John Lewis dead

When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you

No, you have not. First you said he supported Jim Crow laws. Then, when you were corrected, you tried to backtrack and talk about things that are not Jim Crow laws.

At least you learned the definition of Jim Crow laws today. That is a plus. Glad I could help out.
I already went over this.. please re read.. or have a 2 year old read it for you Capeesh?

No. You claimed he supported Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws are about segregation. That is it. So rather than talk about bad areas of Atlanta, tell me what forced segregation laws John Lewis supported.

from: Jim Crow law | History, Facts, & Examples
" Jim Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s."

from: Jim Crow Laws
" Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation."

from: Jim Crow Laws | American Experience | PBS
" The segregation and disenfranchisement laws known as "Jim Crow" represented a formal, codified system of racial apartheid that dominated the American South for three quarters of a century beginning in the 1890s. The laws affected almost every aspect of daily life, mandating segregation of schools, parks, libraries, drinking fountains, restrooms, buses, trains, and restaurants. "Whites Only" and "Colored" signs were constant reminders of the enforced racial order."
Again I already went over how Jim Crow laws were continued in other ways

No, you did not. You did not provide one single example of him supported laws that forced segregation. And forced segregation is what Jim Crow laws were all about.
I explained to you.. again read what I wrote or have a monkey read it for you lol

No need. It is NOT supporting Jim Crow laws. Period.
The new ones yes he did

Were they laws forcing legal segregation?
Did you see his fucking district,
It was a rat infested shit hole, parts of his district was just one color.

Not relevant to the question I asked. Were they laws forcing legal segregation? Yes or No?
I already addressed what the news jim crow laws are.. he was a sick Man

New Jim Crow laws? You mean laws that don't call for forced segregation that only you are calling the "new Jim Crow laws"?

Bullshit. You said he supported Jim Crow laws. And now you won't even answer a simple question of whether or not the laws he supported involved forced legal segregation. You are dishonest and a coward.
What he did was far worse than any Jim Crow law.. the new ones are far more Destructive

YOu are welcome to your opinion that they are worse than any Jim Crow law. But thanks for admitting that they were not, in fact Jim Crow laws.
Cool story, any body with eyes of his districts could see they weren’t diverse beautiful neighborhoods in which his policies bore fruit of success. Just oppression caused by new Jim Crow laws.. you want to ignore what this scum bag did.

The point is, they are not Jim Crow laws. They may be bad policy or bad laws. But they are not Jim Crow laws. Unless you can show me any law, supported by John Lewis, that forced racial segregation, you have lost this argument. This claim that they are "new Jim Crow laws" is bullshit. Jim Crow laws are forced segregation. Period.
John Lewis risked his life to fight Jim Crow
Restrictions on voting, segregated buses, segregated eating areas
Ok, and no one disputes that or says that it was wrong. People look at his life work, and then they draw the patterns of how he was operating. It's hard to come from where they came from, and not carry a bias in life, but for many in America the bias has been overcome, and the war has ended.

Now their are those who want to keep it all going or think that it should be on going until white's are somehow put in their place, but white's aren't so willing to be put in their place by blacks who still have some sort of vengeful chip on their shoulders, so good luck continuing the war all you leftist radical black folks, and white folks using black folks, because many are so done with it, that it's over for them. So don't come looking for trouble or causing trouble, and there won't be none. Move on in life, and not backwards.
Imagine the courage of a Freedom Rider

Seems easy. Ride on an interstate bus with blacks and whites sitting together. A recent Supreme Court decision said segregated busing on interstate routes was unconstitutional.

So, you get on a bus, have a good time and then reach the Deep South. The Federal Government said you would be protected. State Police were supposed to offer protection.

When you pulled into a bus station in the Deep South you realized you were all alone. Angry mobs with pipes and blackjacks met you and pulled you off the bus and beat you savagely. Police were nowhere to be found. The bus was set on fire and you were left on the pavement unconscious.

John Lewis not only did it but volunteered to ride again.

Last edited:
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you

No, you have not. First you said he supported Jim Crow laws. Then, when you were corrected, you tried to backtrack and talk about things that are not Jim Crow laws.

At least you learned the definition of Jim Crow laws today. That is a plus. Glad I could help out.
I already went over this.. please re read.. or have a 2 year old read it for you Capeesh?

