Ivermectin will be available without a prescription for Covid-19 treatment...

Unfortunately, those conducting the study ignored the findings in the real world. If you don't take zinc and vitamin supplements along with ivermectin, there is little benefit. The biochemical pathways for this interaction have been explained very clearly by non-political scientists. Looks like those conducting the "study" are wasting their time.

Who paid for the study? From the editorial you linked:

ACTIV-6 is part of the National Institutes of Health

Ahh, that explains a lot. It's the same people who are revoking the licenses of doctors who are actually practicing medicine.
OMG. This again?!? LOL. Hey, I support your right to de-worm yourself if you feel you must. :auiqs.jpg:

Hint...you literally trip over these articles.
So why is it you feel the need to constantly play this drug up? It's used to treat water and food borne parasites (in small doses).
Not a virus. :)
You discredit yourself when you keep pushing the bald faced LIE that all Ivermectin is horse de-wormer. You can't possibly be stupid enough to not realize there are very effective HUMAN FORMULATIONS of ivermectin.
Does COVID look like this...

Show me a picture of Covid and I'll tell you.
Unfortunately, those conducting the study ignored the findings in the real world. If you don't take zinc and vitamin supplements along with ivermectin, there is little benefit. The biochemical pathways for this interaction have been explained very clearly by non-political scientists. Looks like those conducting the "study" are wasting their time.

Who paid for the study? From the editorial you linked:

Ahh, that explains a lot. It's the same people who are revoking the licenses of doctors who are actually practicing medicine.
Yea those stupid Duke University researchers aren't as smart as you...What were they thinking having those dunces do a study
Talk about marching in lockstep.

Sieg heil, bitches.
Yeah they love those fake ass proo studies. We tested 100 people who we waited til their lungs were chop liver. Gave them Ivermectin and they still died. See it doesnt work. Bunch of clowns .Even UAB in Alabama are tied to these clowns. If they say different they lose the grant money
Great analysis. Improper wearing of masks is the culprit of these high case number spikes. This effect was hinted at by at least one well known study from long before the pandemic, and I have seen it demonstrated over and over during the course of this "pandemic". You could not possibly devise a better spreading mechanism for a virus like this than to put a mask on an infected and contagious person and then have them walk around.

In the graphic below comparing peak case numbers between states. New York had the WORST peak case numbers was the state with the most strict mask mandates (people and businesses were actually fined for non-compliance), other states had spotty mask mandates but overall compliance was about 50% (estimated).

View attachment 629920

Masks can't stop a virus.

Masks are there for droplets and nothing more, they aren't there to stop the spread of an airborne illness and only instead to stop dropletes of saliva from speaking, breathing or sneezing. I was an aide in a hospital while I was in nursing school. No where anywhere do they ever teach you a mask stops s virus, its droplet only. They do not keep you from getting sick, ever.

The only masks that would do that are full face masks with something like a merv 20 rated filter.

People got COVID from touching something and picking their nose or rubbing their eye and transferring it to a mucus membrane than they ever did from a improper fitted mask.

Even if every single person on earth wore a properly fitted mask 24 hours a day that would still mean every single person on will get COVID, it just might take an extra 5 or 6 months for it to happen.

COVID is impossible to stop, it's part of life on earth now like the flu.
Masks can't stop a virus.

Masks are there for droplets and nothing more, they aren't there to stop the spread of an airborne illness and only instead to stop dropletes of saliva from speaking, breathing or sneezing. I was an aide in a hospital while I was in nursing school. No where anywhere do they ever teach you a mask stops s virus, its droplet only. They do not keep you from getting sick, ever.

The only masks that would do that are full face masks with something like a merv 20 rated filter.

People got COVID from touching something and picking their nose or rubbing their eye and transferring it to a mucus membrane than they ever did from a improper fitted mask.

Even if every single person on earth wore a properly fitted mask 24 hours a day that would still mean every single person on will get COVID, it just might take an extra 5 or 6 months for it to happen.

COVID is impossible to stop, it's part of life on earth now like the flu.
Totally agree. I am certain by now I have been exposed to Covid but I focus on staying healthy, getting outside exercise and taking zinc and vitamin C. That is the best anyone can do IMO. Fauci and the CCP really fukked us over good. If you are old, weak or fat you should do everything you can to protect yourself, but masks are little more than a security blanket.
You discredit yourself when you keep pushing the bald faced LIE that all Ivermectin is horse de-wormer. You can't possibly be stupid enough to not realize there are very effective HUMAN FORMULATIONS of ivermectin.
Ivermectin in large doses is used for de-worming livestock.
Of course it is used in humans (in small doses) to treat parasitic infections.
Second to last sentence of my post (dated in April, LOL).
I said that. :)

Why did you bother responding to this (old) post? :)
The Master Backpedaler!
Then you don't pay attention to my posts, kiddo. Ivermectin has been used for decades to treat food and water borne illnesses in humans. My issue is that Trump supporters, virus deniers, and the alt-right have been touting it as a miracle drug to use on COVID-19...of which there is ample study now to show..it doesn't have any effect on it.

Try again, son. :)
Then you don't pay attention to my posts, kiddo. Ivermectin has been used for decades to treat food and water borne illnesses in humans. My issue is that Trump supporters, virus deniers, and the alt-right have been touting it as a miracle drug to use on COVID-19...of which there is ample study now to show..it doesn't have any effect on it.

Try again, son. :)
Feel free to find and present any of my posts saying otherwise, Bird Turd.
Otherwise, close your pie hole and sit down.
STFU govt loon

Ive shown vast studies from all over the world and you know it.

You Branch Covidians have screwed this country. Sooo Fuck off
STFU govt loon

Ive shown vast studies from all over the world and you know it.

You Branch Covidians have screwed this country. Sooo Fuck off
Nice deflection, winger. :)
Those studies have all been dismissed (on COVID-19). It is not effective against the virus.

It will continue to be used for what it's been used for over the years.
Nice deflection, winger. :)
Those studies have all been dismissed (on COVID-19). It is not effective against the virus.

It will continue to be used for what it's been used for over the years.
You are not God so they arent dismissed.

You push the narrative of the worst stats on planet earth. Sorry we dont need advice from a loser.
Nice deflection, winger. :)
Those studies have all been dismissed (on COVID-19). It is not effective against the virus.

It will continue to be used for what it's been used for over the years.
They rely on some “study” from India over a Duke University study because

We’ll because they want to

Whatever. Deworm yours self. Good luck
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