Jackson Mississippi water system has failed. Did their Congressmen vote for infrastructure investment?

Backward assed is the word for what you want?
No, traditional is the word; but unfortunately you have to go back that far and further to find a time when those values were the norm rather than the exception. I’ll give up all the technology for not having to live in the immoral and valueless cesspool which this nation has become.
Wait. So Infrastructure matters?

Not to GOP politicians
They can fund their own water facilities, or they can’t, and it’s unlivable there… and the city should just disband. Oh well.

Either way, don’t take money from me to pay for this city’s ineptitude and bullshit. It’s their problem.

These failed democrap cities can just end and the people can move and hopefully learn to vote less stupid.
At the Federal level they have no legitimate power to legislate or spend on any infrastructure other than interstate highways and federal buildings.

Congressional bills provide funding for all sorts of infrastructure projects...and GOP politicians fight that
Congressional bills provide funding for all sorts of infrastructure projects...and GOP politicians fight that

There is no mandate in Article I, Section 8 for any infrastructure spending other than Federal buildings and interstate highways. The fact that Congress has passed such spending without SCOTUS overturning it doesn’t actually make it moral or Constitutional.
Oh, please do explain why your mind went there? Would you perhaps be obsessed with finding racism where it simply doesn't exist?
Racism is both overt and covert. If you don't support equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice you would be a racist.
Jobs being added every month, gas prices falling, international respect for the US on the increase, standing up to Russia again, standing up to China again, BBB passed, Infrastructure passed, military pay raise passed, booster shots available for any and all who want them, stock market back on a good pace, honor restored to the Oval Office.

Correct. Things are going well.
I was going to refute every single item in this garbage post of yours, and may well do it later, but I just got to #6 and my comp wiped all I have ready to post with links to MSM articles saying how wrong you are on this....So, for now I'll just say that you must be on some good damned drugs to post what you did here....It is laughable what you're saying.
Racism is both overt and covert. If you don't support equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice you would be a racist.
None of that applies to what I said. In the post you said made me a racist, I didn't mention race at all. In fact, I mentioned party affiliation, yet you jumped immediately to race. That's a problem.
Elections have consequences.

So, yes is your answer....Nice....Quite uniting....

We hired a circus clown to be our President and we ended up with a fiasco and became a laughing stock.

We no longer care about your TDS....

When you hire people who are going to "cut spending to the bone"....these are the stakes; poor infrastructure, rampant poverty, few if any prospects for an upturn except from the odd carpetbagger who is going to cash in on zero regulation and a non-union workforce.

Unions can fend for themselves...I thought you were for democratic choice? If workers in a particular business want them, then they can vote for them...So, meanwhile, the debt means nothing is that what you are really saying?
thats a natural disaster not the failure of a city to maintain an important resource,,

and I think it goes to far in some cases,,,

I'm from the government and here to help,,, HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Funny that all red states and it’s voters never ask corporations to come and help after natural disasters with money to rebuild.

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