Jesus was not a Jew

The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

It was his own fault. Jesus was supposed to take a dive in the 5th, but double crossed the jews, who had 8 to 1 odds on the jew. Jesus tried to hide in the garden, but he was betrayed by Judas, with a kiss (Judas was gay). They took JC to Big Pilot, who washed his hands of him. Turns out that the Jew he defeated was a "made" man.Jesus was taken for a ride. and soon disappeared. Some people believe that he is buried beneath the pitcher's mound at Yankee stadium.

If Jesus was not a jew ------his name would have been VINNIE
I had a fig tree-------it was murdered by choke weed----aka MORNING GLORY
i thought morning glories were 6AM poops :dunno:

yours-----not mine-----mine come in colors----purple, pink, white ----etc------they open to the sun and close
when facing darkness (and spit)
sounds like you need obamacare!

Epsom salt can act as a laxative-----but it is also good for tomato plants
The Jews will need lots more. They are going to rebuild their temple and start sacrificing again.
No only is there going to be a time of great tribulation, we are seeing the shadow or mirror effects of it now. Like birth pangs, it will get increasingly worse instead of better.

Lots more of what? I know they love the Christian money and backing, is that what you mean/
The Jews will need lots more. They are going to rebuild their temple and start sacrificing again.
No only is there going to be a time of great tribulation, we are seeing the shadow or mirror effects of it now. Like birth pangs, it will get increasingly worse instead of better.

Lots more of what? I know they love the Christian money and backing, is that what you mean/

Christian money? catholic or protestant? does it CONFESS what it did last week?
does it sing little hymns?
Jews did not have men who became Gods, therefore Jesus the jew was not a jew.
No, Jews did not have men who became gods, therefore the Romans got the whole damn story all wrong.

Josephus said Vespasian was the Savior, just like King Cyrus.
There are 2,500 prophesies about Christ's return, and the condition of the earth prior to that happening. And only this generation has seen them fulfilled. The rest of the predictions read like the nightly news and are scheduled for the tribulation period we are heading into. God even tells us who the players are.

Little side note, there hasn't been a sacrificial red heifer in thousands of years, and then all of a sudden, in our generation, to fulfill prophecy, Voici! Perfect red heifers in the USA and in other countries, without one white hair.

Thank goodness, and there doesn't need to be another one. Have you seen the show DIG, it was part filmed in Israel, and it was horrible. It was a 10 episodes show on TV. There is no tribulation coming. Those who were left behind were those who were fighting the Romans.

Dig (TV series) - Wikipedia

you watched TEN episodes of a series you HATED? why? did the catechism whore FORCE YOU?

It was a 2015 series. Yes it was horrible.
Jews did not have men who became Gods, therefore Jesus the jew was not a jew.
No, Jews did not have men who became gods, therefore the Romans got the whole damn story all wrong.

Josephus said Vespasian was the Savior, just like King Cyrus.
There are 2,500 prophesies about Christ's return, and the condition of the earth prior to that happening. And only this generation has seen them fulfilled. The rest of the predictions read like the nightly news and are scheduled for the tribulation period we are heading into. God even tells us who the players are.

Little side note, there hasn't been a sacrificial red heifer in thousands of years, and then all of a sudden, in our generation, to fulfill prophecy, Voici! Perfect red heifers in the USA and in other countries, without one white hair.

Thank goodness, and there doesn't need to be another one. Have you seen the show DIG, it was part filmed in Israel, and it was horrible. It was a 10 episodes show on TV. There is no tribulation coming. Those who were left behind were those who were fighting the Romans.

Dig (TV series) - Wikipedia

you watched TEN episodes of a series you HATED? why? did the catechism whore FORCE YOU?

It was a 2015 series. Yes it was horrible.

that bad................... did you feel silly watching one episode after the other?
did munching TV snacks help?
Vespasian and Titus were successful and Josephus called them the Messiah, as they saved many jews who were not involved with the zealots and sacarii. Titus was not a bastard.
Jesus Christ was a Jew. And it is understandable that the Jews don't want to admit their role in the death of God's Son. .

LOL- the 'jews role in the death of God's son'?

Is this like your role in the Slavery in America?

Jews don't believe Jesus was anything- or that they have anything to 'admit' to.

But thanks for the whole thing of blaming all Jews for the murder of your Christ.

Here is why:
Matthew 27:24-25 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of the blood of this Just person. You see to it.” And all the people answered and said, “His blood be upon us and on our children.”
You asked for it. You got it. To this day and forward. Where is your Temple now?

My temple? LOL.

You believe that all of the Jews in existence at the time of the supposed Christ said that? And that all Jews alive today had a role in the death of the supposed Christ?


Matthew 27 has been used as a dog whistle by anti-semites for centuries- surely you are aware that the verse has been used as an excuse for abuse by Christians of Jews.

