Jack Smith wants to indict Trump for Jan 6

Which means that most Americans think it isn't politically motivated..which it isn't.
Long past time for him to face the music...and for you enabling feebs to wake up and smell the grift. :)
As soon as the Democrats answer for inciting 8 months worth of riots.
Which ones were specifically incited by DEMOCRATS? Which Democrats specifically? And not ordinary people who were tired of seeing unarmed black men get killed for no reason.

And your boy didn't help things with that jazzed up speech about his view on "law enforcement". :)

Trump needs to answer for inciting a riot..along with a lot of other things.
Which means that most Americans think it isn't politically motivated..which it isn't.
Long past time for him to face the music...and for you enabling feebs to wake up and smell the grift.
Most folks realize it is politically motivated. This is a problem in our country.
Which ones were specifically incited by DEMOCRATS? Which Democrats specifically? And not ordinary people who were tired of seeing unarmed black men get killed for no reason.

And your boy didn't help things with that jazzed up speech about his view on "law enforcement". :)

Trump needs to answer for inciting a riot..along with a lot of other things.
Trump never incited a riot despite what retarded folks like you want to believe.
Hutchinson is a Republican. She worked for Trump in the White House

WHO CARES, leftard liar?

Almost all the people who testified before Congress about January 6 were Republicans.

WHO CARES, dumbass?

Do try to catch up.

You are an IDIOT.


Who cares if she's a rightie, leftie, or a little pink lesbian from Venus?

You leftard asswipes are thoroughly despicable.

Your bullshit is DANGEROUS to this country and everyone living here.

"But she's a Republican".

What a bunch of retarded scumbags.
The Secret Service just testified. That's what this topic is about. Do try to catch up.
Which means that most Americans think it isn't politically motivated..which it isn't.
Long past time for him to face the music...and for you enabling feebs to wake up and smell the grift. :)
Pre-Trump. I missed his anti-Muslim screeds.

When I was first on this board in 2012, he was relatively levelheaded and also he hated Obama as president.
One of the countless fascinating things to watch in the upcoming months will be how they address the mounting charges, indictments and evidence that are made public. I guess one question is whether any of their tactics will change amid the sheer volume.

Y'know, another tinier piece of this is the fact that THIS collection of reports and evidence are sticking, because they're being backed up. As compared to the 65+ times they have seen their phony "evidence" laughed out of court, including by Trump judges. I wonder if they notice that.

Boy, talk about mixed feelings. This is so interesting, so historic to watch. And yet it's also documenting our decay.
The Dems have a real psycho obsession with President Trump.
First indication that these people are the product of mental illness.

All of this stuff has already been debunked.
Trump didn't try to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo.
He did not tell people to attack the capital.
Look at that---- first they condemned Trump for not tweeting immediately as if that were any guarantee that a simple tweet from him could have turned off 1000 angry protesters in the heat of defending against and fighting the police. Who checks their cellphone in the midst of an angry battle? The real goal here being an attempt to claim that this crowd was somehow under Trump's CONTROL. The legal assumption desired that if they could show that Trump could just STOP them, then they could claim that Trump had SENT them.

So they were angry Trump watched the event for several hours instead, never thinking he had any such power on his own until finally forced into it by staff pressuring him to try. All too late to prove anything---- first they were mad at Trump for not tweeting the mob, now they are angry and blaming Trump for wanting to GO to the protest---- do any of these people make the connection that had they let him go that the riot never would have started because he would have been there to intervene?

All a moot point anyway as there is no interest in these people to get to the truth, only an interest in somehow making it Trump's fault to blame, so of course, they are much more interested in SETTING the dialog regardless of the facts, regardless of what was debunked, regardless that it was a physical impossibility that Trump struggled for the steering wheel as the fiction goes.
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Boy, talk about mixed feelings. This is so interesting, so historic to watch. And yet it's also documenting our decay.

^^^^ What typical, sweet cognitive dissonance by the left; first, they plant the rot in the trunk of the tree with their "fundamental change", then stand back and act surprised the tree is dying, all along, ignoring the head bad apple in the WH.
First indication that these people are the product of mental illness.

Look at that---- first they condemned Trump for not tweeting immediately as if that were any guarantee that a simple tweet from him could have turned off 1000 angry protesters in the heat of defending against and fighting the police. Who checks their cellphone in the midst of an angry battle? The real goal here being an attempt to claim that this crowd was somehow under Trump's CONTROL. The legal assumption desired that if they could show that Trump could just STOP them, then they could claim that Trump had SENT them.

So they were angry Trump watched the event for several hours instead, never thinking he had any such power on his own until finally forced into it by staff pressuring him to try. All too late to prove anything---- first they were mad at Trump for not tweeting the mob, now they are angry and blaming Trump for wanting to GO to the protest---- do any of these people make the connection that had they let him go that the riot never would have started because he would have been there to intervene?

All a moot point anyway as there is no interest in these people to get to the truth, only an interest in somehow making it Trump's fault to blame, so of course, they are much more interested in SETTING the dialog regardless of the facts, regardless of what was debunked, regardless that it was a physical impossibility that Trump struggled for the steering wheel as the fiction goes.

Look at who the people are, running the show.

Pelosi - a raging alcoholic
Schiff - likes little boys
Raskin, Nadler, Schumer....

Hillary. The queen psychotic bitch.

Hard to believe 80 million people support these fucktards.

This isn't the fiction corner, commie. No one goes about creating a site thread explaining their position when your positions are plainly seen already in your every post, unless they want to CLAIM a position directly 180° in contrast with what everyone already sees and reads everyday!

What is that, like the 30th time you've tried whipping that crap out that I've yet to see one person believe?! :lmao:

Mac The Hard Right Conservative, worried that America is going to the dogs by trying to preserve our constitutional rule of law!

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