Zone1 Jizya

Name any other religion that taxes or penalizes any non-adherents. Jews? No, Christians? Nope. Guess who!
I am certainly no authority on the subject, but my understanding is that the Jizrah was a tax imposed by ancient Muslim heirarchy on non-Muslim permanent residents excluded from mandatory military service. It was a fee for protection by the state. To the best of my knowledge the custom no longer applies in modern Islamic states who have established different rules for residency and citizenship and who now have standing armies.

While not dismissing the downside of those militant Islamic states exporting terrorism and imposing cultural requirements that we think backward, I think the Jizrah is just one of those cultural components that is interesting in past history.
Total rubbish. Jews themselves demanded thier neighborhoods be separate from the 'goyim'; they didn't want to be 'tainted' by the exposure. Of course they got crowded after a few centuries, so they sniveled and made up bullshit about being 'persecuted n stuff'. Too late, they reaped what they sowed, as usual.
Feel free to rewrite history to suit your wishes but the reality is unchanged. The first use of the word “ghetto” was in Venice, Italy, in 1516. The city’s Jews were required by law to reside in just a few small blocks. (The ghetto was near what had been the city’s copper foundry, hence the Italian derivation of the word for “casting” and the Venetian term “getto” for “foundry.”) In the 16th and 17th centuries, cities like Venice and Rome forcibly segregated their Jewish populations, often walling them off and submitting them to a set of restrictions.

The 'Holocaust' was a Nazi Party thing, not 'Christian'. Anybody who wants to know the Nazi Party line on Christianity can find a copy of the Hitler Youth hand book over at Hint: It was verboten. The Pogroms were a Russian thing, mostly over seizing land, and Jews, being major bigots, had few sympathizers, making them easy pickings. And where did most of the eastern European Jews go? West, of course, some 3 million or more to the evul evangelical Christian hell hole of America. Others went to the Ottoman Empire's Greater Syria.
Both Germany and Russia were overwhelmingly Christian countries and anti-Semitism has always been a part of Christianity.
I am certainly no authority on the subject, but my understanding is that the Jizrah was a tax imposed by ancient Muslim heirarchy on non-Muslim permanent residents excluded from mandatory military service. It was a fee for protection by the state. To the best of my knowledge the custom no longer applies in modern Islamic states who have established different rules for residency and citizenship and who now have standing armies.

While not dismissing the downside of those militant Islamic states exporting terrorism and imposing cultural requirements that we think backward, I think the Jizrah is just one of those cultural components that is interesting in past history.
The father of my very own personal DHIMMI----who was born in a shariah shit hole----
paid Jizyah. It had NOTHING to do with "exclusion from military service" <<<< that
"explanation" is islamo nazi sophistry. Non muslims in the islamic system are considered
CONQUERED PEOPLES and forced to pay TRIBUTE----and THAT IS WHAT JIZYAH IS---tribute to the OVER LORDS.-----or----actually --EXTORTION---PROTEXIA. It has never been removed from the "legal system" called SHARIAH-----nor has slavery and a multitude of other
disgusting abuses of non-muslims
The father of my very own personal DHIMMI----who was born in a shariah shit hole----
paid Jizyah. It had NOTHING to do with "exclusion from military service" <<<< that
"explanation" is islamo nazi sophistry. Non muslims in the islamic system are considered
CONQUERED PEOPLES and forced to pay TRIBUTE----and THAT IS WHAT JIZYAH IS---tribute to the OVER LORDS.-----or----actually --EXTORTION---PROTEXIA. It has never been removed from the "legal system" called SHARIAH-----nor has slavery and a multitude of other
disgusting abuses of non-muslims
No idea how long ago that was? I'm just going by what responsible sources say about the Jizyah now. But again I don't pretend to be any kind of expert there. I have no doubt there are numerous deviations from the norm in Islamic communities.
No idea how long ago that was? I'm just going by what responsible sources say about the Jizyah now. But again I don't pretend to be any kind of expert there. I have no doubt there are numerous deviations from the norm in Islamic communities.
It was circa 1940 for hubby's family. Jizyah is still IN the shariah legal code----but actual
real live shariah societies ------barely exist----but there are IDEALISTS who DREAM ON for the
good old days
The father of my very own personal DHIMMI----who was born in a shariah shit hole----
paid Jizyah. It had NOTHING to do with "exclusion from military service" <<<< that
"explanation" is islamo nazi sophistry. Non muslims in the islamic system are considered
CONQUERED PEOPLES and forced to pay TRIBUTE----and THAT IS WHAT JIZYAH IS---tribute to the OVER LORDS.-----or----actually --EXTORTION---PROTEXIA. It has never been removed from the "legal system" called SHARIAH-----nor has slavery and a multitude of other
disgusting abuses of non-muslims


Nevertheless, the Pact of ‘Umar, like the caliphate, kept its staying power as an Islamic concept of the proper relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims even after it was incrementally abolished by Ottoman decrees in 1839 and 1856, with Iran following suit in 1873.

Some combination of European ideals of political universalism and Ottoman realism about the need to widen the pool of potential military recruits likely provided the impetus for these moves. However, the Ottoman Empire did not control the whole of the Islamic world. In places like Morocco and Yemen, both of which had large Jewish communities, the Pact of ‘Umar’s rules maintained their relevance well into the twentieth century.
No idea how long ago that was? I'm just going by what responsible sources say about the Jizyah now. But again I don't pretend to be any kind of expert there. I have no doubt there are numerous deviations from the norm in Islamic communities.

