Joeb131's real reason for bveing against firearms.


I think whenever you publish statistics you need to also use links to quantify your stats. We don't know exactly what the causes of these alleged professed deaths nor the circumstances.

Guy, I've posted these kinds of stats until I'm blue in the face.

For the record, we have 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 gun suicides every year (as well as 800 accidents). because we have too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people.

FYI, E-6 is the lowest of what are considered Senior NCOs. In the Army you only have to do the time, pass the board, and get a high enough cut-off score. E-7 is promoted by the Department of the Army in Washington. It practically takes an act of Congress to demote you. E-6, not so much. In the Navy you don't put on the tan uniform that officers wear until you make E-7. A Chief Petty Officer pretty much walks on water. In the Marines a Gunnery SGT (E-7) is like a God. I'm not familiar with Air Force traditions, so I can't comment on them.

Point is, it's a SENIOR NCO position.

I was offered an E-7 position when I got out, I just didn't want it at that point.

And, no they usually won't demote an E-7 when he fucks up, and I've seen it. They usually encourage him to retire.

Yes I agree, it is the lowest of the Senior NCO positions. Still you have to produce a TA-50 for inspection like the rest of the dirt-bags.

And I could have been an officer but didn't pursue it to completion. Coulda been doesn't fly here bud. You ether was or wasn't. We're talking about what you were, not what you could have been. Once you become an E-7 you'd understand the extra responsibilities that go along with the position. But then you haven't so how would you really know. Right?
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I think whenever you publish statistics you need to also use links to quantify your stats. We don't know exactly what the causes of these alleged professed deaths nor the circumstances.

Guy, I've posted these kinds of stats until I'm blue in the face.

For the record, we have 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 gun suicides every year (as well as 800 accidents). because we have too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people.

But you can't really argue the specific causes because you have no links. That's the problem. There is always a reason why things happen and usually when someone doesn't want you to know the whole story there is usually something they're trying to hide that sort of blows their argument all to hell.
Joe you are dealing with issues stemming from your time in the "rear" (no pun intended).

You supply fucks never measured up and it has followed you to this day.

I've got a box full of medals that says otherwise...

But that's besides the point.

I'll admit, I don't have the OP's fine record, which seems to include taking Geoden and Celexa to control his "paranoid delusions". But he'll insist that he totally needs a gun because the founding slave rapists said so.

I have spent 55 years with total access to firearms and NEVER shot anyone, never threatened anyone, never did anything illegal. Exactly why should I lose my right to bear arms again?

I am exactly the type of person that deserves access to lawful firearms.

Wanna know a secret? What my delusional world is?

I believe that society will collapse. I am armed to protect those that survive that collapse. Not just my family but everyone I find or comes to me for help.

I have spent 38 years teaching myself to help others. To be prepared if I am ever called on to offer my services to my community.

Federal law is clear, unless a competent authority ( a judge) has ruled you incompetent you do not lose your right to bear arms. I have violated no law that restricts weapons ownership and have never been judged incompetent.

Go ahead dumb ass explain again why you think I should lose my weapons.

Welcome to my delusional world Rt Sgt......indeed, preparation is key. only problem is, currently, it is impossible for me to get ammo for my Circuit Judge except for 410 and even then. only 1 box at a time.......and cant even get .44mag or sp for my lever action. Its absurd......but IM ready enough, at least in the short run, for when the SHTF. The bubble dwelling wankers you see on this thread.......should be a real hoot for them!!:2up:

Rt Sgt.....grab some silver now at this price.......check it out.
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I think whenever you publish statistics you need to also use links to quantify your stats. We don't know exactly what the causes of these alleged professed deaths nor the circumstances.

Guy, I've posted these kinds of stats until I'm blue in the face.

For the record, we have 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 gun suicides every year (as well as 800 accidents). because we have too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people.

But you can't really argue the specific causes because you have no links. That's the problem. There is always a reason why things happen and usually when someone doesn't want you to know the whole story there is usually something they're trying to hide that sort of blows their argument all to hell.

I've posted the links, guy.

The fact is, we had 11,101 gun homicides last year, and Germany had 250. Japan had 11, the UK had 42.

The reason- we have too many guns, they are too easy to get and the wrong people get them.

And yeah, not just the glaringly obvious guys like Lanza and Cho and Holmes.

