Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

The Jews are in favor of Obama's Iran Deal.

Sorry to break it to you.
No they aren't you clown. Stick to something you know. What do you know anyways? :dunno:
You're wrong. The Jews are in favor of the deal. It's only the far Right-Wing Israeli politicians who are against it.
You're a Jew hater Wtf do you know? wide Jews are against this stupid deal. the majority in the U.S. and an overwhelming majority in Israel
You're a Jew hater Wtf do you know?
You want to see a Jew-hater? This was during tonight's debate:

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I knew that POS Jroc would ignore the Ann Coulter remark.

Give it to me in context .Im not supporting Ann Coulter, she backed Mitch McConnell. She also drooled over Chis Christie for a while. She is defiantly right on Immigration and the Iran deal.. Nixon said similar things, but helped save Israel during the 73 war:cool:

Coulter and Hannity Tear Into Obama for 'Openly Negotiating with Terrorists'

That flawed poll has been mentioned several times. it's an earlier poll, with a much smaller sample. There was even a failed thread started with it, which was one of the purposes of me starting this thread. It was also commissioned by Jstreet, Obama, pet Jews, I believe... Try to keep up

Point is, you have your polls, I have mine.

Probably if you talk to most not-crazy Jews, most of them realize a deal is better than a war.

Especially since most Americans don't want another war. The last one pretty much broke the military.
That flawed poll has been mentioned several times. it's an earlier poll, with a much smaller sample. There was even a failed thread started with it, which was one of the purposes of me starting this thread. It was also commissioned by Jstreet, Obama, pet Jews, I believe... Try to keep up

Point is, you have your polls, I have mine.

Probably if you talk to most not-crazy Jews, most of them realize a deal is better than a war.

Especially since most Americans don't want another war. The last one pretty much broke the military.
it's good that you were in the military during peace time smoking hash in Germany, not worrying about much. I had friends like you.Obama is decimating the military, as our enemies build up theirs, and Obama supplies Isis with new Humvees and he gives Iran 150 billion to build theirs...Craziness:uhoh3:
it's good that you were in the military during peace time smoking hash in Germany, not worrying about much. I had friends like you.

Guy, given your obnoxious personality, it is highly unlikely that you ever had any friends.

Obama is decimating the military, as our enemies build up theirs, and Obama supplies Isis with new Humvees and he gives Iran 150 billion to build theirs...Craziness

No, craziness is getting involved in other people's fights halfway around the world.

Your Boy Bush the Zionist Tool put those Humvees in Iraq. Who did you think was going to end up with them?

Here's an idea. If there isn't an immediate threat to America, we don't get involved.

I don't give a fuck if the Zionists get wiped off the map and turned into lampshades. It's nothing to do with us.
Iran Buys $21 Billion in Aircraft, Satellites from Russia

Iran has purchased $21 billion worth of Russian satellite technology and aircraft, according to Iranian officials.

An Iranian delegation reportedly visited Russia’s MAKS-2015 air show and signed an agreement to purchase the equipment,according to Sputnik, which quoted Iranian officials.

“There is a large share of contracts for the purchase of this type of aircraft,” Manouchehr Mantegh, an Iranian technology and aviation official, reportedly disclosed, according to Sputnik.

This includes “satellite-related equipment” and the Sukhoi Superjet, a twin-engine passenger plane, according to the report.

The official did not reveal the total number of jets to be purchased.

Tehran has expressed interest in the past in purchasing this type of hardware from the Russians.

Meanwhile, a senior Iranian official on Tuesday emphasized the country’s commitment to destroying its enemies.

Iran will deliver a “crushing response” to any country that attempts to wage war against it, General Seyed Ali Mehrabi, lieutenant commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force for Operations, was quoted as saying by the country’s state-controlled Fars News Agency

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

99 percent of Jews oppose the Iran deal, the 1 percent that are in favor of it, are Palestinian spies.

Sheesh, get real

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