Jodi Arias Penalty

How did Zimmerman enter the Jodi psycho thread?

Completely, completely different sides of the moon.
No it's not, it's a part of the problem with the Justice System.

It's not the same for everyone.

That poster reflects an innate sympathy that pretty women, especially white blondes get.

And if one set of people can get innate and automatic sympathy from the general culture, the same can be said for another set of people who can be on the opposite end of that sympathy.

You may not like it, but it's true.

Do YOU know anything about this trial, meaning, have you actually watched it and understood what was going on? I'm going to guess and say NO.

Arias isn't a natural blonde. She wasn't blonde when she viciously murdered TA. There are very few people that have any sympathy for her; those that do believe her lies, and she's been proven in court to be a liar. Nothing she said was the truth.
Wut the f white blondes? Are you talking about Jodi Arias? She's convicted of M1. How is that sympathetic also, she's not blonde.

Maybe you should ask "that poster" about her where her sympathy comes from.

There aren't many supporters and usually with JoJo sympathizers it's misplaced DV sympathy. Not "white blondes" whatever that means.

I am completely not picking up any point you were trying to make with that post. You're trying to make a point where there is no point to be made.


Clearly you weren't listening, CLEARLY.

I stated pretty women, PARTICULARLY white blondes.

Think McFly, think!

Wut the f white blondes? Are you talking about Jodi Arias? She's convicted of M1. How is that sympathetic also, she's not blonde.

Maybe you should ask "that poster" about her where her sympathy comes from.

There aren't many supporters and usually with JoJo sympathizers it's misplaced DV sympathy. Not "white blondes" whatever that means.

I am completely not picking up any point you were trying to make with that post. You're trying to make a point where there is no point to be made.


Clearly you weren't listening, CLEARLY.

I stated pretty women, PARTICULARLY white blondes.

Think McFly, think!

Again, Arias isn't blonde. Many will argue that she isn't pretty either; I believe the term HORSE FACE has been mentioned to describe her many times.
Wut the f white blondes? Are you talking about Jodi Arias? She's convicted of M1. How is that sympathetic also, she's not blonde.

Maybe you should ask "that poster" about her where her sympathy comes from.

There aren't many supporters and usually with JoJo sympathizers it's misplaced DV sympathy. Not "white blondes" whatever that means.

I am completely not picking up any point you were trying to make with that post. You're trying to make a point where there is no point to be made.


Clearly you weren't listening, CLEARLY.

I stated pretty women, PARTICULARLY white blondes.

Think McFly, think!


You've taken a race agenda event, a psycho slaughterer, white blondes, twisted it all up into ways I could never possibly imagine - you have completely outdone every other Zimmerman point or attempt at a point made on this entire forum.
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i simply feel she was abused and beaten up. i wish we could start a defense fund to appeal this horrible verdict.
Well there ya go [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION], it wasn't about white blonde weird theories after all.
i simply feel she was abused and beaten up. i wish we could start a defense fund to appeal this horrible verdict.

She was not abused and beaten up by anyone other than her own sick mind. Real people that are abused do NOT go out of their way to go jump in bed with their abuser, much less even bother to go see them when they don't even live with them. What part of that do you not understand?
i simply feel she was abused and beaten up. i wish we could start a defense fund to appeal this horrible verdict.

She was not abused and beaten up by anyone other than her own sick mind. Real people that are abused do NOT go out of their way to go jump in bed with their abuser, much less even bother to go see them when they don't even live with them. What part of that do you not understand?

Much less drive 1000 miles to kill them.

There's no "abused" or "beaten up" here. There's only a psycho with a M1 conviction that would do it again if things didn't go her way in the World According to Jodi.

This wasn't a domestic abuse case, this was a psycho slaughtered the guy that didn't go along with her plans. That's what psychos do.

Waiting on a sentence.


Eeenie meenie minee mo.

I'm surprised some of you want her to get the death penalty. There was a gun involved in that murder and we know how you feel about your guns.
I'm surprised some of you want her to get the death penalty. There was a gun involved in that murder and we know how you feel about your guns.

I just have to say there is a difference with this case and the Z case. Arias went out of her way to drive to Travis's house. She lied about were she was going. She lied about the gas cans. She lied about the need for the water. She lied about her cell phone and loosing the charger. She changed the way she looked before she went to AZ. She killed Travis 3 times over. She tried to cover her tracks. She sent flowers to Travis's ill grandma. She lied and changed her story 3 times. She was caught in lies on the stand. To me and a lot of of the people I have talked to here feel the same that Jodi killed Travis in cold blood.
They watched the Hysterical Ladies Network version. But the fact a gun was used is irrelevant.
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she was abused. stockholm syndrome. i feel bad for her, yet she seems to be keeping her spirits up on twitter.
They watched the Hysterical LaAdies Network version. But the fact a gun was used is irrelevant.

HLN sucks!

I prefer to use the live feed from WAT or a local news station in that area.
she was abused. stockholm syndrome. i feel bad for her, yet she seems to be keeping her spirits up on twitter.

You keep believing that and all the other lies she tells people, that's your choice and your right. In the mean time, I'll believe the story the evidence told.
I'm surprised some of you want her to get the death penalty. There was a gun involved in that murder and we know how you feel about your guns.

Sarah, the gun is not the point whatsoever.

The jury deemed this "aggravating circumstances" and "cruel" mainly because she hacked him to smithereens and that defines "cruel".

That is why she qualifies for DP sentencing.

She did this. the gun didn't and no one else did. This is her doing.

I personally don't care if she gets LWOP or DP. At this point, it would be well served to give her LWOP and stick her in silent box. Off social media, off the limelight, suffering in silence for what she did.



eenie, meenie, minee, mo
she was abused. stockholm syndrome. i feel bad for her, yet she seems to be keeping her spirits up on twitter.

You keep believing that and all the other lies she tells people, that's your choice and your right. In the mean time, I'll believe the story the evidence told.

Hard to ignore those kind of autopsy photos.

"the Stockholm" made me do it, doesn't fly.
she was abused. stockholm syndrome. i feel bad for her, yet she seems to be keeping her spirits up on twitter.

I don't see how anyone can "feel bad" for Jodi.:cuckoo:

She killed Travis and has no remorse at all. To me she seems to be an attention seeking cold blooded killer and I personally cant stand the thought of her being able to even listen to music while in jail. Does Travis ever get to listen to music? NO. Just my opinion but I think she is a very wicked person and doesn't care for anyone or anything but herself.

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