I mean a guy like my neighbor, who shot out his window, the police didn't take his gun after he lied. (He tried to claim someone shot in at him even though there was no bullet in the house and the glass was blown outside.)

A few weeks later, he shot himself.

Unlike you, you commie bastard, I support the First Amendment...and that includes people saying things I disagree with or find repugnant.

Because that's one of the things that makes America great. And it's one of the things you would take away if you could. You damned progressives are TERRIFIED of conflicting views, and seek to silence them.

So you are all for Rush LImbaugh calling women vile names if he disagrees with them and doesn't understand the point they were trying to make.

Limbaugh apparently also thinks the amount of birth control you need to take is contingent upon the amount of sex you have, which makes me wonder how much he understands about female sexuality after four Sham Marriages.

The first Amendment would ONLY apply to CONGRESS trying to shut Limbaugh up. It puts you under no obligation to agree with him or not denounce his repulsive ramblings.

So one more time, Dave, do you condemn Limbaugh and think he should be taken off the air, or do you agree with his characterization of Ms. Fluke.

I disagree with Rush's comments on fluck. I feel she is a stupid slut.
Guy, I've posted these kinds of stats until I'm blue in the face.

For the record, we have 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 gun suicides every year (as well as 800 accidents). because we have too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people.

But you can't really argue the specific causes because you have no links. That's the problem. There is always a reason why things happen and usually when someone doesn't want you to know the whole story there is usually something they're trying to hide that sort of blows their argument all to hell.

I've posted the links, guy.

The fact is, we had 11,101 gun homicides last year, and Germany had 250. Japan had 11, the UK had 42.

The reason- we have too many guns, they are too easy to get and the wrong people get them.

And yeah, not just the glaringly obvious guys like Lanza and Cho and Holmes.

I mean a guy like my neighbor, who shot out his window, the police didn't take his gun after he lied. (He tried to claim someone shot in at him even though there was no bullet in the house and the glass was blown outside.)

A few weeks later, he shot himself.

See, the more facts you show the more questions arise.

For one, how can a country that is supposed to be gun-free still have gun related deaths? Answer: Because laws do not change criminal behavior.

Also, your neighbor seemed to be troubled. What's stopping him from killing himself some other way? Driving head-on into traffic for example, which happens a lot in Germany. Taking someone else with him? At least he only harmed himself and his immediate family. Should we ban sharp objects or tall buildings which seems to be a favorite way to go for Japanese.

Unlike you, you commie bastard, I support the First Amendment...and that includes people saying things I disagree with or find repugnant.

Because that's one of the things that makes America great. And it's one of the things you would take away if you could. You damned progressives are TERRIFIED of conflicting views, and seek to silence them.

So you are all for Rush LImbaugh calling women vile names if he disagrees with them and doesn't understand the point they were trying to make.

Limbaugh apparently also thinks the amount of birth control you need to take is contingent upon the amount of sex you have, which makes me wonder how much he understands about female sexuality after four Sham Marriages.

The first Amendment would ONLY apply to CONGRESS trying to shut Limbaugh up. It puts you under no obligation to agree with him or not denounce his repulsive ramblings.

So one more time, Dave, do you condemn Limbaugh and think he should be taken off the air, or do you agree with his characterization of Ms. Fluke.

I disagree with Rush's comments on fluck. I feel she is a stupid slut.

That goes without saying. It would have been better that Rush hadn't said anything, but to set the record straight he didn't call her a slut. He said anyone who expects to be paid for sex is a prostitute. Ed Schultz did call lLaura Ingram a slut but the comment seems to have unfairly gravitated to Rush.
Actually, chicks like me because unlike you, I'm not a misogynist who wants to regulate their Lady Parts and think it's cool for Limbaugh to call them "sluts".

To much time on the outside getting picked on.

That made little sense... maybe you need your meds adjusted.

Your right. Just got my 4th of July on. Now, about giving roo shit for his service. First I'll explain my comment. First, you are one of thees guys who blames his failures, and lack of success on some one else screwing you over. You explain it quite well when you tell the "two mormons fucked me " story. Its almost sad. Second, you were not in the army you were in the guard during the 80's. While the guard is awesome, all you had to do was show up and you were promoted. As for medals, I can say I have a box full to. But unlike you, I don't imply that I got them by going all rambo on the taliban, nor do I try and include my score from call of duty. Matter of fact, if one wanted, they need only google your name, or one of the many you used other places and they will get an awesome picture of your time in the guard.
Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

He is not against guns cause they "kill" or are "dangerous" he is against guns cause he thinks that will get himself revenge.

i think we don't fix the country until we dispose of Plutocracies "Useful Idiots".

