Jews ordered to register in East Ukraine

Could be either side. At this stage it's all about propaganda and bags of money. Bags of money to Russian speaking Ukrainians and bags of money to Ukraine speaking Ukrainians. Mostly bags of money to thugs, but everyone wants to get in on the bags of money now, while there are plenty of bags being handed out.
Slowly, the money for the bags will begin to run out and get scarce for one side or the other and those with long range funds will win out.
The big difference is that the Ukrainians will be willing to forgive and forget. KGB Russia does not forgive and forget. KGB Russia only left the Ukraine about 20 years ago. People still remember how that system works. Ethnic Russians, what are commonly called the "Russian speaking Ukrainians" are terrified of the Moscow Russians, or KGB Russians, coming into power and control. They know the list of "dangerous persons" and "enemies of the glorious state" are already made and in some thugs pocket.
Not sure what's up with the link. It worked alright for me. Should work now
Link is working fine, for me:

"Jews in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk where pro-Russian militants have taken over government buildings were told they have to "register" with the Ukrainians who are trying to make the city become part of Russia, according to Ukrainian and Israeli media.

"Jews emerging from a synagogue say they were handed leaflets that ordered the city's Jews to provide a list of property they own and pay a registration fee 'or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated,' reported Ynet News, Israel's largest news website.

"Donetsk is the site of an 'anti-terrorist' operation by the Ukraine government, which has moved military columns into the region to force out militants who are demanding a referendum be held on joining Russia. The news was carried first by the Ukraine's Donbass news agency.

"The leaflets bore the name of Denis Pushilin, who identified himself as chairman of "Donetsk's temporary government," and were distributed near the Donetsk synagogue and other areas, according to the reports.

"Pushilin acknowledged that fliers were distributed under his organization's name in Donetsk but denied any connection to them, Ynet reported in Hebrew.

"Emanuel Shechter, in Israel, told Ynet his friends in Donetsk sent him a copy of the leaflet through social media.

"'They told me that masked men were waiting for Jewish people after the Passover eve prayer, handed them the flier and told them to obey its instructions,' he said."

Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine
Sounds like Nazi Germany all over again.

You are so right, Mike. Here is what some woman wrote in an E-mail to friends. The person she is talking about used to be a posterwho was one of those Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and the Canadian Nazi on that forum used to tell her all the time that Hitler's mother had the same name. Sunni Man would have loved the Canadian Nazi. He thought just like Sunni Man.

"The six words following were written by an elderly friend of mine, to whom I also sent the e-mail telling the Jews over the age of sixteen in Donetsk to register and to list their property.

Her comment bears reading...again and again, because, as a former 'guest' of the Germans at Auschwitz, she knows about which she speaks. Her story is but one of the variations of World War II stories with which we have become all too familiar. Seventy years have passed, yet the old is hauntingly new all over again.

Whatever our differing politics. I am sure that we can agree on the folly of the politics of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement and on the words, "Never Again." How you choose to handle this information is up to you, but I thought you ought to know, for you surely will not hear about this in any mainstream media news outlets.


Dear Ellen,
It sounds "fatefully familiar"
Sounds like Nazi Germany all over again.

You are so right, Mike. Here is what some woman wrote in an E-mail to friends. The person she is talking about used to be a posterwho was one of those Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and the Canadian Nazi on that forum used to tell her all the time that Hitler's mother had the same name. Sunni Man would have loved the Canadian Nazi. He thought just like Sunni Man.

"The six words following were written by an elderly friend of mine, to whom I also sent the e-mail telling the Jews over the age of sixteen in Donetsk to register and to list their property.

Her comment bears reading...again and again, because, as a former 'guest' of the Germans at Auschwitz, she knows about which she speaks. Her story is but one of the variations of World War II stories with which we have become all too familiar. Seventy years have passed, yet the old is hauntingly new all over again.

Whatever our differing politics. I am sure that we can agree on the folly of the politics of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement and on the words, "Never Again." How you choose to handle this information is up to you, but I thought you ought to know, for you surely will not hear about this in any mainstream media news outlets.


Dear Ellen,
It sounds "fatefully familiar"

Keep in mind Sally, those flyers could have been made by anyone. Perhaps they are from the Russian separatist, but perhaps they were made by some persons wanting to make the Russian separatist look bad. The separatist are being blamed, but it could be that they are being set up.
Sounds like Nazi Germany all over again.

