Jackson Mississippi water system has failed. Did their Congressmen vote for infrastructure investment?

This is a tactic used by the Democrats constantly.
As well as naming a bill something that it is not.
Like the "Deficit Reduction Act"... when MSNBC says it is misnamed - you KNOW it was REALLY misnamed.
Democrats will pack a bill with all kinds of things they know Republicans won't vote for - just so they can say "Republicans voted against "XX"
That's politics. However, the Democratic Party works to aid We the People (even you), and the Republican Party works to keep themselves in power and keep the rich richer; thus, the rich will donate (aka bribe) money to their party.
we arent talking about the TVA,,
The TVA and having seven abortions and six children with different baby daddies are not the same thing. But things like that are always brought up. you seem to think that Republicans do not want infrastructure. Progs push human infrastructure to the limits, and we are paying for it.
The TVA and having seven abortions and six children with different baby daddies are not the same thing. But things like that are always brought up. you seem to think that Republicans do not want infrastructure. Progs push human infrastructure to the limits, and we are paying for it.
When, where, who and why are "seven abortions and six children with different daddies" are seeking your money?
No more than you do from monkey pox...or do you?

Stupid thread, Jackson Mississippi is a democrat shithole
Stupid thread, New York was a shithole for the Irish in the 19th and early 20th Century. Signs posted didn't allow the Irish to work. Think about it, if you can.
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When, where, who and why are "seven abortions and six children with different daddies" are seeking your money?
Lived and worked in a city. in the inner-city area. Believe what you want. You never get stats from police, fire, EMT/Paramedic medical transport, emergency room admittance and hospitals designated for pregnancy. The abortion agencies if pushed would give up that info. The truth is that near 80% of the children are of ingle parents there. All the riots are mostly of that spectrum.
my money is taken from me by force and given to people in other states for things they should pay from with their own money,,,
Maybe you need to research which states give to the Feds, and which states take from the Feds:

How about we start with Salmon Conservation? Are you stating that is very important to infrastructure?
I'd say the food chain is one of the most basic infrastructures.

Infrastructure is the set of facilities and systems that serve a country, city, or other area, and encompasses the services and facilities necessary for its economy, households and firms to function. Infrastructure is composed of public and private physical structures such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications.Wikipedia
Do you live in the Kansas City area? They get tornados and federal money comes to the aid there.
thats a natural disaster not the failure of a city to maintain an important resource,,

and I think it goes to far in some cases,,,

I'm from the government and here to help,,, HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Maybe you need to research which states give to the Feds, and which states take from the Feds:

and all that could be fixed by stopping the feds from being an all powerful government by following the 9th-10th amendments,,
Yeah, they didn't vote democrats, so let em eat shit...Right?
Elections have consequences.

We hired a circus clown to be our President and we ended up with a fiasco and became a laughing stock.

When you hire people who are going to "cut spending to the bone"....these are the stakes; poor infrastructure, rampant poverty, few if any prospects for an upturn except from the odd carpetbagger who is going to cash in on zero regulation and a non-union workforce.
What is in the bill


This title authorizes a variety of programs within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that support drinking water infrastructure.

Specifically, the title reauthorizes through FY2026 and revises the drinking water state revolving fund program, which provides financial assistance to states and water systems for infrastructure projects. In addition, it reauthorizes through FY2026 existing programs and establishes new programs to support drinking water infrastructure, including programs that

  • address emergencies (e.g., cybersecurity events) affecting drinking water systems;
  • protect sources of water (e.g., rivers, lakes, and groundwater);
  • assist the public water systems of small and disadvantaged communities;
  • assist low-income households located in rural areas to maintain access to drinking water and wastewater treatment;
  • reduce lead contamination in drinking water; and
  • support drinking water and sanitation projects on Indian reservations.

NOTE: EVERY Mississippi Congress member voted against this bill
The EPA won't do anything.
Jackson Mississippi is in a crisis. They have no water for drinking, washing or toilets

”The water system has been troubled for years and the city already was under a boil-water notice since late July.”

EVERY Mississippi Congress member and Senator voted against the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill. A Bill that provides funding to upgrade water systems

Mississippi is one of our poorest states with crumbling infrastructure
Yet their Congressmen turned their back on struggling citizens and voted against public infrastructure investment
What happened to Infrastructure Week, anyways?
Elections have consequences.

We hired a circus clown to be our President and we ended up with a fiasco and became a laughing stock.

When you hire people who are going to "cut spending to the bone"....these are the stakes; poor infrastructure, rampant poverty, few if any prospects for an upturn except from the odd carpetbagger who is going to cash in on zero regulation and a non-union workforce.
And it’s going so good now….
And it’s going so good now….
Jobs being added every month, gas prices falling, international respect for the US on the increase, standing up to Russia again, standing up to China again, BBB passed, Infrastructure passed, military pay raise passed, booster shots available for any and all who want them, stock market back on a good pace, honor restored to the Oval Office.

Correct. Things are going well.

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