John Lewis dead

When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member

Who said I don't do anything and that I ignore it. I have not said anything pro or con about it.

All I have said is that if it is not forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow laws. And you keep arguing.
I’ve already addressed why they are new aged Jim Crow laws

I don't really give a rat's ass why you think they are the "new aged Jim Crow laws". They are not Jim Crow laws unless they are about forced racial segregation. I gave you the definitions from 3 sources. They all said the same thing. Jim Crow laws were racial segregation laws.

You want to redefine what a Jim Crow law is, but that doesn't work. Now you are just arguing to safe face and not admit you didn't know what you were talking about.
Cool story

Not a story. Facts. Jim Crow laws are about racial segregation. That is it. You want to make it about other things because you got caught running your mouth about things you don't know. Next time sit down and let the grownups talk. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws.
Are you saying that there are white people that are moving into these black neighborhoods!? Lol

Are you saying that white people are not legally allowed to move into these black neighborhoods? Because THAT is the point. They call them Jim Crow LAWS for a reason.

If these neighborhoods were black because of Jim Crow Laws, then when a white girl moves in with her boyfriend, she would be arrested.
No they created policy within the laws to keep people out.. they are definitely divided by race.. Pretending that these neighborhoods are unsegregated because they don’t say Jim Crow law.. then you are just as racist as the DemocratsWhere in the 1960s

Yet again, you try to makeup what I said. I would think you would know I would see it and point it out. But you are pretty hard headed.

I have not pretended that the neighborhoods are not segregated. I am simply saying that there are no Jim Crow laws that force them to be segregated. If a white person bought a house in that neighborhood, they could move in and live there. Under Jim Crow laws, they could not.
Your so slow

Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".

But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
Lol are you trolling or are you this uneducated? Lol
When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member

Who said I don't do anything and that I ignore it. I have not said anything pro or con about it.

All I have said is that if it is not forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow laws. And you keep arguing.
I’ve already addressed why they are new aged Jim Crow laws

I don't really give a rat's ass why you think they are the "new aged Jim Crow laws". They are not Jim Crow laws unless they are about forced racial segregation. I gave you the definitions from 3 sources. They all said the same thing. Jim Crow laws were racial segregation laws.

You want to redefine what a Jim Crow law is, but that doesn't work. Now you are just arguing to safe face and not admit you didn't know what you were talking about.
Cool story

Not a story. Facts. Jim Crow laws are about racial segregation. That is it. You want to make it about other things because you got caught running your mouth about things you don't know. Next time sit down and let the grownups talk. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws.
Are you saying that there are white people that are moving into these black neighborhoods!? Lol

Are you saying that white people are not legally allowed to move into these black neighborhoods? Because THAT is the point. They call them Jim Crow LAWS for a reason.

If these neighborhoods were black because of Jim Crow Laws, then when a white girl moves in with her boyfriend, she would be arrested.
No they created policy within the laws to keep people out.. they are definitely divided by race.. Pretending that these neighborhoods are unsegregated because they don’t say Jim Crow law.. then you are just as racist as the DemocratsWhere in the 1960s

Yet again, you try to makeup what I said. I would think you would know I would see it and point it out. But you are pretty hard headed.

I have not pretended that the neighborhoods are not segregated. I am simply saying that there are no Jim Crow laws that force them to be segregated. If a white person bought a house in that neighborhood, they could move in and live there. Under Jim Crow laws, they could not.
Your so slow

Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".

But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
Lol are you trolling or are you this uneducated? Lol

Oh please. Spare me this nonsense. You saw the published and accepted definitions of "Jim Crow law". It is about forced racial segregation. If there is not law concerning forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow Law. The sooner you understand that and quit trying to dance around your ignorance the better.
When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member

Who said I don't do anything and that I ignore it. I have not said anything pro or con about it.

All I have said is that if it is not forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow laws. And you keep arguing.
I’ve already addressed why they are new aged Jim Crow laws

I don't really give a rat's ass why you think they are the "new aged Jim Crow laws". They are not Jim Crow laws unless they are about forced racial segregation. I gave you the definitions from 3 sources. They all said the same thing. Jim Crow laws were racial segregation laws.

You want to redefine what a Jim Crow law is, but that doesn't work. Now you are just arguing to safe face and not admit you didn't know what you were talking about.
Cool story

Not a story. Facts. Jim Crow laws are about racial segregation. That is it. You want to make it about other things because you got caught running your mouth about things you don't know. Next time sit down and let the grownups talk. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws.
Are you saying that there are white people that are moving into these black neighborhoods!? Lol

Are you saying that white people are not legally allowed to move into these black neighborhoods? Because THAT is the point. They call them Jim Crow LAWS for a reason.

If these neighborhoods were black because of Jim Crow Laws, then when a white girl moves in with her boyfriend, she would be arrested.
No they created policy within the laws to keep people out.. they are definitely divided by race.. Pretending that these neighborhoods are unsegregated because they don’t say Jim Crow law.. then you are just as racist as the DemocratsWhere in the 1960s

Yet again, you try to makeup what I said. I would think you would know I would see it and point it out. But you are pretty hard headed.

