jihad vs zionism. which has killed more and which is the biggest threat now?

What I said was correct.

What is correct is Arabs initiated a war of extermination of the Jews...

Historian Bernard Lewis...
On 29 November, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution approving the partition of mandatory Palestine into three components: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone. As the Mandate came to an end, the Jews began to form their state; the Palestinian Arab leaders and the Arab governments rejected the partition resolution and went to war to prevent its implementation
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Islam-History-Bernard-Lewis/dp/0912050357]Amazon.com: Islam in History (9780912050355): Bernard Lewis: Books[/ame]

Of course the Palestinians rejected the partition and they had every right to do so. The partition plan died as it should have. The UN did not create Israel.

UN Res. 181, issued in 1947, calling for Israeli and Arab statehood never mentioned "Palestinians" The term "Palestinian" was first used by Arabs in the late 1960s. Jews, in fact, were known as Palestinians prior to Israeli statehood.

The Arabs rejected statehood in 1947, before which they rejected statehood in 1937.

Had Arabs accepted statehood, perhaps, today, they'd have a viable society, like the Israelis, instead of living as miserable professional refugees for 60 years.

Another example of poor decision-making on the part of ignorant Arabs.

The UN provided international legitimacy to Israeli statehood. It was the League of Nations, earlier, that established the legal foundation for Israeli statehood via issuance of the binding Palestine Mandate establishing Palestine as the Jewish National Home.

Now, even you know, Forum Dunce.
What is correct is Arabs initiated a war of extermination of the Jews...

Historian Bernard Lewis...

Amazon.com: Islam in History (9780912050355): Bernard Lewis: Books

Of course the Palestinians rejected the partition and they had every right to do so. The partition plan died as it should have. The UN did not create Israel.

UN Res. 181, issued in 1947, calling for Israeli and Arab statehood never mentioned "Palestinians" The term "Palestinian" was first used by Arabs in the late 1960s. Jews, in fact, were known as Palestinians prior to Israeli statehood.

They were called natives and inhabitants. They are the ones who have the right to self determination as laid out in international law.

The Arabs rejected statehood in 1947, before which they rejected statehood in 1937.

They rejected partition not statehood.

The UN provided international legitimacy to Israeli statehood. It was the League of Nations, earlier, that established the legal foundation for Israeli statehood via issuance of the binding Palestine Mandate establishing Palestine as the Jewish National Home.

Now, even you know, Forum Dunce.

If the "Jewish National Home" was in fact created previously there would have been no resolution 181. Resolution 181 was never approved or implemented by the UN Security Council as required.

Israel was not created by either one.
From the book: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (Published in 1985)
By Jack Bernstein ::

At the First Zionist Congress which was held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, one of the goals set was to create a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. At that time, only a few Jews were living in Palestine and they were nearly all native Sephardic Jews who are blood-related to the Arabs. These Palestinian (Sephardic) Jews and the Palestinian Arabs were living in peace as they had for centuries.

After the Zionist Congress in 1897, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine and buying land wherever they could. Yet, by 1920 Jews owed only 2% of Palestine.

By 1948 when Israel declared itself a state, these invading Jews had increased their land ownership; but, it was still less than 6%.

To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more lands but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist oriented European (Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept — TERRORISM.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Haj-CJOERTs&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12[/ame]
From the book: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (Published in 1985)

Bogus book, Josey.

Shouldn't you be spreading your legs for strange men, slut, instead of wasting your time posting? :clap2:

And, when not spreading your legs, whore, you should be learning basic spelling..
Mr. Bernstein says it best...

The contents of this book are expected to bring a strong reaction from Zionist Jews.

I am well aware of the tactics that you, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts. If the person is a Gentile, you cry, "You're anti-Semitic!," which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions.

If the person doing the exposing is a Jew, you resort to other tactics.

*First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
*If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the persons giving it.
*If that doesn't work, you next step is character assasination. If the author of speaker hasn't been involved in scandal, you are adept at fabricating false charges.
*If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.

But, never do you try to prove the information wrong.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Life-American-Racist-Marxist-Israel/dp/0939482010]Amazon.com: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (9780939482016): Jack Bernstein: Books[/ame]

Reviewing the above list, it can be seen that only one person was born in Palestine. Thirteen were born in Russia, twelve born in Poland, three born in Rumania, two born in Germany, one born in Latvia, one born in Lithuania, one born in Austria, one born in Hungary, one born in Denmark and one born in Yemen. Two were Semitic Sephardi Jews and 35 were non-Semitic Ashkenazi Jews of Khazar origin.

