Jesus Was A Capitalist

I don't remember seeing Jesus or the Christian God described like this in any scripture, but I admit my knowledge of scripture is very limited.

Can you provide a source? Thanks in advance.
Do you live in America? Lol
I do. Now, can you provide your source for this notion? A drawing is not scripture.
Go to any Catholic Church near you look at the paintings in the window if the man in white with blue eyes let me know lol
Okay, I believe that you believe this. Just wanted to be sure.
you will find every Catholic Church in your community believes the same thing

<psssst> not every christian church is catholic.
While Jesus.....the capitalist who rewards investment.....encouraged generosity, He never mandated the confiscation of one's earnings, as as all six Militant Secular political perspectives demand.....
socialism, communism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism....

16. The reality is that the government welfare system is not designed to help the poor, and certainly not based on the Bible…. it is a vote-buying scheme. In the more than half century since Democrat LBJ declared the War on Poverty, and after $22 trillion, the poverty rate is nearly the same as it was in 1964.

And bear this in mind: The claim of starving masses is simply a Leftist lie. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II. How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

The Bible does not support socialism.....only capitalism.
While Jesus.....the capitalist who rewards investment.....encouraged generosity, He never mandated the confiscation of one's earnings, as as all six Militant Secular political perspectives demand.....
socialism, communism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism....

16. The reality is that the government welfare system is not designed to help the poor, and certainly not based on the Bible…. it is a vote-buying scheme. In the more than half century since Democrat LBJ declared the War on Poverty, and after $22 trillion, the poverty rate is nearly the same as it was in 1964.

And bear this in mind: The claim of starving masses is simply a Leftist lie. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II. How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

The Bible does not support socialism.....only capitalism.
Capitalists crucified Jesus
Do you live in America? Lol
I do. Now, can you provide your source for this notion? A drawing is not scripture.
Go to any Catholic Church near you look at the paintings in the window if the man in white with blue eyes let me know lol
Okay, I believe that you believe this. Just wanted to be sure.
you will find every Catholic Church in your community believes the same thing

<psssst> not every christian church is catholic.
It doesn't matter. He's dead serious.

His Jesus is Surfer Dude Jesus, and that's that.
I do. Now, can you provide your source for this notion? A drawing is not scripture.
Go to any Catholic Church near you look at the paintings in the window if the man in white with blue eyes let me know lol
Okay, I believe that you believe this. Just wanted to be sure.
you will find every Catholic Church in your community believes the same thing

<psssst> not every christian church is catholic.
It doesn't matter. He's dead serious.

His Jesus is Surfer Dude Jesus, and that's that.
He is trolling you.....just ignore him
Go to any Catholic Church near you look at the paintings in the window if the man in white with blue eyes let me know lol
Okay, I believe that you believe this. Just wanted to be sure.
you will find every Catholic Church in your community believes the same thing

<psssst> not every christian church is catholic.
It doesn't matter. He's dead serious.

His Jesus is Surfer Dude Jesus, and that's that.
He is trolling you.....just ignore him
Hey if being factually accurate is wrong I don’t want to be right!
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?
Last edited:
While Jesus.....the capitalist who rewards investment.....encouraged generosity, He never mandated the confiscation of one's earnings, as as all six Militant Secular political perspectives demand.....
socialism, communism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism....

16. The reality is that the government welfare system is not designed to help the poor, and certainly not based on the Bible…. it is a vote-buying scheme. In the more than half century since Democrat LBJ declared the War on Poverty, and after $22 trillion, the poverty rate is nearly the same as it was in 1964.

And bear this in mind: The claim of starving masses is simply a Leftist lie. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II. How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

The Bible does not support socialism.....only capitalism.
The problem with your ideology is that you are based solely on the US.

You better travel to third world countries and check the reality of how capitalism alone keeps poor people in misery.

Now explain something, the majority of countries in the world have their national budget in balance, this is to say, not enough profit to make the government rich as hell, no government deficit to declare bankruptcy. Their budgets are between a considerable tolerance. Even Russia manages to keep their budget in balance.

How it comes that in the US the private sector is greatly rich while the government budget is always in bankruptcy? Look, every certain number of months, the budget is not close to obtain "balance" but its "debt level" is increased in order to keep the government running. (Government shutdowns when the new increase of debt level is not approved)

Oh yeah, thanks a lot capitalism, right?

Do you want to be without presidential candidates in 2020? Simply ask them how they are going to balance the budget... lol.

In other countries capitalism alone murders millions of poor people.

In the US, capitalism maintains the government in state of coma.
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....
My point was that the tithing that was taking place at the time of Jesus, existed and was required, by law.

Your examples of Bible passages leave out, that tithing was taking place at the time.
While Jesus.....the capitalist who rewards investment.....encouraged generosity, He never mandated the confiscation of one's earnings, as as all six Militant Secular political perspectives demand.....
socialism, communism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism and Fascism....

16. The reality is that the government welfare system is not designed to help the poor, and certainly not based on the Bible…. it is a vote-buying scheme. In the more than half century since Democrat LBJ declared the War on Poverty, and after $22 trillion, the poverty rate is nearly the same as it was in 1964.

