Zone1 Jizya

This is their culture and tradition in their country.. Mind your own business.
Surada makes an interesting point-----I have often considered a terrific idea----
since muslims like and DEFEND DHIMMIA----it would be a wonderful idea for
them to HAVE it------in Israel, in detail. Happy muzzie dhimmis
Judaism, Christianity doesn't tax non-believers. Nor do they issue "hits" (murdering) nonbelievers or apostates. Islam does that. To the river to the sea...What other political religious group uses their own civilians as meat shields?
Yes and it’s FROM the river to the sea. Any Jew or Jewish tradition within those boundaries must be expunged, wiped out and obliterated. A wholly evil pronouncement made by tyrants which even includes members of our own Congress.
"The phrase was first used by the far right wing Israeli Likud party (which Netanyahu is now the leader) as part of their 1977 election manifesto which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."
"The phrase was used by the Israeli Likud party as part of their 1977 election manifesto which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."
that one ^^^^ from the standpoint of the juxtapositioning of hostile
parties and history-----makes sense. The "river to the sea" chant is
a declaration of war
"The phrase was first used by the far right wing Israeli Likud party (which Netanyahu is now the leader) as part of their 1977 election manifesto which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."
Hamas isn't talking about creating a sovereign nation with the current residents, they are talking about purging all Jews. You're playing word games.
Nope, just posting a historical fact.
The Israeli far right Likud party first used the river to the sea slogan.
Yeah, so they stole your meme. Only Hamas' meaning is quite different. With them it's all or nothing at all. Reminds me of the early Nazi party as well as today's 'woke' liberals.
Islamo nazi propaganda is all about a TWIST on history
Uhm---Likud was the favored party ---ESPECIALLY of the escapees from
Shariah shit holes and during the time that the muzzie cry included
'drowning all dem joooos in the sea" ----the 50s thru 70s
The problem with Islam is the radical segment that has no respect for human rights, human dignity and consider infidels as no more than lowly animals. They have great power in the Islam religion. Their idea of 'peace' is subjugation and genocide of everyone who is not a believer.
Jews and Christians are not infidels.
Yes and it’s FROM the river to the sea. Any Jew or Jewish tradition within those boundaries must be expunged, wiped out and obliterated. A wholly evil pronouncement made by tyrants which even includes members of our own Congress.
From the river to the sea is the Likud Charter since 1977.
that one ^^^^ from the standpoint of the juxtapositioning of hostile
parties and history-----makes sense. The "river to the sea" chant is
a declaration of war
Well yeah. The Zionists have a lot in common with the German nationalism of the Nazis.
Nope, just posting a historical fact.
The Israeli far right Likud party first used the river to the sea slogan.

Even "Free Palestine" is a Jewish slogan

Islamist imposters started to imitate only recently.

Even "Free Palestine" is a Jewish slogan

Islamist imposters started to imitate only recently.

gee-----the poor, desperate islalmo-nazis----can't even come up with an original
jingle for sing song demonstrating
what has been the Likud "slogan" since 1977? I did not know
that Likud has a slogan----I searched "LIKUD SLOGAN" and found nothing

Read the Likud Charter. It's been linked a dozen times. It says from the river to the sea it will be Jewish and sovereign.

They just intend to expell or exterminate the Palestinians.

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