Ivermectin will be available without a prescription for Covid-19 treatment...

No one is preventing you from de-worming yourself.
Have at it. :)
If I need it. Sure will Moonbat. Just like Billions of others on the planet. Safe and effective used all over the world.

You need to try this BS on sheep. Maybe CNN watchers will listen to you. lmao
For parasitic infections. Not for viruses. :auiqs.jpg:
No, no it really doesn't

Once a drug is approved for use by the FDA? Folks with prescribing power, are allowed to prescribe medications for off label use.

This has always been the tradition in medicine that has been approved by the FDA for unapproved uses. . . Ivermectin is still approved, thus? According to long established FDA protocols by the FDA itself, it is up to the healthcare provider whether to provide it.

Why might an approved drug be used for an unapproved use?​

"From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.
You may be asking yourself why your healthcare provider would want to prescribe a drug to treat a disease or medical condition that the drug is not approved for. One reason is that there might not be an approved drug to treat your disease or medical condition. Another is that you may have tried all approved treatments without seeing any benefits. In situations like these, you and your healthcare provider may talk about using an approved drug for an unapproved use to treat your disease or medical condition."

Apples and oranges.

There are plenty of drugs which actually work against the virus, so it's not a last hail mary option.
Unfortunately, those conducting the study ignored the findings in the real world. If you don't take zinc and vitamin supplements along with ivermectin, there is little benefit. The biochemical pathways for this interaction have been explained very clearly by non-political scientists. Looks like those conducting the "study" are wasting their time.

Who paid for the study? From the editorial you linked:

Ahh, that explains a lot. It's the same people who are revoking the licenses of doctors who are actually practicing medicine.
Doctors who harm their patients based on political conjecture should not be practicing medicine.
Again, you are free to ingest whatever de-worming drug you'd like. :) Hopefully your slavish devotion to the cult of Trump and your incessant need to vindicate him for being right about Ivermectin (which he wasn't) won't cause a shortage of the drug (that has been proven to do nothing for COVID-19) that will make it unavailable for people around the world who really need it. It's what happened with hydroxychloroquine for a few months.

Cult membas....gonna cult. :auiqs.jpg:
Again, you are free to ingest whatever de-worming drug you'd like. :) Hopefully your slavish devotion to the cult of Trump and your incessant need to vindicate him for being right about Ivermectin (which he wasn't) won't cause a shortage of the drug (that has been proven to do nothing for COVID-19) that will make it unavailable for people around the world who really need it. It's what happened with hydroxychloroquine for a few months.

Cult membas....gonna cult. :auiqs.jpg:
You do know that your Reverse Psychology doesn't work here.............As I said........try CNN sheep. They are dumb enough to believe you.
It is a crime against humanity that little beast Fauci and his Deep State prevented use of alternative remedies for the flu Fauci financed.

Folks, unless you get out in the sun everyday for at least a half hour with your face, etc. exposed you need D3 supplementation. I take Garden of Life 5,000 IU and blood test confirms I am in the desirable range despite not being in the sun for months. D3 is very important for the immune system to defend against assorted toxins like the Fauci Jabs and the Fauci Flu itself.
You just angered one of USMBs resident paid strolls with your truthful post here evidenced by her thumbs down sign. :up:

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