Jesus Never Existed

Interesting. Did you know that Muslim literature refers to Him?

Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So they only believe him to be a prophet. They still seem to think he existed.

Yes, and honest experts admit they all wrote about him on hearsay. None of them were witnesses and none of them lived to see it. So what?

I even believe he existed. A man. But what proof do I or they have?

He may have existed but the legend is a myth.
Atheists Are 0.07% of the Federal Prison Population, Threatening Fact for Christian Fundamentalists
It's a big disruption to the Christian right argument that you need a belief in God to live morally.
If you go to prison you'll see the prisons are full of Christians & Muslims. Very few Atheists though.

I have spent a lot of time in maximum security prisons with our church's prison ministry, and there are far, far more atheists and muslims than there are Christians.

I'm to believe you one little man's bias word or this?
Atheists Are 0.07 of the Federal Prison Population Threatening Fact for Christian Fundamentalists Alternet[/QUOTE]

And stop trying to distance yourselves from the Muslims. Like you they have an irrational belief in god. See what good that thinking does them? And your religion is just the lesser of two evil lies. Your religion softened once it killed off or shipped off or burned any non believers. We went through an enlightenment period and the church fought it but no longer does anyone care what your church or it's members think. All man made religions are made up. So what they make you feel good? A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. And there are a whole host of reasons why this lie is bad for us. Just look to your Muslim brothers and sisters to see the concept of god isn't always used for good. I don't need god to be moral and sometimes people who worship god(s) do very immoral things.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

and yet I don't see you objecting to belief in the ancient Greek gods. Only Christ.

Christ has the power to change lives. Yours, mine, everyones. He can change our very natures. We just have to let Him.

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

Zeus had the power to change lives too. If you spoke against him you were punished. Or so the ancient Greeks believed. You dope I use the Greek gods as a great example of how GOD himself is a made up concept. PERFECT example are the Greek Gods. What, do you think one god came and talked to the Greeks and they made the other 1000 Gods up? No. They made up god altogether.

If we don't all evolve you mean. Couple hundred years ago you Christians were burning witches and even today you guys go to war for $. We also have crazy Muslims (who also believe in god) cutting people's heads off and suicide bombing. We need to evolve and one thing that needs to go is your imaginary friend. Or Akmed needs to evolve like you Christians have. But even you Christians aren't right if you ask me. Greedy ignorant people. Sorry I call them like I see them. You bible thumpers and Jesus freaks aren't the answer. Your church is just another made up organized religion. Some of you are alright but so are some Muslims and Jews. Doesn't change the fact your primitive minds needs to realize there is no god.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

and yet I don't see you objecting to belief in the ancient Greek gods. Only Christ.

Christ has the power to change lives. Yours, mine, everyones. He can change our very natures. We just have to let Him.

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

That sentiment is echoed by the extremists of every religion.

They all claim to be the "one true religion" and there will be "bloodshed and suffering" unless everyone embraces their religion "on a global scale".

Christ is the only one who can change our violent nature into peaceful discipleship.

Facts not in evidence!
If you go to prison you'll see the prisons are full of Christians & Muslims. Very few Atheists though.

I have spent a lot of time in maximum security prisons with our church's prison ministry, and there are far, far more atheists and muslims than there are Christians.[/QUOTE]

Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

Nothing survived? Really? NOTHING??? Not one society in all the world wrote about him during the time he lived? It wasn't until 60 years later when people started writing ANYTHING about him and those were christians? When people only lived to be 29 years on average? That's 2 generations later.

And here we are 500 years later and their still talking about Mohammad.

The Greek Gods died, so will Jesus and so will Mohammad just like every other god that was invented before or after.

And don' flatter yourselves. It was believe, move or die. Your religion was force fed onto your ancestors and you are still swallowing it.
If you go to prison you'll see the prisons are full of Christians & Muslims. Very few Atheists though.

I have spent a lot of time in maximum security prisons with our church's prison ministry, and there are far, far more atheists and muslims than there are Christians.


Those supposed "atheists" believed in god they were just angry with god. Those weren't atheists. They weren't smart enough to be atheists. I call bullshit.

And I'm sure you Daisey Duked your shirt and walked around asking every person and every one of those prisoners was honest with you.

Survey says BULLSHIT pal.
If you go to prison you'll see the prisons are full of Christians & Muslims. Very few Atheists though.

I have spent a lot of time in maximum security prisons with our church's prison ministry, and there are far, far more atheists and muslims than there are Christians.


You confuse people who are mad with god with people who don't believe in god.

