% negative. |He gave a speech once where he almost sounded presidential and he was given credit for that. Most of the time he was just regarded as a figure of fun.
All the newsreaders used to smile when they introduced the trump news item because they knew the viewers would be laughing at his antics. It was like one of the funny animal stories they tack on the end of the programme.

"Today Donald Trump claimed his crowd was bigger than Obamas"

"Today Donald Trump made a really sick impression of a handicapped man"

Today Donald Trump abused a gold star family

"Today Donald Trump tried to use public funds to strong arm a foreign power for his own political agenda"

"Today Donald Trump tear bombed a crowd so he could pose in front of a church holding a Bible upside down."

"Today Donald Trump stated that he trusted Putin more than the US security services"

"Today Donald Trump tried to buy Greenland."

"Today Donald Trump missed a service for fallen soldiers in case his hair got wet."

"Today Donald Trump lent his support to Republican paedo Roy Moore"

On and on it went.
First of all you haven't refuted anything I put up! Why not provide LINKS like I do that substantiate my statements? That's because you are LIKE the MSM... deal with emotion, subjectivity... personal stupidities!
But the simple fact the MSM donated 96% to Hillary... BEFORE Trump was President... and she lost so THEY spent the next 4 years suffering like you from TDS and then put 90% in Biden PLUS totally negative news...

Explain to me how anyone could accuse the MSM being objective, journalists? They are suppose to report the facts...not opinions regardless of the subject's attitude. Why was THAT acceptable for the MSM after donating to Hillary to then put THEIR opinions in their news... For example you and your other Trump haters use this statement repeated endless by the MSM..."There were very fine people on both sides,
But this is what Trump actually said but the biased MSM left off the last part!!!
The post the states that Trump really said,
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
Generally the Media have people who work in them who analysis political performance more than the average person.

Trump was a bad president, he was actually terrible... Look at the real Metrics... He borrowed a load of money and still handed the country back in a mess...

Obama inherited a mess of Economy and had record months of Job Growth... He behaved respectful to others...

Simply put you are complaining that the other football team are ahead and the ref must be biased... Evert thing your team are just not that good... GOP went into the last election with not updated policy platform... Where is the GOP Healthcare plan (it can't be just bitching about the Obamacare)... Trump was an embarrassment out side US and US soft power went to the lowest level until WW1, Completely dropped the ball on COVID....

Reality Shows are made up, Trump was and is a pretty bad business man who was born privileged. Just look at Micheal Cohen, the guy got average grades from one of the worst law schools in America, he promoted a security guard to being his COO... Seriously could you see Jeff Bezo or Bill Gates doing that? People at that level surround themselves with the best and they pay them (and not under the table, best don't need under the table money)..

Trump got bad coverage because his Administration ran from one crisis to another... it was chaotic... By the way government should be boring, bring is good, boring mean everyone is making money...
Fact check sites are fake news.

Interesting. I am a smoker. I have heard all my life that smoking is bad for me. Are the reports of smoking being bad fake news too? I mean, anything we don’t like is fake news isn’t it?

So you are saying this is a lie?

Those are the ones that the Fact Checking site said were Trump telling the truth. I guess they were wrong, and Trump wasn’t telling the truth. Well that’s great to know. Trump was lying when he said those things.
When you join a cult you're programmed to believe The Leader is infallible & can do nothing wrong. So it is with Trump.

Have fun with that.
When you parrot what the Marxist Fake News MSM tells you to think YOU are the Cultist !!!!
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
It’s a psycho cultist. You won’t ever see anything true from it

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