Further examination of the above list shows that two came to Palestine in 1906, two in 1907, one in 1909, three in 1913, one in 1914, two in 1919, one in 1920, two in 1921, one in 1923, two in 1924, four in 1925, one in 1926, one in 1930, one in 1931, one in 1932, two in 1933, two in 1934, two in 1935, two in 1938, two in 1940 and one in 1947.

The so-called provisional government of Israel which was formed in 1948 consisted of the following:

1. David Ben Gurion who came to Palestine in 1906; 2. Moshe Sharett who came to Palestine in 1906; 3. Eliezer Kaplan who came to Palestine in 1923; 4. David Remez who came to Palestine in 1913; 5. Golda Myerson who came to Palestine in 1921; 6. Zalman Shazar who came to Palestine in 1924; 7. Dr. Dov Joseph who came to Palestine in 1921; 8. Dr. P. F. Rosenbluth who came to Palestine in 1931 ; 9. Rabbi J. L. Fishman who came to Palestine in 19 13; 10. Rabbi I. M. Levin who came to Palestine in 1940; 11. Moshe Shapiro who came to Palestine in 1925; and, 12. Bechor Shitreet, who was born in Palestine.

Chapter 8: Encyclopedia of Palestine

Bogus source, Tin Head.

Arabs never even recognized the existence of Palestine. The area was viewed as part of Syria.

Eminent historian Bernard Lewis...
For Arabs, too, the term Palestine was unacceptable, though for other reasons. For Muslims it was alien and irrelevant but not abhorrent in the same way as it was to Jews. The main objection for them was that it seemed to assert a separate entity which politically conscious Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere denied. For them there was no such thing as a country called Palestine. The region which the British called Palestine was merely a separated part of a larger whole [Syria]. Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries; it was a group of provincial subdivisions, by no means always the same, within a larger entity. For a long time organized and articulate Arab political opinion was virtually unanimous on this point.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Middle-East-Brief-History-Years/dp/0684807122]Amazon.com: The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years (9780684807126): Bernard Lewis: Books[/ame]

You are PWNED, again, Forum Dunce.
Last edited:
Your Link does not coincide with that Quote

meh.. what do you expect from marc? really? he's the equivalence of a child throwing a tantrum because he wasn't given his "kill non-jews G.I. Joe" in the toy store. He's about as significant to discussion on this forum as a circus side show.

hell, it's hilarious that even right wingers have his ass on ignore! now THAT is saying something!
Your Link does not coincide with that Quote

meh.. what do you expect from marc? really? he's the equivalence of a child throwing a tantrum because he wasn't given his "kill non-jews G.I. Joe" in the toy store. He's about as significant to discussion on this forum as a circus side show.

hell, it's hilarious that even right wingers have his ass on ignore! now THAT is saying something!

Stoner, what to expect from Josey the whore who spreads her legs for strange men?

And, what to expect from a dimwit like yourself who stupidly thinks Judaism is an ethnicity, rather than a religion?

Two genetic losers.
Your Link does not coincide with that Quote

meh.. what do you expect from marc? really? he's the equivalence of a child throwing a tantrum because he wasn't given his "kill non-jews G.I. Joe" in the toy store. He's about as significant to discussion on this forum as a circus side show.

hell, it's hilarious that even right wingers have his ass on ignore! now THAT is saying something!

Stoner, what to expect from Josey the whore who spreads her legs for strange men?

And, what to expect from a dimwit like yourself who stupidly thinks Judaism is an ethnicity, rather than a religion?

Two genetic losers.

I guess I'd ask if your mom likes to be called "josey" or if she prefers the kosher "Jewsey". Given the single parental signature on your birth certificate you certainly are no one to bring up whores who spread their legs for strange men.

and again, tell me more about how being jewish is a matter of faith, atheist jew whose mother passed on his jewish identity with her genetics..
meh.. what do you expect from marc? really? he's the equivalence of a child throwing a tantrum because he wasn't given his "kill non-jews G.I. Joe" in the toy store. He's about as significant to discussion on this forum as a circus side show.

hell, it's hilarious that even right wingers have his ass on ignore! now THAT is saying something!

Stoner, what to expect from Josey the whore who spreads her legs for strange men?

And, what to expect from a dimwit like yourself who stupidly thinks Judaism is an ethnicity, rather than a religion?

Two genetic losers.