I have not pretended that the neighborhoods are not segregated. I am simply saying that there are no Jim Crow laws that force them to be segregated. If a white person bought a house in that neighborhood, they could move in and live there. Under Jim Crow laws, they could not.
Your so slow

Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".

But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
Lol are you trolling or are you this uneducated? Lol

How about you give me the definition of the term "Jim Crow laws"? What do you say in means?
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
They did it again. Yet another Republican Senator posted a picture with Elijah Cummings, saying it was John Lewis. This time it was Alaska's Dan Sullivan. It’s disgusting. It gives you a real glimpse into what they honestly think of our heroes.

What’s the problem?

Talking about him like he knew him, and then posting a pic of someone else? That is pretty sad.
Marco Rubio did it too
They look alike Elijah and Lewis...............LOl
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.
We will?

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket or something?

"We", as in the people who want peaceful protests instead of violence.

What did Lewis do, over the last say, 40 years, to push back against the wace baiting that has led to the violent race riots we see today?

Anything? Or we he part of the wace baiting?
When have we not seen violent race riots. Rosewood, Florida. Tulsa, Oklahoma. This crap has got to stop right here and now. Today, in 2020, we are not seeing "violent race riots." These "violent race riots" seem to be something ginned up on the internet. Psst: I live in northern Virginia. There is nothing going on but people of all backgrounds living peacefully together. No riots. No crime. Just peaceful citizens speaking whatever languages they wish and being friendly to their neighbors. English is spoken here. So is Spanish, Korean, Chinese dialects, French, Urdu. Arabic, Hebrew, and more.

Stop digging at John Lewis. A gentleman who lived with honor and died that way. He rests with angels.
When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member

Who said I don't do anything and that I ignore it. I have not said anything pro or con about it.

All I have said is that if it is not forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow laws. And you keep arguing.
I’ve already addressed why they are new aged Jim Crow laws

I don't really give a rat's ass why you think they are the "new aged Jim Crow laws". They are not Jim Crow laws unless they are about forced racial segregation. I gave you the definitions from 3 sources. They all said the same thing. Jim Crow laws were racial segregation laws.

You want to redefine what a Jim Crow law is, but that doesn't work. Now you are just arguing to safe face and not admit you didn't know what you were talking about.
Cool story

Not a story. Facts. Jim Crow laws are about racial segregation. That is it. You want to make it about other things because you got caught running your mouth about things you don't know. Next time sit down and let the grownups talk. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws.
Are you saying that there are white people that are moving into these black neighborhoods!? Lol

Are you saying that white people are not legally allowed to move into these black neighborhoods? Because THAT is the point. They call them Jim Crow LAWS for a reason.

If these neighborhoods were black because of Jim Crow Laws, then when a white girl moves in with her boyfriend, she would be arrested.
No they created policy within the laws to keep people out.. they are definitely divided by race.. Pretending that these neighborhoods are unsegregated because they don’t say Jim Crow law.. then you are just as racist as the DemocratsWhere in the 1960s

Yet again, you try to makeup what I said. I would think you would know I would see it and point it out. But you are pretty hard headed.

I have not pretended that the neighborhoods are not segregated. I am simply saying that there are no Jim Crow laws that force them to be segregated. If a white person bought a house in that neighborhood, they could move in and live there. Under Jim Crow laws, they could not.
Your so slow

Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".

But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
Lol are you trolling or are you this uneducated? Lol

How about you give me the definition of the term "Jim Crow laws"? What do you say in means?
Today’s him crow? I did already, can you read?
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?
The man is actively ignoring the definition of gave for today’s Jim Crow laws.. it is fun watching him scramble around like a little pig. Watching you take my bait is even better ha
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.
We will?

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket or something?

"We", as in the people who want peaceful protests instead of violence.

What did Lewis do, over the last say, 40 years, to push back against the wace baiting that has led to the violent race riots we see today?

Anything? Or we he part of the wace baiting?
When have we not seen violent race riots. Rosewood, Florida. Tulsa, Oklahoma. This crap has got to stop right here and now. Today, in 2020, we are not seeing "violent race riots." These "violent race riots" seem to be something ginned up on the internet. Psst: I live in northern Virginia. There is nothing going on but people of all backgrounds living peacefully together. No riots. No crime. Just peaceful citizens speaking whatever languages they wish and being friendly to their neighbors. English is spoken here. So is Spanish, Korean, Chinese dialects, French, Urdu. Arabic, Hebrew, and more.

Stop digging at John Lewis. A gentleman who lived with honor and died that way. He rests with angels.

The dead people killed by mobs in the street might disagree with you on that. Well, except they are dead and thus can't talk.

Your denial of what is plain to see, is obviously support for those violent race riots.

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