jihad vs zionism. which has killed more and which is the biggest threat now?

The two aren't comparable unless "jihad" is used as a blanket term for all violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Jihad is righteous destruction of oppression; Zionism is an ideology that calls for oppression. Jihad is only a threat to those who spread corruption and aggression.

That is the most obnoxious and ignorant statement I have ever read.

The truth :
Jihad and Islam are a threat to the world. They are pure evil.

It's called taqiyya, the Islamc doctrine permitting Islamos to lie in the name of Islam.

Islamos are the worst aggressors in history and Muhammad was as corrupt as the day was long.

Surah 9:5 is all one need know to understand what Islam is all about...

Quran 9:5...
Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Allah Fuckbar.
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The two aren't comparable unless "jihad" is used as a blanket term for all violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Jihad is righteous destruction of oppression; Zionism is an ideology that calls for oppression. Jihad is only a threat to those who spread corruption and aggression.

That is the most obnoxious and ignorant statement I have ever read.
Do I get a medal?

The truth :
Jihad and Islam are a threat to the world. They are pure evil.

Then what are you doing sitting at the computer? Grab a gun and do your part to exterminate the "threat".
The two aren't comparable unless "jihad" is used as a blanket term for all violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Jihad is righteous destruction of oppression; Zionism is an ideology that calls for oppression. Jihad is only a threat to those who spread corruption and aggression.

That is the most obnoxious and ignorant statement I have ever read.
Do I get a medal?

The truth :
Jihad and Islam are a threat to the world. They are pure evil.

Then what are you doing sitting at the computer? Grab a gun and do your part to exterminate the "threat".

You get a share of the booty for committing jihaad, Abdullah. And, as an addedbonus, you get a pass into Paradise.
That is, what is left over after Muhammad takes his 20% cut of the stolen merchandise, as all good "profits" do when they hijack caravans.

Allah Fuckbar!

Sahih Bukhari 1:35...
The Prophet said, "The person who participates in holy battles in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostle, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward or booty if he survives or will be admitted to Paradise if he is killed in the battle as a martyr. Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not leave behind any army unit going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause.
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Oh no - It's Marc39 and his arsenal of unsourced claims! :lol:


Rabbi Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. - Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio 55b.

Rabina said: It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl [communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. - Babylonian Talmud, Tractate 'Abodah Zarah, Folio 37a.

Babylonian Talmud: Sanhedrin 55
Babylonian Talmud: 'Abodah Zarah 37

Why don't you tell everyone that these sacred Talmudic passages are "Stormfront fabrications" rather than direct excerpts from the translation provided by the Jews' College of London?
Oh no - It's Marc39 and his arsenal of unsourced claims! :lol:


Rabbi Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. - Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio 55b.

Rabina said: It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl [communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. - Babylonian Talmud, Tractate 'Abodah Zarah, Folio 37a.

Babylonian Talmud: Sanhedrin 55
Babylonian Talmud: 'Abodah Zarah 37

Why don't you tell everyone that these sacred Talmudic passages are "Stormfront fabrications" rather than direct excerpts from the translation provided by the Jews' College of London?

Bogus quotes you lifted from neo-Nazi websites. I already warned you about this matter. Ignorance is a basis for Arab Muslim backwardness and failure.

Moses didn't sexually molest a 6 year-old child.
Jesus didn't sexually molest a 6 year-old child.

But, the Pedophile Prophet Muhammad sexually molested and married a 6 year-old child (Aisha) when he was 52.

Muhammad the pedophile masturbated against Aisha's thighs when she was 6 and she had to wash his semen-stained trousers.

Bukhari V1B4N229...
Narrated 'Aisha: I used to wash the traces of semen from the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it.

This is the freak Muslims call The Perfect Man.

Thanks for proving my point, Hebrew Hammer. Most posters worth their salt have sort of picked up on your consistent failure to corroborate any of your silly Jewish lies.

Thanks for proving my point, Hebrew Hammer. Most posters worth their salt have sort of picked up on your consistent failure to corroborate any of your silly Jewish lies.

I proved you are a lying camel herder who follows a cult called Islam fabricated by a terrorist and pedophile named Muhammad.

Hebrew Hammers demolish Arab Muslim Losers.
Just like you proved that you're a "Goldman Sachs executive" and "Princeton alumnus" who "lives in a mansion next to Mary J. Blige." :rofl:
Just like you proved that you're a "Goldman Sachs executive" and "Princeton alumnus" who "lives in a mansion next to Mary J. Blige."

Abdullah, now, you're trying to desperately deflect from the fact that your fake prophet married and sexually molested a 6 year old little girl when he was 52 and advocated jihad with the promise of a cut of the stolen merchandise and a free pass to Paradise.

Sucks being a Muhammadan, eh?
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Just like you proved that you're a "Goldman Sachs executive" and "Princeton alumnus" who "lives in a mansion next to Mary J. Blige." :rofl:

Abdullah, now, you're trying to desperately deflect from the fact that your fake prophet married and sexually molested a 6 year old and advocated jihad with the promise of a cut of the stolen merchandise and a free pass to Paradise.

Sucks being a Muhammadan, eh?

I wonder why Marcy changes the subject whenever he's reminded of the claims he made about his high-rolling lifestyle? I'll assume that this is your way of acknowledging that you're full of shit. Don't worry. We already knew. :lol:
Just like you proved that you're a "Goldman Sachs executive" and "Princeton alumnus" who "lives in a mansion next to Mary J. Blige." :rofl:

Abdullah, now, you're trying to desperately deflect from the fact that your fake prophet married and sexually molested a 6 year old and advocated jihad with the promise of a cut of the stolen merchandise and a free pass to Paradise.

Sucks being a Muhammadan, eh?

I wonder why Marcy changes the subject whenever he's reminded of the claims he made about his high-rolling lifestyle? I'll assume that this is your way of acknowledging that you're full of shit. Don't worry. We already knew. :lol:

Abdullah, are you high, again, on camel urine, the drink of Arab champions?

Go away, camel herder, before I tell everyone about Muhammad's other wives, besides his 6 year-old wife, such as the daughter-in-law Muhammad married.

Sucks having a freak as a prophet, eh?
Muhammadans scatter even at the mere mention of Muhammad's perverted sex
life. :clap2:
The two aren't comparable unless "jihad" is used as a blanket term for all violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Jihad is righteous destruction of oppression; Zionism is an ideology that calls for oppression. Jihad is only a threat to those who spread corruption and aggression.

That is the most obnoxious and ignorant statement I have ever read.
Do I get a medal?

The truth :
Jihad and Islam are a threat to the world. They are pure evil.

Then what are you doing sitting at the computer? Grab a gun and do your part to exterminate the "threat".

Roger that!
what got marc banned?

I'm not sure. Whatever it was, I imagine it had something to do with his being a lying, shit-flinging, worthless troll of a poster. :lol:

he's been harassing me all day. was offline for a few hours to come back to this good news. it had gotten to the point where i was ready to start hammering him back on his very own thread in the flame zone.

he had even gone so far to threaten me in a PM but i hadn't complained to any mod, so what happened (besides his infantile vulgar style)?

and maybe since he's cleared out i can pose the question on this topic i wanted to ask of my fellow cyber journalists: does it actually matter which has succeeded in killing more people?

does killing fewer innocent people make one less wrong? i think not.

we are the only animals who kill on a wholesale basis over conflicts for natural resources , space and sex partners.

so long as people cannot learn to work out their differences and grievances without violence in a just and equitable way, we, as a society of individuals are on a dead end street.

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