Jesus Never Existed

Michael Paulkovich finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Daily Mail Online

Historical researcher Michael Paulkovich has claimed that Jesus of Nazareth was a ‘mythical character’ and never existed.

The controversial discovery was apparently made after he found no verifiable mention of Christ from 126 writers during the ‘time of Jesus’ from the first to third centuries.

He says he is a fictional character invented by followers of Christianity to create a figure to worship.


The 126 texts he studied were all written in the period during or soon after the supposed existence of Jesus, when Paulkovich says they would surely have heard of someone as famous as Jesus - but none mention him.

'When I consider those 126 writers, all of whom should have heard of Jesus but did not - and Paul and Marcion and Athenagoras and Matthew with a tetralogy of opposing Christs, the silence from Qumram and Nazareth and Bethlehem, conflicting Bible stories, and so many other mysteries and omissions - I must conclude that Christ is a mythical character,’ he writes.

‘"Jesus of Nazareth" was nothing more than urban (or desert) legend, likely an agglomeration of several evangelic and deluded rabbis who might have existed.’

Does this mean that his mum wasn't impregnated by a magical, invisible sky creature?

Remembering when the DaVinci Code hit. There was talk that it would change forever the way people believed in god but I've seen any evidence that happened. This will surely have the same non-effect because people want and desperately need to believe the myth.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
By John Blake, CNN

(CNN) - A frail man sits in chains inside a dank, cold prison cell. He has escaped death before but now realizes that his execution is drawing near.

“I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come,” the man –the Apostle Paul - says in the Bible's 2 Timothy. “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”

The passage is one of the most dramatic scenes in the New Testament. Paul, the most prolific New Testament author, is saying goodbye from a Roman prison cell before being beheaded. His goodbye veers from loneliness to defiance and, finally, to joy.

There’s one just one problem - Paul didn’t write those words. In fact, virtually half the New Testament was written by impostors taking on the names of apostles like Paul. At least according to Bart D. Ehrman, a renowned biblical scholar, who makes the charges in his new book “Forged.

Half of New Testament forged Bible scholar says 8211 CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The records of Paul the Apostle were actually based on a contemporary Sage Apollonius of Tyana. In fact elements of the Jesus Narrative are also based on him while others such as the Book of Luke are actually [theoretically] based on the Grandson of Herod the Great.
Is Apollonius of Tyana - Paul of Tarsus ?
Julius Caesar — One of the most celebrated and trusted historical figures. Caesar lived from 100-44 BC and the earliest manuscript copy of his writings dates back to 900 AD, putting our best evidence of Caesar ever existing 1,000 years after his death. And there are 10 copies of ancient manuscripts of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. (source) So if you question the Bible based on when it was written, being “translated so many times” (it was not – we still have the same Greek manuscripts today) and still question whether Jesus existed, then you must also be really sure that Julius Caesar and Plato were completely fictional characters and never really existed.

Julius Caesar — Yet another theory states that at least part of the Jesus Narratives are based on Julius Cesar

Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity: An Investigative Report
Francesco Carotta

Julius Christ and Jesus Caesar - Julius Cesar as Jesus Christ
When people only lived to be 29 years on average? .
Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo
(c. 7 – 67 AD) was a Roman general, brother-in-law of the emperor Caligula and father-in-law of Domitian
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, born Gaius Caecilius or Gaius Caecilius Cilo (61 – c. 113), better known as Pliny the Younger
Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (/ˈtæsɨtəs/; Classical Latin: [ˈtakɪtʊs]; c. AD 56 – after 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (c. 35 – c. 100) was a Romanrhetorician from Hispania, widely referred to in medieval schools of rhetoric and in Renaissance writing. In English translation, he is usually referred to asQuintilian
Vespasian (/vɛsˈpeɪʒiən, vɛsˈpeɪziən/; Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus;[note 1] November 9 – 23 June 79[1]) was Roman Emperor from AD 69 to AD 79.
Domitian (/dəˈmɪʃən, -iən/; Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus;[2] 24 October 51 – 18 September 96) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96 (assassinated)
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, commonly known as Suetonius (/swɪˈtoʊniəs/; c. 69 – after 122 AD), was a Roman historian
Last edited:
Julius Caesar — One of the most celebrated and trusted historical figures. Caesar lived from 100-44 BC and the earliest manuscript copy of his writings dates back to 900 AD, putting our best evidence of Caesar ever existing 1,000 years after his death. And there are 10 copies of ancient manuscripts of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. (source) So if you question the Bible based on when it was written, being “translated so many times” (it was not – we still have the same Greek manuscripts today) and still question whether Jesus existed, then you must also be really sure that Julius Caesar and Plato were completely fictional characters and never really existed.

