Jeff Sessions is a flaming RACIST, WTH Trump?

To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
All your political terms are like that, empty, hollow, meaningless; as a result of indiscriminate faux labeling to avoid real discussion and analysis, the very behavior the power structure was hoping for. The intent all along was to have the masses respond emotionally instead of coherently, and it worked/works really well on an teed up anxious population. People no longer think, they just react in Pavlovian fashion upon the sound of the bell.
My biggest problem is that it's an IMPORTANT word, one that should not be diluted or trivialized. It should MEAN something other than an epithet tossed around to put someone on the defensive and avoid an honest discussion.

If it is an important word, it must be a valid description for someone. Are any people who are labeled racist, in fact, racist? Or....has the overuse that you speak of somehow exonerated those who are racist?

There are people who are racist.
There are people who aren't racist, but don't mind that others are racist.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are racist.

Name a person....any person. He or she fits one of these three descriptions.
Keep in mind, you're dealing with wingnuts who get their 'News' from Saturday Night Live, The View, and from a Comedy Channel. They're too dumb to realize that it's Fake News.

They enjoy being lied to. They're thoroughly dumbed-down. If Whoopi Goldberg and 'The View' morons say Sessions is a 'Racist, the Democrat wankers joyfully lap it up. It is what it is.
They just can't help themselves.

It's in their DNA.

Who is they and what can't they help? What is in their DNA?

I'm sure this will surprise you. But I don't believe that I have ever called anyone here at USMB a racist.....unless that person has claimed to be a racist. In fact, I don't think I've called anyone, anywhere, a racist in at least 30 years. using the term "racist" as a weapon in my DNA?
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
And the word "liberal" has not been overused???
Don't know. I'm far more concerned with the term "racist".
Yeah, but you're not going to get any racists to admit they are racist, not in America. In Europe you might though. But more regular racists, not so much politicians.
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
And the word "liberal" has not been overused???
Don't know. I'm far more concerned with the term "racist".
Yeah, but you're not going to get any racists to admit they are racist, not in America. In Europe you might though. But more regular racists, not so much politicians.

Actually, there are a few people here who have admitted to being racists. general....your claim is accurate.
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
All your political terms are like that, empty, hollow, meaningless; as a result of indiscriminate faux labeling to avoid real discussion and analysis, the very behavior the power structure was hoping for. The intent all along was to have the masses respond emotionally instead of coherently, and it worked/works really well on an teed up anxious population. People no longer think, they just react in Pavlovian fashion upon the sound of the bell.
My biggest problem is that it's an IMPORTANT word, one that should not be diluted or trivialized. It should MEAN something other than an epithet tossed around to put someone on the defensive and avoid an honest discussion.
It DOES mean something. It means a liberal is nearby. Anytime you hear or see the word you have verifiable proof that a liberal preceeded you.

What we have is a feckless effort to shut down discussion, that's all it is, You want to stay in your safe space and not hear anything other than your own crap on a reel in your head.

No, but you're refusing facts as theyre plastered across your face.

No silly, not at all. america is a racist society, everyone knows that on some level, even if only on some primordial hind brain level. The whole which party is more racist mindfuck is irrelevant; yeah, they both are, of course they both are, and they are both everyting else too.

The entire argument is a distraction from the issue.
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
All your political terms are like that, empty, hollow, meaningless; as a result of indiscriminate faux labeling to avoid real discussion and analysis, the very behavior the power structure was hoping for. The intent all along was to have the masses respond emotionally instead of coherently, and it worked/works really well on an teed up anxious population. People no longer think, they just react in Pavlovian fashion upon the sound of the bell.
My biggest problem is that it's an IMPORTANT word, one that should not be diluted or trivialized. It should MEAN something other than an epithet tossed around to put someone on the defensive and avoid an honest discussion.

That's all our political system is about really, epithet tossing.
Eric Holder never gave a straight answer when he was grilled after two agents were killed! just cried like a baby and accused george bush of the murders.
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
And the word "liberal" has not been overused???
Don't know. I'm far more concerned with the term "racist".
Yeah, but you're not going to get any racists to admit they are racist, not in America. In Europe you might though. But more regular racists, not so much politicians.
I don't care if a racist admits they're a racist. What have I accomplished?

