Joe Biden won, Michigan elector coup ‘not going to happen,’ Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, who will meet with Trump Friday, says

good job

I'm less surprised by Donald Trump doing this. He has shown only a flimsy relationship to the truth

I'm more troubled that you're seeing a lot of Republican officials go along with it, not because they actually believe it, but because they feel intimidated by it
So you believe democrats should commit massive election fraud without any impediments or
adverse consequences at all?

from the article:

“It is my thought that in the end, the election [in Michigan] will be certified,” Jonathan Kinloch, the Democratic vice chair of the Wayne County, Michigan, Board of Canvassers, said on CNN Friday morning. "We're talking about a lame duck president, and I do not think anyone wants to revisit what occurred in 2016 by being a co-conspirator to any campaign that's trying to disenfranchise or to basically hijack the votes in this election."

Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, a Republican who endorsed Biden for president, called Trump’s planned meeting “the action of a third world dictator.”
Politically, it’s possible that they see taking the meeting as a smart move, showing unhappy Michigan Republicans that they’re on the president’s side.

But as a matter of statesmanship—and, legally, for their own sakes—they’d be smarter to cancel it.
It’s unlikely that Trump is planning to persuade the Michiganders through subtle legal arguments about their constitutional role. Subtle argument isn’t really Trump’s way of doing things.

Give me Michigan’s electoral votes, he might say, and I’ll give you a Cabinet post or make you ambassador to Spain
Trump is also not above offering cash: Give me the votes, and I’ll see to it that lots of money flows to places where you want it—to your state, or to you personally. (That would be an outrageous allegation to have made about Barack Obama or George W. Bush. But the president who paid illicit cash to Stormy Daniels to protect his first presidential run shouldn’t be presumed to scruple at paying more illicit cash to protect his second one.)
Under Michigan law, any member of the Legislature who “corruptly” accepts a promise of some beneficial act in return for exercising his authority in a certain way is “forever disqualified to hold any public office” and “shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 10 years[.]”
“Lead us not into temptation” is well known as a religious precept: it’s also excellent legal advice
Trump even calls canvassing member who says that Trump called me. We talked about general things and he wanted to know if she is safe. They don't know each other social and he calls her. NO pressure she says . But she tried to change her vote approving of the election results The other person will not say whether he received a call from Trump. Silence is proof enough that he did.

They both tried to rescind their vote. Certainly no Russian meddling but Trump meddling. No pressure she says when the president call her.

Now he is inviting Michigan republicans to the white house. Proof that he will do anything to win even cheat.
All Trump is doing is trying to assure that Michigan doesn't get hasty and certify a fraudulent election. He will end up winning Michigan by a landslide once the fraud is removed.

It is final. This goose is cooked

It is NOT final, buttwipe. All 50 state's votes must be certified first, all legal challenges resolved, the electors must meet and ratify their votes with Joe getting at least 270 on 12/13, then Joe must be sworn in Jan. 20. Until then, NOTHING is a given.

And if Joe makes it THAT far, he'll NEVER last through one term. Probably not through one year.

Either America voted in 2010 to repudiate Obama, 2014 to repudiate Obama, then 2016 to repudiate Obama again, only to do a complete 180 of everything they spent a decade voting for to choose a guy who is a 1 term president, probably won't last the term to be replaced by the most radical kook to ever be in the WH and who has gotten NOTHING done in 50 years to at best take them right back to where they were five years ago, or -- --

-- -- or, this election was a total fraud.

TAKE YOUR PICK, BUB, most of America are total loser-idiots, or our elections are a foreign-driven banana republic.

It is final. This goose is cooked

It is NOT final, buttwipe. All 50 state's votes must be certified first, all legal challenges resolved, the electors must meet and ratify their votes with Joe getting at least 270 on 12/13, then Joe must be sworn in Jan. 20. Until then, NOTHING is a given.

And if Joe makes it THAT far, he'll NEVER last through one term. Probably not through one year.

Either America voted in 2010 to repudiate Obama, 2014 to repudiate Obama, then 2016 to repudiate Obama again, only to do a complete 180 of everything they spent a decade voting for to choose a guy who is a 1 term president, probably won't last the term to be replaced by the most radical kook to ever be in the WH and who has gotten NOTHING done in 50 years to at best take them right back to where they were five years ago, or -- --

-- -- or, this election was a total fraud.

TAKE YOUR PICK, BUB, most of America are total loser-idiots, or our elections are a foreign-driven banana republic.
while Biden supporters are smiling ecstatically, Trump supporters are openly weeping

it's over. it's over. it's over

Trump even calls canvassing member who says that Trump called me. We talked about general things and he wanted to know if she is safe. They don't know each other social and he calls her. NO pressure she says . But she tried to change her vote approving of the election results The other person will not say whether he received a call from Trump. Silence is proof enough that he did.

They both tried to rescind their vote. Certainly no Russian meddling but Trump meddling. No pressure she says when the president call her.

Now he is inviting Michigan republicans to the white house. Proof that he will do anything to win even cheat.
All Trump is doing is trying to assure that Michigan doesn't get hasty and certify a fraudulent election. He will end up winning Michigan by a landslide once the fraud is removed.

Then why did those two repubs change there minds. after meeting with Trump. They put there blessing on the vote and then after meeting Trump they change their mind. Is that election fraud changing your mind after meeting the guy who benefits the most from the change.
As Trump continues his claims of voter or electoral fraud in the court of public opinion, this argument fails in a courts of law. The lack of any proof of widespread fraud and the lawyers who can't base the case on fraud. If they make such a claim they will be lying to the court.

Even Rudy knows that and instead they are just using the system to waste the courts time and feed the rabble in their quest for fraud.

The recount will continue and nothing will change. Trump and his people do not want a recount. They just wants votes thrown out based on no credible evidence. The meeting participants seems to support this view.

The recount will just make repubs look foolish

Even from the meeting with the repubs who had meet with him. They did not support voter or election fraud. They do not support throwing out votes that meet the criteria within that state for valid ballots.

Voter fraud by definition is an individual act by a voter. For voter fraud to even matter would require thousands of individual committing voter fraud. Yet if they follow local or state guidelines it is not voter fraud.

electoral fraud by definition is illegal interference in the process of an elections.

Trump is doing this with baseless law suits, meeting with only one state and not other states officials, and claims of massive voter or electoral fraud with no evidence other than the spoken words of the president. He then also refuses to acknowledge the winner which is self serving and based on personal beliefs. He wants to pour gas on seeds of discontent in the electoral voting system. The same system that gave him a victory 4 years ago.

When the office of the president engages in electoral fraud then it puts pressure on the Repub party as a whole. Some have come out and acknowledged who the winner is and that the election was secure While others are supporting electoral fraud by saying nothing.

There is a legal difference between electoral fraud and voter fraud.
good job

I'm less surprised by Donald Trump doing this. He has shown only a flimsy relationship to the truth

I'm more troubled that you're seeing a lot of Republican officials go along with it, not because they actually believe it, but because they feel intimidated by it
So you believe democrats should commit massive election fraud without any impediments or
adverse consequences at all?
No one should believe you while you spent 4 years serving as Putin's little Butt Plug and trying to prostitute your soul for the lie of Russian Collusion.


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