Zone1 Jizya

How many Jesuit schools are there in Saudi Arabia or Iran? Anyway, good luck with that, but I'm pretty sure they will wack off your heads in many places for attempting to educate them, especially Christians.
Oddly enough most haven't in the past but NONE are more hostile than Atheist Secularists. Are you into reading much (as if I didn't know).

"“No,” said Father Brown huskily, and looking at his boots; “there is only one place where they grow. They grow in the basket of the guillotine, beside which the chief of police, Aristide Valentin, was standing not an hour before the murder. Oh, my friends, hear me a minute more before you tear me in pieces. Valentin is an honest man, if being mad for an arguable cause is honesty. But did you never see in that cold, grey eye of his that he is mad! He would do anything, anything, to break what he calls the superstition of the Cross. He has fought for it and starved for it, and now he has murdered for it. Brayne’s crazy millions had hitherto been scattered among so many sects that they did little to alter the balance of things. But Valentin heard a whisper that Brayne, like so many scatter-brained sceptics, was drifting to us; and that was quite a different thing. Brayne would pour supplies into the impoverished and pugnacious Church of France; he would support six Nationalist newspapers like The Guillotine. The battle was already balanced on a point, and the fanatic took flame at the risk. He resolved to destroy the millionaire, and he did it as one would expect the greatest of detectives to commit his only crime. He abstracted the severed head of Becker on some criminological excuse, and took it home in his official box. He had that last argument with Brayne, that Lord Galloway did not hear the end of; that failing, he led him out into the sealed garden, talked about swordsmanship, used twigs and a sabre for illustration, and—”

The Secret Garden:

I would not be surprised if you are already familiar with it.

How many Jesuit schools are there in Saudi Arabia or Iran? Anyway, good luck with that, but I'm pretty sure they will wack off your heads in many places for attempting to educate them, especially Christians.
ps: a better chance with headhunters in deepest darkest wherever than with Secularists or other fanatics.

Oddly enough most haven't in the past but NONE are more hostile than Atheist Secularists. Are you into reading much (as if I didn't know).

I meant they wacked off the head of Christians, not Christians wacking off heads of Jesuits. I happen to admire the Jesuits, though some of them could have used a beheading or two over the centuries. The ones who went to China are the most impressive historically to me personally.
You mean except for the Christian nations that expelled their Jews of course.

Some expelled a few at various times, most also took plenty in as well. The Papal States took in Jews from Spain who left rather than convert, and then the Pope had to force the local Jews to take them in. lol
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Jizya is a "POLL TAX ---aka HEAD TAX---to wit--every kaffir pays.
Not actually a tax---it is tribute paid by the community subjugated to
the ruling muslims. The proceeds can be used only to benefit the UMMAH ---
(it ain't gonna build a church) Muslims pay zakat which is dependent
on ASSETS (that ain't gonna build a church or a retirement home for elderly
Parsis) The persons who do the paying of Jizya are the males---something
like the Roman "PATER FAMILIAS" ----but any woman WITH MONEY can be
also made to PAY UP. Non payment of Jizya results in loss of "protexia". In
the case of my hubby's mother whose father died when she was about 11---
an EMERGENCY MARRIAGE got her protexia of her jizya paying father-in-law---
thus she was not rendered the sex slave of the local Imam pig
Some expelled a few at various times, most also took plenty in as well. The Papal States took in Jews from Spain who left rather than convert, and then the Pope had to force the local Jews to take them in. lol
Certainly Christianity is as varied as every other religion but it is the inventor of the ghetto, the holocaust, and the pogrom. Many Christian countries forbade Jews from owning land.

The Expulsion of Jews from Spain was the expulsion of practicing Jews following the Alhambra Decree in 1492,[1] which was enacted in order to eliminate their influence on Spain's large converso population and to ensure its members did not revert to Judaism. Over half of Spain's Jews had converted to Catholicism as a result of the Massacre of 1391.[2] Due to continuing attacks, around 50,000 more had converted by 1415.[3] Those who remained decided to convert to avoid expulsion. As a result of the Alhambra decree and the prior persecution, over 200,000 Jews converted to Catholicism and between 40,000 and 100,000 were expelled.

In 1290, the entire Jewish population of England (about 3,000 people) was expelled from the country on the orders of Edward I.
it is the inventor of the ghetto, the holocaust, and the pogrom.

Total rubbish. Jews themselves demanded thier neighborhoods be separate from the 'goyim'; they didn't want to be 'tainted' by the exposure. Of course they got crowded after a few centuries, so they sniveled and made up bullshit about being 'persecuted n stuff'. Too late, they reaped what they sowed, as usual.

The 'Holocaust' was a Nazi Party thing, not 'Christian'. Anybody who wants to know the Nazi Party line on Christianity can find a copy of the Hitler Youth hand book over at Hint: It was verboten. The Pogroms were a Russian thing, mostly over seizing land, and Jews, being major bigots, had few sympathizers, making them easy pickings. And where did most of the eastern European Jews go? West, of course, some 3 million or more to the evul evangelical Christian hell hole of America. Others went to the Ottoman Empire's Greater Syria.
Total rubbish. Jews themselves demanded thier neighborhoods be separate from the 'goyim'; they didn't want to be 'tainted' by the exposure. Of course they got crowded after a few centuries, so they sniveled and made up bullshit about being 'persecuted n stuff'. Too late, they reaped what they sowed, as usual.

The 'Holocaust' was a Nazi Party thing, not 'Christian'. Anybody who wants to know the Nazi Party line on Christianity can find a copy of the Hitler Youth hand book over at Hint: It was verboten. The Pogroms were a Russian thing, mostly over seizing land, and Jews, being major bigots, had few sympathizers, making them easy pickings. And where did most of the eastern European Jews go? West, of course, some 3 million or more to the evul evangelical Christian hell hole of America. Others went to the Ottoman Empire's Greater Syria.

for the record----"Ottoman Empire's Greater Syria" is the islamo-nazi name for
Oddly enough most haven't in the past but NONE are more hostile than Atheist Secularists. Are you into reading much (as if I didn't know).

"“No,” said Father Brown huskily, and looking at his boots; “there is only one place where they grow. They grow in the basket of the guillotine, beside which the chief of police, Aristide Valentin, was standing not an hour before the murder. Oh, my friends, hear me a minute more before you tear me in pieces. Valentin is an honest man, if being mad for an arguable cause is honesty. But did you never see in that cold, grey eye of his that he is mad! He would do anything, anything, to break what he calls the superstition of the Cross. He has fought for it and starved for it, and now he has murdered for it. Brayne’s crazy millions had hitherto been scattered among so many sects that they did little to alter the balance of things. But Valentin heard a whisper that Brayne, like so many scatter-brained sceptics, was drifting to us; and that was quite a different thing. Brayne would pour supplies into the impoverished and pugnacious Church of France; he would support six Nationalist newspapers like The Guillotine. The battle was already balanced on a point, and the fanatic took flame at the risk. He resolved to destroy the millionaire, and he did it as one would expect the greatest of detectives to commit his only crime. He abstracted the severed head of Becker on some criminological excuse, and took it home in his official box. He had that last argument with Brayne, that Lord Galloway did not hear the end of; that failing, he led him out into the sealed garden, talked about swordsmanship, used twigs and a sabre for illustration, and—”

The Secret Garden:

I would not be surprised if you are already familiar with it.

i have nevr herd of jizjsa

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