The problem is not so much the racists, it's the people on both "sides" who refuse to clean their own house before pointing the finger at the other.
To make things worse, the PC zealots have so over-used the term "racist" at this point that the word isn't much more than a punchline.
Are you saying that words can lose their emotional impact?
No, I'm saying words can lose their ability to be enlightening and constructive.
I disagree. Only willful ignorance can cause you to forget the meaning of a word. Not all words are constructive and context determines the amount of enlightenment.

Sessions is a racist. I don't know what surprises people about a 69 year old man from Alabama that would indicate he isn't a racist--LOL

Not only that, but he was denied as a Federal Judge because of his racism, now it looks like he'll be the next attorney General of the United States.
Trump nominee Sessions haunted by racist comments

To add insult to injury--he is on video, desperately trying to defend Trump over the audio tape stating this:

From the Weekly Standard:

SESSIONS: This was very improper language, and (Trump has) acknowledged that.

TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that (video) as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?

SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant—

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.
and “This thing is overblown. Everybody knows that Trump likes women,” Sessions said. “This is not a disqualifying event.”

Remember that, ladies: Sexual assault is not a disqualifying event.
Senator Jeff Sessions defends Sex Predator

Jeff Sessions is not qualified to be Attorney General of the United States.
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Sessions is a racist. I don't know what surprises people about a 69 year old man from Alabama that would indicate he isn't a racist--LOL

Not only that, but he was denied as a Federal Judge because of his racism, now it looks like he'll be the next attorney General of the United States.
Trump nominee Sessions haunted by racist comments

To add insult to injury--he is on video, desperately trying to defend Trump over the audio tape stating this:

From the Weekly Standard:

SESSIONS: This was very improper language, and (Trump has) acknowledged that.

TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that (video) as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?

SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant—

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.
and “This thing is overblown. Everybody knows that Trump likes women,” Sessions said. “This is not a disqualifying event.”

Remember that, ladies: Sexual assault is not a disqualifying event.
Senator Jeff Sessions defends Sex Predator

Jeff Sessions is not qualified to be Attorney General of the United States.
I am woman, hear me roar.....

That is all I heard in your post
All your political terms are like that, empty, hollow, meaningless; as a result of indiscriminate faux labeling to avoid real discussion and analysis, the very behavior the power structure was hoping for. The intent all along was to have the masses respond emotionally instead of coherently, and it worked/works really well on an teed up anxious population. People no longer think, they just react in Pavlovian fashion upon the sound of the bell.
My biggest problem is that it's an IMPORTANT word, one that should not be diluted or trivialized. It should MEAN something other than an epithet tossed around to put someone on the defensive and avoid an honest discussion.
It DOES mean something. It means a liberal is nearby. Anytime you hear or see the word you have verifiable proof that a liberal preceeded you.

What we have is a feckless effort to shut down discussion, that's all it is, You want to stay in your safe space and not hear anything other than your own crap on a reel in your head.

No, but you're refusing facts as theyre plastered across your face.

No silly, not at all. america is a racist society, everyone knows that on some level, even if only on some primordial hind brain level. The whole which party is more racist mindfuck is irrelevant; yeah, they both are, of course they both are, and they are both everyting else too.

The entire argument is a distraction from the issue.

Yes, there are real racists but they're fringe.

Sessions is a racist. I don't know what surprises people about a 69 year old man from Alabama that would indicate he isn't a racist--LOL

Not only that, but he was denied as a Federal Judge because of his racism, now it looks like he'll be the next attorney General of the United States.
Trump nominee Sessions haunted by racist comments

To add insult to injury--he is on video, desperately trying to defend Trump over the audio tape stating this:

From the Weekly Standard:

SESSIONS: This was very improper language, and (Trump has) acknowledged that.

TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that (video) as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?

SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant—

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.
and “This thing is overblown. Everybody knows that Trump likes women,” Sessions said. “This is not a disqualifying event.”

Remember that, ladies: Sexual assault is not a disqualifying event.
Senator Jeff Sessions defends Sex Predator

Jeff Sessions is not qualified to be Attorney General of the United States.

Simply wrong. He prosecuted a racist kkk leader and sent him to his death.

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