Jaw-Dropping Liberalism

Yes ISIS and Korea would fit in the "radical right" but I'm not going to imply that all convservatives are like minded with them like the OP is trying to do to the left.

There is no 'radical Right,' or, as the Liars...er, Liberals, call them, the 'Far Right.'

There certainly is a radical, extremist, Far Left.

It can be seen in the OP.
What would you call white nationalist? those that want to jail gays, stop immigration, mold America into a white Christian nation? If that's not radical then I don't know what is.

Infowars.com breitbart.com
More ad hom.
Haha, she attacks ad hom with ad hom... nice
Liberalism is the enemy of western civilization.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Liberalism is what created western civilization. It's why the conservative "Radical extremists" want to destroy it.
You poor brianwashed dupe. Post-modern liberals oppose everything the US stood for. Socialism is not what made us great, capitalism is. Guns are how we became a nation and libs want to take them away. That's two examples that prove you're way wrong.
Liberalism is the enemy of western civilization.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Liberalism is what created western civilization. It's why the conservative "Radical extremists" want to destroy it.
You poor brianwashed dupe. Post-modern liberals oppose everything the US stood for. Socialism is not what made us great, capitalism is. Guns are how we became a nation and libs want to take them away. That's two examples that prove you're way wrong.
I'm liberal own 10 guns, don't have a problem with certain control measures, don't see any serious democratic leader trying to take guns away. That's NRA BS you're being brainwashed by
Liberalism is the enemy of western civilization.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Liberalism is what created western civilization. It's why the conservative "Radical extremists" want to destroy it.
You poor brianwashed dupe. Post-modern liberals oppose everything the US stood for. Socialism is not what made us great, capitalism is. Guns are how we became a nation and libs want to take them away. That's two examples that prove you're way wrong.
I'm liberal own 10 guns, don't have a problem with certain control measures, don't see any serious democratic leader trying to take guns away. That's NRA BS you're being brainwashed by
They get spanked whenever they try.
Liberalism is the enemy of western civilization.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Liberalism is what created western civilization. It's why the conservative "Radical extremists" want to destroy it.
You poor brianwashed dupe. Post-modern liberals oppose everything the US stood for. Socialism is not what made us great, capitalism is. Guns are how we became a nation and libs want to take them away. That's two examples that prove you're way wrong.
I'm liberal own 10 guns, don't have a problem with certain control measures, don't see any serious democratic leader trying to take guns away. That's NRA BS you're being brainwashed by
They get spanked whenever they try.
When have they tried? That is a false narrative you've been brainwashed into believing
I don't????

Well, you'd best re-read the OP, and you'll find that I understand Liberalism far too well.
You sound pretty ignorant. I think you are talking about progressives/socialist... definitely not Liberals. Regardless you are cherry picking extreme examples to try and define an entire ideology.

And....as you've demanded it....and are sorely in need of same.....here is your lesson in history:
These six are all variations on the same theme-
Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.

Now do you see why you shouldn't have dropped out of school after two tries at the third grade?
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. While those six fall on the "Left" side of the spectrum, except fascism... there are vast differences within each ideology. To lump them all together shows a tremendous lack of intellectual effort. They call that "dumbing down"

Here, read up:
Fascism - Wikipedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Including Fascism.

Or....explain how the Liberal demigod took Mussolini's programs wholesale and imposed them on America.

1. " It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p.63

2. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 48

All six.....Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.....are doctrinal peas in the same pod.

I say it, and it is true.
I'm never wrong.
You obviously don't click links... Do you just have a log of "copy and paste" phrases that you work off of. How about you read, comprehend, think then respond with your own thoughts. Here is the definition of Fascism

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]
You guys never own anything
Liberalism is the enemy of western civilization.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Liberalism is what created western civilization. It's why the conservative "Radical extremists" want to destroy it.
You poor brianwashed dupe. Post-modern liberals oppose everything the US stood for. Socialism is not what made us great, capitalism is. Guns are how we became a nation and libs want to take them away. That's two examples that prove you're way wrong.
I'm liberal own 10 guns, don't have a problem with certain control measures, don't see any serious democratic leader trying to take guns away. That's NRA BS you're being brainwashed by
They get spanked whenever they try.
When have they tried? That is a false narrative you've been brainwashed into believing

you know the3y don't care what lies they spew? if they cared about lies and facts they wouldn't be trump loons.
You sound pretty ignorant. I think you are talking about progressives/socialist... definitely not Liberals. Regardless you are cherry picking extreme examples to try and define an entire ideology.

And....as you've demanded it....and are sorely in need of same.....here is your lesson in history:
These six are all variations on the same theme-
Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.

Now do you see why you shouldn't have dropped out of school after two tries at the third grade?
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. While those six fall on the "Left" side of the spectrum, except fascism... there are vast differences within each ideology. To lump them all together shows a tremendous lack of intellectual effort. They call that "dumbing down"

Here, read up:
Fascism - Wikipedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Including Fascism.

Or....explain how the Liberal demigod took Mussolini's programs wholesale and imposed them on America.

1. " It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p.63

2. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 48

All six.....Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.....are doctrinal peas in the same pod.

I say it, and it is true.
I'm never wrong.
You obviously don't click links... Do you just have a log of "copy and paste" phrases that you work off of. How about you read, comprehend, think then respond with your own thoughts. Here is the definition of Fascism

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]
You guys never own anything
What am I supposed to own?
And....as you've demanded it....and are sorely in need of same.....here is your lesson in history:
These six are all variations on the same theme-
Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.

Now do you see why you shouldn't have dropped out of school after two tries at the third grade?
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. While those six fall on the "Left" side of the spectrum, except fascism... there are vast differences within each ideology. To lump them all together shows a tremendous lack of intellectual effort. They call that "dumbing down"

Here, read up:
Fascism - Wikipedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Including Fascism.

Or....explain how the Liberal demigod took Mussolini's programs wholesale and imposed them on America.

1. " It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p.63

2. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 48

All six.....Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.....are doctrinal peas in the same pod.

I say it, and it is true.
I'm never wrong.
You obviously don't click links... Do you just have a log of "copy and paste" phrases that you work off of. How about you read, comprehend, think then respond with your own thoughts. Here is the definition of Fascism

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]
You guys never own anything
What am I supposed to own?
Fascism. You're fking king of it. Own it
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. While those six fall on the "Left" side of the spectrum, except fascism... there are vast differences within each ideology. To lump them all together shows a tremendous lack of intellectual effort. They call that "dumbing down"

Here, read up:
Fascism - Wikipedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Including Fascism.

Or....explain how the Liberal demigod took Mussolini's programs wholesale and imposed them on America.

1. " It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution,"p.63

2. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 48

All six.....Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism.....are doctrinal peas in the same pod.

I say it, and it is true.
I'm never wrong.
You obviously don't click links... Do you just have a log of "copy and paste" phrases that you work off of. How about you read, comprehend, think then respond with your own thoughts. Here is the definition of Fascism

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]
You guys never own anything
What am I supposed to own?
Fascism. You're fking king of it. Own it
I can't own it... I'm not a right winger... I'm not a nationalist... I'm not about authoritarianism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More

    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

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