You are so right, Mike. Here is what some woman wrote in an E-mail to friends. The person she is talking about used to be a posterwho was one of those Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and the Canadian Nazi on that forum used to tell her all the time that Hitler's mother had the same name. Sunni Man would have loved the Canadian Nazi. He thought just like Sunni Man.

"The six words following were written by an elderly friend of mine, to whom I also sent the e-mail telling the Jews over the age of sixteen in Donetsk to register and to list their property.

Her comment bears reading...again and again, because, as a former 'guest' of the Germans at Auschwitz, she knows about which she speaks. Her story is but one of the variations of World War II stories with which we have become all too familiar. Seventy years have passed, yet the old is hauntingly new all over again.

Whatever our differing politics. I am sure that we can agree on the folly of the politics of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement and on the words, "Never Again." How you choose to handle this information is up to you, but I thought you ought to know, for you surely will not hear about this in any mainstream media news outlets.


Dear Ellen,
It sounds "fatefully familiar"

Keep in mind Sally, those flyers could have been made by anyone. Perhaps they are from the Russian separatist, but perhaps they were made by some persons wanting to make the Russian separatist look bad. The separatist are being blamed, but it could be that they are being set up.

It could be either way, Camp, like you say, but there is so much anti-Semitism going on all over Europe which really must hit the survivors like this old poster living here right in the gut. Look at what is happening to the Jews in France.
Almost all of the Bolsheviks and the leaders of the communist party in Russia were jews.

The Russian people suffered for 70 years under the yoke of jew Karl Marx's ideology.

So did many surrounding countries; Poland, Hungary, the Baltic states, and others.

Thus keeping close tabs on the jews is healthy for any country that allows them to stay. .. :cool:

Given the clear fact that far more Sunni Muslims have harassed and killed people recently, than Jews have, I propose the we require the registration of all Sunni Muslims in the United States. The next obvious step is to put listening devices in all sunni mosques, to detect people planning terrorist acts.

Who could doubt that keeping close tabs on the sunni muslims is healthy for any country that allows them to stay.


Sunni man, in a just world you wouldn't be breathing the same air as Jews, you would be underground.
The leadership of the Ukrainian government is composed mainly of jews.

And that is why there is so much turmoil in that country.

Hopefully, the Russians will invade the Ukraine and free the people from the ruling class jews. .. :cool:
The leadership of the Ukrainian government is composed mainly of jews.

And that is why there is so much turmoil in that country.

Hopefully, the Russians will invade the Ukraine and free the people from the ruling class jews. .. :cool:

Sunni Man reminds me of another Muslim poster of years ago. He was always blaming everything on the Jews. When I asked him if he really thought that the Jews were responsible for all the bad things happening in the world, he said yes. I figured as a Muslim man originally from Jordan, this was drilled into his head since childhood. However, for a man who was brought up in American to always blame the Jews for something shows you can see the sick mentality of the convert Sunni Man. Meanwhile, it is his adopted brethren who are busy murdering innocent people (even Muslims of different sects) in many places in the name of their religion, and Sunni Man conveniently closes his eyes to this but is oh so quick to blame the Jews for something or other. I just hope other converts to Islam don't have the same sick mentality as Sunni Man.
...........................................^^^ blah, blah, blah, blah,......... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

Hit a nerve there, huh, Sunni Man. I am just glad that you are of an age right now where you try to fight your Jihad against us Infidels on the forums. At least you don't get out and start killing other people like some Muslims have done, like the one who killed that soldier in London. Remember, don't try to emulate that other convert, the shoe bomber.
The leadership of the Ukrainian government is composed mainly of jews.

And that is why there is so much turmoil in that country.

Hopefully, the Russians will invade the Ukraine and free the people from the ruling class jews. .. :cool:

Yanno...almost all foreign terrorism against the US has been because of muslims.

Maybe we should just exterminate them all?
Silly-Sally is always so full of delusional advice.

I bet she is very popular among her peers at the local senior center. .. :lol: :lol:

I am sure that given the mentality of Sunni Man, you can see why a man originally from Oklahoma converted to Islam. It is usually the women who marry Muslim men who convert, but how many men could there possibly be??? Maybe Sunni Man will come back and tell us that there are millions and millions of men just like him. Just sit at your conputer conducting your Jihad this way, Sunni Man. At least this way you are not harming the American public.

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