Julius Caesar — Yet another theory states that at least part of the Jesus Narratives are based on Julius Cesar

Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity: An Investigative Report
Francesco Carotta

Julius Christ and Jesus Caesar - Julius Cesar as Jesus Christ
When people only lived to be 29 years on average? .
Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo
(c. 7 – 67 AD) was a Roman general, brother-in-law of the emperor Caligula and father-in-law of Domitian
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, born Gaius Caecilius or Gaius Caecilius Cilo (61 – c. 113), better known as Pliny the Younger
Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (/ˈtæsɨtəs/; Classical Latin: [ˈtakɪtʊs]; c. AD 56 – after 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (c. 35 – c. 100) was a Romanrhetorician from Hispania, widely referred to in medieval schools of rhetoric and in Renaissance writing. In English translation, he is usually referred to asQuintilian
Vespasian (/vɛsˈpeɪʒiən, vɛsˈpeɪziən/; Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus;[note 1] November 9 – 23 June 79[1]) was Roman Emperor from AD 69 to AD 79.
Domitian (/dəˈmɪʃən, -iən/; Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus;[2] 24 October 51 – 18 September 96) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96 (assassinated)
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, commonly known as Suetonius (/swɪˈtoʊniəs/; c. 69 – after 122 AD), was a Roman historian
were you perhaps thinking of life expectancy instead?.....taking infant mortality into account.....
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.

Unequivocally untrue. The whole transcript of Christ's trial survived, and his return was also documented, as was the testimony of 2 former Temple priests that came back with him. In Hebrew, on papyrus, and correctly dated.
Philosophers debated why the sun went dark for 3 hours during His crucifixion.
Only the uneducated would believe that Christ never existed.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.

Unequivocally untrue. The whole transcript of Christ's trial survived, and his return was also documented, as was the testimony of 2 former Temple priests that came back with him. In Hebrew, on papyrus, and correctly dated.
Philosophers debated why the sun went dark for 3 hours during His crucifixion.
Only the uneducated would believe that Christ never existed.

Onus is on you to provide credible substantiation for your allegations.

Where is this transcript?

Where is this "documentation"?

Where is the independent verification of the dating?
So the entire argument made by evangelic atheists is just a seriously flawed argument from silence, and circular reasoning from that flawed argument.


Yet, when babbling nonsense re the 'science' of evolution, they will insist silly ad hoc explanations based purely on imagination and confirmation bias are not only acceptable but necessary.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.

Unequivocally untrue. The whole transcript of Christ's trial survived, and his return was also documented, as was the testimony of 2 former Temple priests that came back with him. In Hebrew, on papyrus, and correctly dated.
Philosophers debated why the sun went dark for 3 hours during His crucifixion.
Only the uneducated would believe that Christ never existed.

Link please so I research your claims?

The most "authoritative" accounts of a historical Jesus come from the four canonical Gospels of the Bible. Note that these Gospels did not come into the Bible as original and authoritative from the authors themselves, but rather from the influence of early church fathers, especially the most influential of them all: Irenaeus of Lyon who lived in the middle of the second century.

Did Jesus exist
So the entire argument made by evangelic atheists is just a seriously flawed argument from silence, and circular reasoning from that flawed argument.


Yet, when babbling nonsense re the 'science' of evolution, they will insist silly ad hoc explanations based purely on imagination and confirmation bias are not only acceptable but necessary.

Simply because you or the scientific community lack a complete understanding of something does not imply a theistic explanation carries any value. Even if there exists some topic on which science can never speak, any understanding could potentially evade us forever – supernatural or metaphysical speculation would not automatically be correct. In science or with atheists, uncertainty is the most legitimate position.

Lightning, earthquakes, volcanos, disease, mental illness, speciation, planetary orbitsand numerous other phenomena have been historically labelled ‘supernatural’ only to later be more thoroughly and elegantly explained by science. In fact, every mystery ever demonstrably solved has had a non-supernatural explanation. To suggest that science cannot or will not explain a phenomena, and that only theism can, is hubris of the highest order.