Those being

The Racists
The HOmophobes
The Misogynists
The Gun Nuts.

No one really wants to be caught having a drink with the racists anymore, and the Homophobes are really doing poorly as well.

You gun nuts are just going to have to wait your turn.

Come and takem tough guy.

I've gotten rid of all of my Section 8s.

Happy now?


Btw, my point was that E-6 is nothing to brag about.

Other than the fact that 90% of those who enlist never reach that rank...

but that isn't what it's about, and you know it.

It's about your inability to argue your point, and going for the personal attack.

The more I see you bang on your service the more I get annoyed. Maybe thees guys would like to see that thread where you were debating your sock about its time in vietnam. You know come to think of it, I bet you never were even in. All the shit you talk about before is from ROTC, where you got raped in the shower by smiling mormons after they shot bob with a mind control beam and smiled.

See, the more facts you show the more questions arise.

For one, how can a country that is supposed to be gun-free still have gun related deaths? Answer: Because laws do not change criminal behavior.

Also, your neighbor seemed to be troubled. What's stopping him from killing himself some other way? Driving head-on into traffic for example, which happens a lot in Germany. Taking someone else with him? At least he only harmed himself and his immediate family. Should we ban sharp objects or tall buildings which seems to be a favorite way to go for Japanese.

A lot harder to kill yourself with those other things than a gun.

And I'd rather have 11 gun murders than 11K.

Your right. Just got my 4th of July on. Now, about giving roo shit for his service. First I'll explain my comment. First, you are one of thees guys who blames his failures, and lack of success on some one else screwing you over. You explain it quite well when you tell the "two mormons fucked me " story. Its almost sad. Second, you were not in the army you were in the guard during the 80's. While the guard is awesome, all you had to do was show up and you were promoted. As for medals, I can say I have a box full to. But unlike you, I don't imply that I got them by going all rambo on the taliban, nor do I try and include my score from call of duty. Matter of fact, if one wanted, they need only google your name, or one of the many you used other places and they will get an awesome picture of your time in the guard.

Well, no, they probably wouldn't. I don't have a lot of pictures from that time period, and I don't post any of them on line.

Second, while part of my service was with the guard, part of it was active duty, which I've explained here more than once. (I was in teh Guard during my college time and was active duty after that.)

Third, you seem to spend an awful lot of time stalking me or whatever, dude. (You also spend a lot of time complaining about things I did on other boards, and you only halfway get it right.) I'm not sure what butthurt you are still feeling from over at ToonHall, but you need to get past it.

The more I see you bang on your service the more I get annoyed. Maybe thees guys would like to see that thread where you were debating your sock about its time in vietnam. You know come to think of it, I bet you never were even in. All the shit you talk about before is from ROTC, where you got raped in the shower by smiling mormons after they shot bob with a mind control beam and smiled.

Guy, you see, this is what I'm talking about. I didn't debate any socks at Toonhall. I know you all thought other people were me, but they really weren't.

For the record. Yup, was in the National Guard during the time I was in college, including a dubious flirtation with ROTC. It was there I had my first experience with Mormon Cultists, and man, did that leave an impression. Of course, I had more serious things to worry about, like both parents dying of cancer around that same time period.

After I graduated from college (again, working two minimum wage jobs AND the Guard) I went active duty for six year.

Never made a claim to have been in combat. Did have exemplary service.

The more I see you bang on your service the more I get annoyed. Maybe thees guys would like to see that thread where you were debating your sock about its time in vietnam. You know come to think of it, I bet you never were even in. All the shit you talk about before is from ROTC, where you got raped in the shower by smiling mormons after they shot bob with a mind control beam and smiled.

Guy, you see, this is what I'm talking about. I didn't debate any socks at Toonhall. I know you all thought other people were me, but they really weren't.

For the record. Yup, was in the National Guard during the time I was in college, including a dubious flirtation with ROTC. It was there I had my first experience with Mormon Cultists, and man, did that leave an impression. Of course, I had more serious things to worry about, like both parents dying of cancer around that same time period.