Perhaps you should look to another verse from Matthew:

Matthew 7:12New International Version (NIV)
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

No I don't. I think one of the main reasons the Temple Jews wanted Christ dead was because thousands and thousands were following Christ, not calling for his death. The next 100 years were spent trying to kill off those who believed Christ was the Son of God. I believe the ones that Pilate was addressing said that.

While people like to blame today's Christians for the crusades, I do not blame any Jew for anything. Not my place. Nor do I use the Bible as a weapon. I can't prevent Bible verses from being used to attack Christians or Jews. I can however make sense of them. And use the whole book as a point of reference. God's word in both the OT and NT can be counted on.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

While I understand what Matthew was saying, the Jews do not. They would rather stick to the letter of the Law than to grasp the meaning behind it. Christ said you left out the love part. And if you included love, you wouldn't need a Temple or sacrifices.

The Jews kicked God out of one Temple already, and will not be inviting His Son into the next. They will continue to be stifled by the Law. And thumb their nose at Grace.

Matthew, the Jew, felt it was important enough to include in his writings that the Jews drew their children into the mess. I trust Matthew.
And you are presumptuous to tell me what I need. Christ supplied all that I need and continues to advocate on my behalf today, thank you. Sweep your own porch...

Oh I am very presumptuous.

How dare I quote scriptures to you- or point that when you say:

And it is understandable that the Jews don't want to admit their role in the death of God's Son.

You are indeed blaming today's Jews for the supposed death of your supposed Christ.
Vespasian and Titus were successful and Josephus called them the Messiah, as they saved many jews who were not involved with the zealots and sacarii. Titus was not a bastard.

you have a big problem with LANGUAGE. How did that issue work out in school?
Vespasian and Titus were successful and Josephus called them the Messiah, as they saved many jews who were not involved with the zealots and sacarii. Titus was not a bastard.

you have a big problem with LANGUAGE. How did that issue work out in school?

Seems more like you do.

would you like to expand on that idiot "back at you" remark? Do you ever come up with
a notion out of YOUR OWN HEAD? Regarding you and your catechism whore's interpretation
of Josephus, neither of you have a clue
Vespasian and Titus were successful and Josephus called them the Messiah, as they saved many jews who were not involved with the zealots and sacarii. Titus was not a bastard.

you have a big problem with LANGUAGE. How did that issue work out in school?

Seems more like you do.

would you like to expand on that idiot "back at you" remark? Do you ever come up with
a notion out of YOUR OWN HEAD? Regarding you and your catechism whore's interpretation
of Josephus, neither of you have a clue

No the catechism Nuns never talked about Josephus. No I really do not make stuff up. I doubt you have read the bible or Josephus or any history of the era.
Vespasian and Titus were successful and Josephus called them the Messiah, as they saved many jews who were not involved with the zealots and sacarii. Titus was not a bastard.

you have a big problem with LANGUAGE. How did that issue work out in school?

Seems more like you do.

would you like to expand on that idiot "back at you" remark? Do you ever come up with
a notion out of YOUR OWN HEAD? Regarding you and your catechism whore's interpretation
of Josephus, neither of you have a clue

No the catechism Nuns never talked about Josephus. No I really do not make stuff up. I doubt you have read the bible or Josephus or any history of the era.[/QUOTE

wrong again-----I had the OT and the NT read with FULL UNDERSTANDING by the time I was
12. As to Josephus-----I picked up a copy of the whole damned thing that a PATIENT of mine
dropped. He was a real hot shot CATHOLIC------. Of course I already knew ABOUT lots of the
writings of Josephus----but this was the first time I had it in ONE VOLUME. The book had a commentary
by a Christian "scholar"-------the "SCHOLAR" expressed his DISDAIN over the fact that JOSEPHUS had
MADE THE MISTAKE of writing admiringly of the <gasp> Phariseees. It was AMUSING.

You can read and read and read---if you have no brain-----you come out PENELOPE

I read the RAMAYANA and the BHAGAVAD GITA long before I knew any hindus-------after
reading those fine books I did not KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HINDUISM------then I came to know
Hindus. I read the Koran long before I knew muslims well-----then I came to know lots of muslims.
YOU KNOW NOTHING, but I do-----even lots about confused Christians like you
Jesus Christ was a Jew. And it is understandable that the Jews don't want to admit their role in the death of God's Son. .

LOL- the 'jews role in the death of God's son'?

Is this like your role in the Slavery in America?

Jews don't believe Jesus was anything- or that they have anything to 'admit' to.

But thanks for the whole thing of blaming all Jews for the murder of your Christ.

Here is why:
Matthew 27:24-25 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of the blood of this Just person. You see to it.” And all the people answered and said, “His blood be upon us and on our children.”
You asked for it. You got it. To this day and forward. Where is your Temple now?

written decades later to appease romans

Considering the number of jews pilate sent to cross, why would he be worry about washing his hands of Jesus death?

If Jesus had not been put to the cross there would be no chrstianity today. He would just have been another obscure prophet/teacher/healer like so many during that time

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