Using ‘god’ to explain something explains nothing. God’s supposed powers and how they work are a mystery. An explanation is intended to clarify and extend knowledge. Attributing a phenomenon to the magical powers of a supernatural being does neither. Worse still, this presumption acts to prevent any deeper investigation, being little more than a form of blissful ignorance.

Note: By using ‘god’ to fill gaps in their knowledge theists inadvertently provide a shrinking role for their god as science advances. They also predicate god’s existence on a lack of knowledge, not on any positive argument or evidence.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.

Unequivocally untrue. The whole transcript of Christ's trial survived, and his return was also documented, as was the testimony of 2 former Temple priests that came back with him. In Hebrew, on papyrus, and correctly dated.
Philosophers debated why the sun went dark for 3 hours during His crucifixion.
Only the uneducated would believe that Christ never existed.

Onus is on you to provide credible substantiation for your allegations.

Where is this transcript?

Where is this "documentation"?

Where is the independent verification of the dating?

It might prove interesting to the critical reader that the main source for the letters of Pilate come from W. P. Crozier's 1928 book titled, "Letters of Pontius Pilate: Written During His Governorship of Judea to His Friend Seneca in Rome." However, unbeknownst or ignored by the uncritical faithful, this book represents Crozier's first novel, a fictionalized account of what he thought Pilate would have written.

Crozier, a newspaper editor, went to Oxford University and retained an interest in Latin, Greek and the Bible. He wrote this novel as if it represented the actual letters of Pilate. Of course no scholar would cite this as evidence because no letters exist of Pilate to Seneca, and Seneca never mentions Jesus in any of his writings.

The belief in Pilate's letters represents one of the more amusing fad beliefs in evidential Jesus, however, it also reveals just how myths, fakes, and fictions can leak into religious thought. Hundreds of years from now, Crozier's fictionalized account may very well end up just as 'reliable' as the gospels.
Christianity is just one of many religions that in our very brief human history will come and go. Like the Greek Gods.

For over 100 years after Christ there was an attempt to wipe out anything and everything that had to do with Christ. And here we are 2,000 years later, talking about Christ. And here is the reason:
Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

And He has never lied to us.

What appears most revealing comes not from what people later wrote about Jesus but what people did not write about him. Consider that not a single historian, philosopher, scribe or follower anywhere in the world during Jesus’ time ever mentions him. If, indeed, the Gospels portray a historical look at the life of Jesus, then the one feature that stands out prominently within the stories shows that people claimed to know Jesus far and wide.

The area in and surrounding Jerusalem served, in fact, as the center of education and record keeping for the Jewish people. The Romans, of course, also kept many records. Moreover, the gospels mention scribes many times, not only as followers of Jesus but the scribes connected with the high priests. And as for historians, there lived plenty at the time who had the capacity and capability to record, not only insignificant gossip, but significant events, especially from a religious sect who drew so much popular attention through an allegedly famous and infamous Jesus.
If, indeed, such a well known Jesus existed, as the gospels allege, does any reader here think it reasonable that, at the very least, the fame of Jesus would not have reached the ears of any of the great writers of the day?

Amazingly, we have not one Jewish, Greek, or Roman writer, even those who lived in the Middle East, much less anywhere else on the earth, who ever mention him during his supposed life time. This appears quite extraordinary, and you will find few Christian apologists who dare mention this embarrassing fact.

Yet straight-faced Christian apologists and historians want you to buy a factual Jesus out of a dearth void of evidence, and rely on nothing but hearsay written well after his purported life.

Unequivocally untrue. The whole transcript of Christ's trial survived, and his return was also documented, as was the testimony of 2 former Temple priests that came back with him. In Hebrew, on papyrus, and correctly dated.
Philosophers debated why the sun went dark for 3 hours during His crucifixion.
Only the uneducated would believe that Christ never existed.

Onus is on you to provide credible substantiation for your allegations.

Where is this transcript?

Where is this "documentation"?

Where is the independent verification of the dating?

No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not asingle contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus came well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources about Jesus derive from hearsay accounts.

Did Jesus exist
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Get your stories straight. From one side of your mouths you claim the rulers of the time insisted all evidence of him disappear. Writing about him was illegal and anything got destroyed. That's not true.

Then you say there are writings about him that were written during his times. Were are these documents?

Oh, and if that's how rulers and societies act about religion where they denied the Messiah, why would you want me to trust this society today or the churches of our times? Are you all mad?
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Your were asked to provide the documentation for your allegations.