After I graduated from college (again, working two minimum wage jobs AND the Guard) I went active duty for six year.

Never made a claim to have been in combat. Did have exemplary service.

Well, if one were intrested they need only google your name. And stalking ? Don't flatter your self. Its just fun to rattle your cage. When the "guy" comes out its pretty clear you are rattled.

The more I see you bang on your service the more I get annoyed. Maybe thees guys would like to see that thread where you were debating your sock about its time in vietnam. You know come to think of it, I bet you never were even in. All the shit you talk about before is from ROTC, where you got raped in the shower by smiling mormons after they shot bob with a mind control beam and smiled.

Guy, you see, this is what I'm talking about. I didn't debate any socks at Toonhall. I know you all thought other people were me, but they really weren't.

For the record. Yup, was in the National Guard during the time I was in college, including a dubious flirtation with ROTC. It was there I had my first experience with Mormon Cultists, and man, did that leave an impression. Of course, I had more serious things to worry about, like both parents dying of cancer around that same time period.

After I graduated from college (again, working two minimum wage jobs AND the Guard) I went active duty for six year.

Never made a claim to have been in combat. Did have exemplary service.

You served 6 years and you are an expert? In who's world is that true? I spent almost 16 years in the Marine Corps and while I was damn knowledgeable on MY field I was still learning stuff. Of course I did not always work in my field. I was a Company GySgt twice and ran Billeting for all unaccompanied SNCO and Officer for a year. As well as camp services for Camp Courtney. I was also a Maintenance chief twice.

See, the more facts you show the more questions arise.

For one, how can a country that is supposed to be gun-free still have gun related deaths? Answer: Because laws do not change criminal behavior.

Also, your neighbor seemed to be troubled. What's stopping him from killing himself some other way? Driving head-on into traffic for example, which happens a lot in Germany. Taking someone else with him? At least he only harmed himself and his immediate family. Should we ban sharp objects or tall buildings which seems to be a favorite way to go for Japanese.

A lot harder to kill yourself with those other things than a gun.

And I'd rather have 11 gun murders than 11K.

One is too many. My point is murders still happen. It doesn't matter what the weapon is. Nevermind that in just about every case you're talking about countries with secured borders and don't contain populations that have been raised on violence and poverty and have been fed the lie that they are disenfranchised. Most gun violence in America is committed by the poor, particularly white Hispanics and blacks.
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The more I see you bang on your service the more I get annoyed. Maybe thees guys would like to see that thread where you were debating your sock about its time in vietnam. You know come to think of it, I bet you never were even in. All the shit you talk about before is from ROTC, where you got raped in the shower by smiling mormons after they shot bob with a mind control beam and smiled.

Guy, you see, this is what I'm talking about. I didn't debate any socks at Toonhall. I know you all thought other people were me, but they really weren't.

For the record. Yup, was in the National Guard during the time I was in college, including a dubious flirtation with ROTC. It was there I had my first experience with Mormon Cultists, and man, did that leave an impression. Of course, I had more serious things to worry about, like both parents dying of cancer around that same time period.

After I graduated from college (again, working two minimum wage jobs AND the Guard) I went active duty for six year.

Never made a claim to have been in combat. Did have exemplary service.

Staunch defense, but as I said, if one googles you at TH one of the first things they will find you admitting to having multiple user names and being made fun of for doing just that.

You served 6 years and you are an expert? In who's world is that true? I spent almost 16 years in the Marine Corps and while I was damn knowledgeable on MY field I was still learning stuff. Of course I did not always work in my field. I was a Company GySgt twice and ran Billeting for all unaccompanied SNCO and Officer for a year. As well as camp services for Camp Courtney. I was also a Maintenance chief twice.

Okay, guy, I don't think you shouldn't own a gun because you aren't very good with it.

I think that you shouldn't own a gun because currently, you are serious meds to keep you from acting crazy.

If the USMC taught you how to use guns, you probably ought to be on a watch list.

Staunch defense, but as I said, if one googles you at TH one of the first things they will find you admitting to having multiple user names and being made fun of for doing just that.

Except I never made any secret of the fact the three I used were all the same guy. (The problem was that I had two different computers, and for some reason, you couldn't log in under a name on one of them. But I digress.)

Now there were a few other fellows who you all thought were me. They weren't.

At one time, the nutters thought I was a TEAM of people working for Soros.

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