Dhimmitude was abolished by Ottoman decrees in 1839 and 1856, with Iran following suit in 1873.
Interesting article about Yemen.

Yemen's remaining Jews are caught between Zionists urging migration and Hasidic Satmar Jews urging them to stay and avoid 'contamination' in Israel. Emigration of the remaining Yemeni Jews has also slowed due to adverse reports of returnees who found Israel culturally alien or who found their socio-economic conditions difficult. Furthermore, the Jewish community has long been widely accepted in Yemen, and many of its remaining members are elderly and thus reluctant to leave.
Dhimmitude was abolished by Ottoman decrees in 1839 and 1856, with Iran following suit in 1873.
Surada LEAVES out the fact that -----there are parts of the UMMAH in which the LOCALS have the power----not only Yemen but even Pakistan and Afghanistan and many parts of
AFRICA ----where the local IMAMS have THE POWER and shariah is what shariah WAS and
REMAINS. It is SHARIAH LAW that mediated the fate of DANIEL PEARL---whose throat was
slit for the glory of allah-----and the fate of his MURDERERS who have been
COMPLETELY EXONERATED under the details of SHARIAH LAW----which legalizes
the murder of a jew. TODAY (not 100 years ago) slavery is rampant in SUDAN under shariah law-----in fact by the same law that threatened my mother-in-law circa 1940----a dead father renders the child dhimmi----a SLAVE. Surada would have a hard time finding ISLAMIC
SCHOLARS to rail against the "beauty of koranic law" MORE importantly---shariah is still
imprinted in the minds of muslims----even in the USA, as being DIVINE. I learned about it
from muslims and in a mosque
Interesting article about Yemen.

Yemen's remaining Jews are caught between Zionists urging migration and Hasidic Satmar Jews urging them to stay and avoid 'contamination' in Israel. Emigration of the remaining Yemeni Jews has also slowed due to adverse reports of returnees who found Israel culturally alien or who found their socio-economic conditions difficult. Furthermore, the Jewish community has long been widely accepted in Yemen, and many of its remaining members are elderly and thus reluctant to leave.
oh yes----there are approximately 6 jews left in Yemen----the tiny group is still
GETTING OUT----we got a family in the neighborthood. The remaining people
were from those up in the HILLS---north Yemen where there were jews who actually
lived fairly free of the filth of shariah and dhimmia due to isolation---they even RODE
ON HORSES -----outlawed under the filth of shariah
That was a tiny group that hated the Saudis for revoking bin Laden's citizenship and the US for supporting Israel.
Part of an Islamic terror cell network that our government was warning US about.
I am certainly no authority on the subject, but my understanding is that the Jizrah was a tax imposed by ancient Muslim heirarchy on non-Muslim permanent residents excluded from mandatory military service. It was a fee for protection by the state. To the best of my knowledge the custom no longer applies in modern Islamic states who have established different rules for residency and citizenship and who now have standing armies.

While not dismissing the downside of those militant Islamic states exporting terrorism and imposing cultural requirements that we think backward, I think the Jizrah is just one of those cultural components that is interesting in past history.
This is my simple response: Islam wants to destroy non-Muslims. If you are a non Muslim infidel, Muslims don't care. Gay liberals or straight Christians. Jizya is the tip of the iceberg.
This is my simple response: Islam wants to destroy non-Muslims. If you are a non Muslim infidel, Muslims don't care. Gay liberals or straight Christians. Jizya is the tip of the iceberg.
The problem with Islam is the radical segment that has no respect for human rights, human dignity and consider infidels as no more than lowly animals. They have great power in the Islam religion. Their idea of 'peace' is subjugation and genocide of everyone who is not a believer.
The problem with Islam is the radical segment that has no respect for human rights, human dignity and consider infidels as no more than lowly animals. They have great power in the Islam religion. Their idea of 'peace' is subjugation and genocide of everyone who is not a believer.
Dude, I am no fan of religion. But Islam takes it up a notch. Fascist much? Islam is the most iconic example of conformist Kool-Aid drinking dogmatic fantasists. And Muslim's entire shtick is "lets destroy everyone that we disagree with". Who does this and gets away with it?
Dude, I am no fan of religion. But Islam takes it up a notch. Fascist much? Islam is the most iconic example of conformist Kool-Aid drinking dogmatic fantasists. And Muslim's entire shtick is "lets destroy everyone that we disagree with". Who does this and gets away with it?
it's been 14 centuries and several times that number in MILLIONS DEAD
Dude, I am no fan of religion. But Islam takes it up a notch. Fascist much? Islam is the most iconic example of conformist Kool-Aid drinking dogmatic fantasists. And Muslim's entire shtick is "lets destroy everyone that we disagree with". Who does this and gets away with it?
Tyrannical regimes get away with that shit because they kill those who oppose them and then lie about it. That’s what Islam really is, it’s not a religion at all.
Judaism, Christianity doesn't tax non-believers. Nor do they issue "hits" (murdering) nonbelievers or apostates. Islam does that. To the river to the sea...What other political religious group uses their own civilians as meat shields?

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