Instead you spout your religious dogma.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you were lying in your earlier posts.
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Deafening silence from you. Still looking for something?
Michael Paulkovich finds no mention of Christ in 126 historical texts Daily Mail Online

Historical researcher Michael Paulkovich has claimed that Jesus of Nazareth was a ‘mythical character’ and never existed.

The controversial discovery was apparently made after he found no verifiable mention of Christ from 126 writers during the ‘time of Jesus’ from the first to third centuries.

He says he is a fictional character invented by followers of Christianity to create a figure to worship.


The 126 texts he studied were all written in the period during or soon after the supposed existence of Jesus, when Paulkovich says they would surely have heard of someone as famous as Jesus - but none mention him.

'When I consider those 126 writers, all of whom should have heard of Jesus but did not - and Paul and Marcion and Athenagoras and Matthew with a tetralogy of opposing Christs, the silence from Qumram and Nazareth and Bethlehem, conflicting Bible stories, and so many other mysteries and omissions - I must conclude that Christ is a mythical character,’ he writes.

‘"Jesus of Nazareth" was nothing more than urban (or desert) legend, likely an agglomeration of several evangelic and deluded rabbis who might have existed.’

Does this mean that his mum wasn't impregnated by a magical, invisible sky creature?

Remembering when the DaVinci Code hit. There was talk that it would change forever the way people believed in god but I've seen any evidence that happened. This will surely have the same non-effect because people want and desperately need to believe the myth.

The DiVinci Code wasn't particularly good. Dan Brown seeks to promote his religion of Satanism - which is fine, but his books are heavy handed religious tracts, not Earth Shattering revelations.
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Your were asked to provide the documentation for your allegations.

Instead you spout your religious dogma.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you were lying in your earlier posts.

Prove Abraham existed
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Your were asked to provide the documentation for your allegations.

Instead you spout your religious dogma.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you were lying in your earlier posts.

I'm trying to find anyone that saw Jesus do what he did, other than his followers, and I'm finding nothing. Even the writings from his followers are written 60 to hundreds of years after the fact by 3rd parties.

I found this guy but he didn't write anything about Jesus

Joseph of Arimathea

Seems to me he was written about later. Made up. Why? It would have fullfilled prophecy.

Joseph of Arimathea is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and some Protestant churches.

Many Christians interpret Joseph's role as fulfilling Isaiah's prediction that the grave of the "Suffering Servant" would be with a rich man

The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Your were asked to provide the documentation for your allegations.

Instead you spout your religious dogma.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you were lying in your earlier posts.

Prove Abraham existed

He lived around 4000 years ago but based on this: He was called by God to leave the house of his father Terah and settle in a land which was already settled by the descendants of Canaan, but God promised it to Abraham and his posterity.

Based on this he is a fictitious character.

Terah, the tenth in descent from Noah, begat three sons, Abram (later called Abraham), Nahor, and Haran.

So you'd have to believe the Noah story and most people realize that story is an allegory. They just can't seem to get that so was Mary and Jesus.
The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Your were asked to provide the documentation for your allegations.

Instead you spout your religious dogma.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you were lying in your earlier posts.

I tacitly concede nothing. And lied about nothing. And have posted the word for word accounts here at least twice.

The transcript of Christ's trial would have convinced him if he had done his homework. Lots of people were crucified. Only one rose from the dead. That's the one who took the punishment for our sins on himself. Jesus, the Christ.

Get your stories straight. From one side of your mouths you claim the rulers of the time insisted all evidence of him disappear. Writing about him was illegal and anything got destroyed. That's not true.

Then you say there are writings about him that were written during his times. Were are these documents?

Oh, and if that's how rulers and societies act about religion where they denied the Messiah, why would you want me to trust this society today or the churches of our times? Are you all mad?

Get your reading straight. I said there was an all out assault on Christianity after Christ died. I did not say they were successful. To the contrary, I said we are still quoting Christ 2,000 years later. Never said writing about Him was illegal. In fact, listen carefully.... DEAD SEA SCROLLS!!!!! To know about the scrolls is to know they were not successful in destroying everything written. Feeding Christians to lions, row after row of Christians hanging on crosses, driving stakes from their rectums to their necks, dipping them in oil, and setting them on fire to light a garden is testament that they surely tried.

Not being at your beck and call, and having a husband that will be wanting supper in a few hours, I'll reprint the whole transcript for you at my convenience, not yours. And this time, I'll give it its own thread, so my time can be better spent
refuting what you say instead of reiterating what I have said.

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