I guess I'd ask if your mom likes to be called "josey" or if she prefers the kosher "Jewsey". Given the single parental signature on your birth certificate you certainly are no one to bring up whores who spread their legs for strange men.

and again, tell me more about how being jewish is a matter of faith, atheist jew whose mother passed on his jewish identity with her genetics..

Josey the slut asks strange men to spread her legs for them. This is a fact.

You are a pharmaceutically-deranged loser in life. This is a fact.

You both make a perfect couple.
Stoner, what to expect from Josey the whore who spreads her legs for strange men?

And, what to expect from a dimwit like yourself who stupidly thinks Judaism is an ethnicity, rather than a religion?

Two genetic losers.

I guess I'd ask if your mom likes to be called "josey" or if she prefers the kosher "Jewsey". Given the single parental signature on your birth certificate you certainly are no one to bring up whores who spread their legs for strange men.

and again, tell me more about how being jewish is a matter of faith, atheist jew whose mother passed on his jewish identity with her genetics..

Josey the slut asks strange men to spread her legs for them. This is a fact.

You are a pharmaceutically-deranged loser in life. This is a fact.

You both make a perfect couple.

Looks like your grasp of "facts" is about as telling as your grasp on comma usage, jew.

maybe it's time to ask where the other signature on your birth certificate is?
I guess I'd ask if your mom likes to be called "josey" or if she prefers the kosher "Jewsey". Given the single parental signature on your birth certificate you certainly are no one to bring up whores who spread their legs for strange men.

and again, tell me more about how being jewish is a matter of faith, atheist jew whose mother passed on his jewish identity with her genetics..

Josey the slut asks strange men to spread her legs for them. This is a fact.

You are a pharmaceutically-deranged loser in life. This is a fact.

You both make a perfect couple.

Looks like your grasp of "facts" is about as telling as your grasp on comma usage, jew.

maybe it's time to ask where the other signature on your birth certificate is?

Looks like Josey the skank spreads her legs for strange men. This is a fact.

Looks like you're an uneducated, loser in life. This is a fact.
Nothing new Jews have always been their own enemies. Jews have pushed propaganda against themselves throughout history. Something of being a persecuted minority creates cowards in some people. It happened in Europe, it happened in Nazi Germany and its happening now.

People like you will put great stock in this, because it fuels your hatred of anything or everything Jewish. But people without your prejudice and hatred, shove it off as nonsense!

From the book: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (Published in 1985)
By Jack Bernstein ::

At the First Zionist Congress which was held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, one of the goals set was to create a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. At that time, only a few Jews were living in Palestine and they were nearly all native Sephardic Jews who are blood-related to the Arabs. These Palestinian (Sephardic) Jews and the Palestinian Arabs were living in peace as they had for centuries.

After the Zionist Congress in 1897, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine and buying land wherever they could. Yet, by 1920 Jews owed only 2% of Palestine.

By 1948 when Israel declared itself a state, these invading Jews had increased their land ownership; but, it was still less than 6%.

To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more lands but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist oriented European (Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept — TERRORISM.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Haj-CJOERTs&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12[/ame]
Josey the slut asks strange men to spread her legs for them. This is a fact.

You are a pharmaceutically-deranged loser in life. This is a fact.

You both make a perfect couple.

Looks like your grasp of "facts" is about as telling as your grasp on comma usage, jew.

maybe it's time to ask where the other signature on your birth certificate is?

Looks like Josey the skank spreads her legs for strange men. This is a fact.

Looks like you're an uneducated, loser in life. This is a fact.

well, so does your maternal link to judaism and you still kiss her on the lips so...


keep slaying those commas, you fucking hilarious jew!
Looks like your grasp of "facts" is about as telling as your grasp on comma usage, jew.

maybe it's time to ask where the other signature on your birth certificate is?

Looks like Josey the skank spreads her legs for strange men. This is a fact.

Looks like you're an uneducated, loser in life. This is a fact.

well, so does your maternal link to judaism and you still kiss her on the lips so...


keep slaying those commas, you fucking hilarious jew!

Stoner, you contribute nothing, except for psycho babble.

Nobody wants you here. Leave, stoner.
Looks like Josey the skank spreads her legs for strange men. This is a fact.

Looks like you're an uneducated, loser in life. This is a fact.

well, so does your maternal link to judaism and you still kiss her on the lips so...


keep slaying those commas, you fucking hilarious jew!

Stoner, you contribute nothing, except for psycho babble.

Nobody wants you here. Leave, stoner.

MAKE ME you fucking jew.


and, you don't speak for anyone else here. True story.



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