A lot of those prisoners believe in god and just think they are going to hell. Or, when they realize how fucked up their lives are and they have no where else to turn, that's when religion swoops in and prays on the needy/lost souls. Sometimes that's a good thing I'll admit. If religion can save a lost soul great but maybe job training and anger management can do the same.
I find no mention of Michael Paulkovich in any historical texts.......therefore, he does not exist.....
Did Michael Paulkovich claim to have saved the world like Jesus did? I mean damn, he died to save trillions of souls, he would've been famous if he had existed.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

and yet I don't see you objecting to belief in the ancient Greek gods. Only Christ.

Christ has the power to change lives. Yours, mine, everyones. He can change our very natures. We just have to let Him.

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

That sentiment is echoed by the extremists of every religion.

They all claim to be the "one true religion" and there will be "bloodshed and suffering" unless everyone embraces their religion "on a global scale".

Christ is the only one who can change our violent nature into peaceful discipleship.

Facts not in evidence!

then you aren't looking around.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

and yet I don't see you objecting to belief in the ancient Greek gods. Only Christ.

Christ has the power to change lives. Yours, mine, everyones. He can change our very natures. We just have to let Him.

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

if we aren't all born again on a global scale, this world is in for a lot of bloodshed and suffering at our own hands

That sentiment is echoed by the extremists of every religion.

They all claim to be the "one true religion" and there will be "bloodshed and suffering" unless everyone embraces their religion "on a global scale".

Christ is the only one who can change our violent nature into peaceful discipleship.

Facts not in evidence!

then you aren't looking around.

Onus is on you to provide credible substantiation for your allegation.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

Nothing survived? Really? NOTHING??? Not one society in all the world wrote about him during the time he lived? It wasn't until 60 years later when people started writing ANYTHING about him and those were christians? When people only lived to be 29 years on average? That's 2 generations later.

And here we are 500 years later and their still talking about Mohammad.

The Greek Gods died, so will Jesus and so will Mohammad just like every other god that was invented before or after.

And don' flatter yourselves. It was believe, move or die. Your religion was force fed onto your ancestors and you are still swallowing it.

Christ did die. He returned to life. He isn't going to die again
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

Nothing survived? Really? NOTHING??? Not one society in all the world wrote about him during the time he lived? It wasn't until 60 years later when people started writing ANYTHING about him and those were christians? When people only lived to be 29 years on average? That's 2 generations later.

And here we are 500 years later and their still talking about Mohammad.

The Greek Gods died, so will Jesus and so will Mohammad just like every other god that was invented before or after.

And don' flatter yourselves. It was believe, move or die. Your religion was force fed onto your ancestors and you are still swallowing it.

Christ did die. He returned to life. He isn't going to die again

You sound like a Muslim who says something like, "Mohammad did die. He rose to heaven and will return bla bla yada yada.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

It wasn't until 60 years later when people started writing ANYTHING about him and those were christians?
well, we're making progress I see....just a few pages ago you thought it was 90.....keep trying, you may actually get it right yet......

When people only lived to be 29 years on average?
so Jesus, who was around 33 when he was crucified was older than most of the people around? you think he exceeded the average life expectancy because he was God? realize you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, right?......
Michael Paulkovich finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Daily Mail Online

Historical researcher Michael Paulkovich has claimed that Jesus of Nazareth was a ‘mythical character’ and never existed.

The controversial discovery was apparently made after he found no verifiable mention of Christ from 126 writers during the ‘time of Jesus’ from the first to third centuries.

He says he is a fictional character invented by followers of Christianity to create a figure to worship.


The 126 texts he studied were all written in the period during or soon after the supposed existence of Jesus, when Paulkovich says they would surely have heard of someone as famous as Jesus - but none mention him.

'When I consider those 126 writers, all of whom should have heard of Jesus but did not - and Paul and Marcion and Athenagoras and Matthew with a tetralogy of opposing Christs, the silence from Qumram and Nazareth and Bethlehem, conflicting Bible stories, and so many other mysteries and omissions - I must conclude that Christ is a mythical character,’ he writes.

‘"Jesus of Nazareth" was nothing more than urban (or desert) legend, likely an agglomeration of several evangelic and deluded rabbis who might have existed.’

Does this mean that his mum wasn't impregnated by a magical, invisible sky creature?

Remembering when the DaVinci Code hit. There was talk that it would change forever the way people believed in god but I've seen any evidence that happened. This will surely have the same non-effect because people want and desperately need to believe the myth.

Paulkovich is one of many who have made the assertion that Jesus never existed . It goes back [In my lexicon anyway] to a book "16 Crucified Saviors" by Kersey Graves written about 100 years ago.

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