And bear this in mind: The claim of starving masses is simply a Leftist lie. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II. How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

The Bible does not support socialism.....only capitalism.
The problem with your ideology is that you are based solely on the US.

You better travel to third world countries and check the reality of how capitalism alone keeps poor people in misery.

Now explain something, the majority of countries in the world have their national budget in balance, this is to say, not enough profit to make the government rich as hell, no government deficit to declare bankruptcy. Their budgets are between a considerable tolerance. Even Russia manages to keep their budget in balance.

How it comes that in the US the private sector is greatly rich while the government budget is always in bankruptcy? Look, every certain number of months, the budget is not close to obtain "balance" but its "debt level" is increased in order to keep the government running. (Government shutdowns when the new increase of debt level is not approved)

Oh yeah, thanks a lot capitalism, right?

Do you want to be without presidential candidates in 2020? Simply ask them how they are going to balance the budget... lol.

In other countries capitalism alone murders millions of poor people.

In the US, capitalism maintains the government in state of coma.

'The problem with your ideology is that you are based solely on the US.

You better travel to third world countries and check the reality of how capitalism alone keeps poor people in misery.'


Governments keep people poor and enslaved.....capitalism frees them and makes them prosperous.


“This one breaks the GDP hockey stick into regions. As you can see, there are a number of hockey sticks. But note that they don’t rise at the same time. The United States surged first.


Well, in a very fortuitous coincidence the year 1776 witnessed both the signing of our Declaration of Independence and the publication of a book called “The Wealth of Nations” by the Scottish economist and philosopher, Adam Smith. In his book, Smith explained how to create a modern free-market capitalist economy and the benefits of doing so.

America’s wise founders took Smith’s principles to heart and within a mere 100 years—the blink of an eye historically—capitalism turned the United States from thirteen backwoods colonies into the world’s largest economy. And it has held that position ever since.

Western Europe shot up as well, but later. It rose steadily during the Industrial Revolution and then experienced a sharp rise after World War II when, between the end of the war and the mid-1960s, it fully embraced the free market. Japan, too, shot up after World War II - surpassing Western Europe for the first time after the US helped the Japanese transition to a democracy and a free-market capitalist economy.Eastern Europe took off after it was released from the Soviet Union and socialism in 1991.China did likewise after the Chinese moved away from strict socialism and implemented some limited free-market policies.” The Market Will Set You Free
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....
My point was that the tithing that was taking place at the time of Jesus, existed and was required, by law.

Your examples of Bible passages leave out, that tithing was taking place at the time.

Any tithing that was mandatory was a tax, not a tithe.
Go to any Catholic Church near you look at the paintings in the window if the man in white with blue eyes let me know lol
Okay, I believe that you believe this. Just wanted to be sure.
you will find every Catholic Church in your community believes the same thing

<psssst> not every christian church is catholic.
It doesn't matter. He's dead serious.

His Jesus is Surfer Dude Jesus, and that's that.
He is trolling you.....just ignore him
It can difficult to tell with these guys.
This was the very first line of the OP:
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?


[Democrat] "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did.
...described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.”

...Ocasio-Cortez demonstrates a woeful understanding of the Bible, as Blaze TV’s Allie Beth Stuckey pointed out:

“The same God you claim to worship invented marriage (Eph. 5:23); defined gender (Gen. 1:27); prohibits partiality towards the poor (or rich) (Lev. 19:15); designated borders (Acts 17:26); requires work (2 Thess. 3:9-10); commands free (not compulsive) generosity (2 Cor. 9:7).

Ms Stuckey continued: “The commands Christ gives to care for the poor and the vulnerable was, of course, a charge to Christians–done freely with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not a charge to delegate this responsibility to the government by way of oppressive taxation."
"Woman of faith" AOC gets Sunday Schooled after accusing religious freedom advocates of "weaponizing" the Bible, like white supremacists · Caldron Pool

Exactly the essence of this thread......

Jesus was a capitalist, and a conservative.....the very antithesis of the socialist collectivist Militant Secularists.
This was the very first line of the OP:
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?


[Democrat] "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did.
...described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.”

...Ocasio-Cortez demonstrates a woeful understanding of the Bible, as Blaze TV’s Allie Beth Stuckey pointed out:

“The same God you claim to worship invented marriage (Eph. 5:23); defined gender (Gen. 1:27); prohibits partiality towards the poor (or rich) (Lev. 19:15); designated borders (Acts 17:26); requires work (2 Thess. 3:9-10); commands free (not compulsive) generosity (2 Cor. 9:7).

Ms Stuckey continued: “The commands Christ gives to care for the poor and the vulnerable was, of course, a charge to Christians–done freely with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not a charge to delegate this responsibility to the government by way of oppressive taxation."
"Woman of faith" AOC gets Sunday Schooled after accusing religious freedom advocates of "weaponizing" the Bible, like white supremacists · Caldron Pool

Exactly the essence of this thread......

Jesus was a capitalist, and a conservative.....the very antithesis of the socialist collectivist Militant Secularists.
Interesting, a witches brew of lies from of all places the CALDRON Pool!!!!

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