Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

When you back Obama, the Israel Jew hater you get burnt...Now he's furious, a little too late:eusa_doh:

Alan Dershowitz on Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘I’m Furious With President Obama’


Long-time Democrat, Israel defender and famed law professor Alan Dershowitz told a synagogue audience on Saturday night that he was “furious” with President Obama over the Iran nuclear deal.

Speaking at Manhattan’s illustrious Park East Synagogue on the Upper East Side to a crowd gathered for the pre-high-holiday Selichot prayer service, Dershowitz implied he had been betrayed by the president he had formerly championed.

He recounted being invited to the Oval Office before Obama’s reelection in 2012, where the president had committed to being vigilant on the Iranian nuclear issue. Obama has now crossed many of his own red lines, said Dershowitz, who backed Obama in two elections.

The international law expert, who just published The Case Against the Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes?– a book he completed in 11 days — went on to point out that not a single senator who announced support for the deal was of the opinion that it was a good agreement.

He also asserted that the P5+1 powers have entered into an as yet unseen secret side deal with Iran, which negates the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action’s central premise: that “Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.”

The former Harvard scholar said the deal was worse than Russian roulette, because there is a “more than a one-in-six chance under this deal that Iran will develop nuclear weapons.”

Alan Dershowitz on Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘I’m Furious With President Obama’
We couldn't have stopped it? We created it, without that there would be no deal

Uh, no. This agreement was started by the Germans, French and British. The Americans only joined the negotiations later (as did the Russians and Chinese).

The point is, there are five other countries, who are completely satisfied with this deal. If we did break our word on it, they'd just keep trading with Iran.

Hate to break it to you, big Multi-National Corporations want to do business with Iran. MNC's Trump Zionists. Too bad, so sad.
We couldn't have stopped it? We created it, without that there would be no deal

Uh, no. This agreement was started by the Germans, French and British. The Americans only joined the negotiations later (as did the Russians and Chinese).

The point is, there are five other countries, who are completely satisfied with this deal. If we did break our word on it, they'd just keep trading with Iran.

Hate to break it to you, big Multi-National Corporations want to do business with Iran. MNC's Trump Zionists. Too bad, so sad.
Yep oil and money we've sold out for that. Obama because he's a stupid ideologue who respects the mullahs. Yes it is sad..Most Americans are against this deal, but Obama doesn't care about Americans. He's cares about his ideology..War is coming Joey. I hope you Obama lovers are going to be happy when it does
Yep oil and money we've sold out for that. Obama because he's a stupid ideologue who respects the mullahs. Yes it is sad..Most Americans are against this deal, but Obama doesn't care about Americans. He's cares about his ideology..War is coming Joey. I hope you Obama lovers are going to be happy when it does

Most Americans aren't against this deal, and Most Americans aren't willing to send their SONS AND DAUGHTERS OFF TO DIE so you fucking Zionist shitheads can sleep safe at night.

If you ZIonists can't live peacefully with your neighbors, GO THE FUCK BACK TO EUROPE WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

Problem fucking solved.
Yep oil and money we've sold out for that. Obama because he's a stupid ideologue who respects the mullahs. Yes it is sad..Most Americans are against this deal, but Obama doesn't care about Americans. He's cares about his ideology..War is coming Joey. I hope you Obama lovers are going to be happy when it does

Most Americans aren't against this deal, and Most Americans aren't willing to send their SONS AND DAUGHTERS OFF TO DIE so you fucking Zionist shitheads can sleep safe at night.

If you ZIonists can't live peacefully with your neighbors, GO THE FUCK BACK TO EUROPE WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

Problem fucking solved.

The Jews fled Europe, because of people like you,who blamed them and wished them dead:slap:

Americans oppose Iran deal by 2-1 margin

Nearly six in 10 Americans, or 57 percent, oppose the nuclear deal, while 28 percent voice support for it in the national poll released Monday, in a 2-to-1 margin against the deal.

Republicans strongly oppose the deal brokered by the Obama administration, 86 to 3 percent, while Democrats support the top second-term foreign policy agenda item for President Obama, 52 to 32 percent.

A majority of Americans disapprove the way Obama is handling the situation in Iran (56 percent), compared with 35 percent who approve. A majority (58 percent) also thinks the deal makes the world less safe.

The Obama administration has worked to sell the deal, reached between the U.S., France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China with Iran, to a deeply skeptical American public and Congress.

An ABC/Washington Post poll out July 20 found that 56 percent support the deal and 37 percent oppose it, while a Pew Research Center poll released the following day found that a plurality of Americans familiar with the deal oppose it, 48 to 38 percent.

Another CNN/ORC International Poll released late last month found that 52 percent of Americans say Congress should reject the deal, compared to 44 percent who said it should be approved.

Poll: Americans oppose Iran deal by 2-1 margin
The Jews fled Europe, because of people like you,who blamed them and wished them dead

so like a someone who has been bullied as a child, you've found someone else you can bully.

Guess what, we've run your "Hitler--Card" and you guys are overdrawn. You can snivel and whine about WWII, but that was 70 years ago. No one gives a shit anymore.

If you can't get along iwth your neighbors, you need to find somewhere else to live.
The Jews fled Europe, because of people like you,who blamed them and wished them dead

so like a someone who has been bullied as a child, you've found someone else you can bully.

Guess what, we've run your "Hitler--Card" and you guys are overdrawn. You can snivel and whine about WWII, but that was 70 years ago. No one gives a shit anymore.

If you can't get along iwth your neighbors, you need to find somewhere else to live.

Where might that be Jew hater? "Sunni man's" island?
a poll based on misinformation is always useful to you leftist...the resent Pew research poll Jew hater

Only people I see upset about this deal are the Jews. No one else really cares and they don't want their kids going off to another war.

Get it? YOu guy blew your wad with Saddam on Wars to make the World Safe For Zionism.
Where might that be Jew hater? "Sunni man's" island?

You act like I care. I mean, I'm not sure, can you people actually move somewhere without trying to cheat the people who are already there?

A Priest and a Rabbi see a little boy walking by.

The Priest says, 'You want to fuck him?"

The Rabbi responds, "Out of what?"
Jewish Groups Say Iran Deal Filibuster is ‘Horrible Idea Insulting to American Process’

Jewish groups were adamantly opposed to a filibuster in Congress to stave off a vote on the Obama administration’s nuclear deal, warning such a move would shut down any debate on a “monumentally important issue.”

Leading the call, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center called the filibuster Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has vowed to lead in Congress a “horrible idea” and “insulting to the American process.”

Daniel S. Mariaschin, executive vice president of B’nai Birith International said it would be a “mistake” to close out the debate on an issue where “every [congressman] should be heard,” especially as the White House failed to whip up support among some of the most powerful Democrats in Congress

Jewish Groups Say Iran Deal Filibuster is ‘Horrible Idea Insulting to American Process’

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