No. You claimed he supported Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws are about segregation. That is it. So rather than talk about bad areas of Atlanta, tell me what forced segregation laws John Lewis supported.

from: Jim Crow law | History, Facts, & Examples
" Jim Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s."

from: Jim Crow Laws
" Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation."

from: Jim Crow Laws | American Experience | PBS
" The segregation and disenfranchisement laws known as "Jim Crow" represented a formal, codified system of racial apartheid that dominated the American South for three quarters of a century beginning in the 1890s. The laws affected almost every aspect of daily life, mandating segregation of schools, parks, libraries, drinking fountains, restrooms, buses, trains, and restaurants. "Whites Only" and "Colored" signs were constant reminders of the enforced racial order."
Again I already went over how Jim Crow laws were continued in other ways

No, you did not. You did not provide one single example of him supported laws that forced segregation. And forced segregation is what Jim Crow laws were all about.
I explained to you.. again read what I wrote or have a monkey read it for you lol

No need. It is NOT supporting Jim Crow laws. Period.
The new ones yes he did

Were they laws forcing legal segregation?
Did you see his fucking district,
It was a rat infested shit hole, parts of his district was just one color.

Not relevant to the question I asked. Were they laws forcing legal segregation? Yes or No?
I already addressed what the news jim crow laws are.. he was a sick Man

New Jim Crow laws? You mean laws that don't call for forced segregation that only you are calling the "new Jim Crow laws"?

Bullshit. You said he supported Jim Crow laws. And now you won't even answer a simple question of whether or not the laws he supported involved forced legal segregation. You are dishonest and a coward.
What he did was far worse than any Jim Crow law.. the new ones are far more Destructive

YOu are welcome to your opinion that they are worse than any Jim Crow law. But thanks for admitting that they were not, in fact Jim Crow laws.
Cool story, any body with eyes of his districts could see they weren’t diverse beautiful neighborhoods in which his policies bore fruit of success. Just oppression caused by new Jim Crow laws.. you want to ignore what this scum bag did.

The point is, they are not Jim Crow laws. They may be bad policy or bad laws. But they are not Jim Crow laws. Unless you can show me any law, supported by John Lewis, that forced racial segregation, you have lost this argument. This claim that they are "new Jim Crow laws" is bullshit. Jim Crow laws are forced segregation. Period.
John Lewis risked his life to fight Jim Crow
Restrictions on voting, segregated buses, segregated eating areas

That's fine and dandy. A great many people did.

As a rep, he was a disaster.

Never an original thought came from him.

I applaud his life for the fight he fought.

I despised and still despise him as a member of the federal house.
This is exactly whay I am speaking of, the Democrats are violent, dangerous, hateful human beings. It is no longer a matter of winning elections for the Democrats. Your hate is so strong the Democrats take to the streets rioting, destroying private property, assaulting the innocent as well as killing people. I am surprised you are so open about how you wish things end for those you hate.
How do you prove spit?
such a sad fall, from a civil rights activists, something to be proud of to a washed up Democrat politician that made up lies about good people, just to try to get some publicity as a party hack. Sad, very sad.
Show that he lied
When faced with the rabid crowd of TeaTards and an American Patriot like John Lewis.......I will choose Lewis
How brave was John Lewis?

In leading the peaceful Selma march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge he was ordered to turn around. His choices were to run, fight or kneel in prayer.
John and his followers knealt in prayer. The Alabama State Police responded by charging with Billy Clubs and savagely beat John Lewis and other protesters.

America saw peaceful protesters kneeling in prayer being savagely beaten for no other reason than wanting the right to vote. After Selma, Congress had no choice but to pass the Voting Rights Act.
When blacks were doing better pre 1964 than in 2020.. and you don’t do anything, and ignore it. You are worse than any kkk member

Who said I don't do anything and that I ignore it. I have not said anything pro or con about it.

All I have said is that if it is not forced racial segregation, it is not a Jim Crow laws. And you keep arguing.
Imagine the courage of a Freedom Rider

Seems easy. Ride on an interstate bus with blacks and whites sitting together. A recent Supreme Court decision said segregated busing on interstate routes was unconstitutional.

So, you get on a bus, have a good time and then reach the Deep South. The Federal Government said you would be protected. State Police were supposed to offer protection.

When you pulled into a bus station in the Deep South you realized you were all alone. Angry mobs with pipes and blackjacks met you and pulled you off the bus and beat you savagely. Police were nowhere to be found. The bus was set on fire and you were left on the pavement unconscious.

John Lewis not only did it but volunteered to ride again.

View attachment 364775
And this has what to do with his life in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, and onward till his death ?? Gotta follow the politics to know how those days affected the person in his biases and actions in the future. Was John Lewis a racist after what he had been through ??? Could have been, but maybe not. His actions and politics might speak to it loud and clear, but again it would be understandable if he was.

I road a school bus in the late 60's after segregation, and guess what ? I was the only white to get on the bus when it reached my stop. And guess what ? The blacks were hell on me as a vengence I guess, but luckily I wasn't no wimp, and they had their hands full trying to intimidate or whoop my ace when they tried. This crap goes two ways, and can show up anytime you get a group or sometimes race trying to protect it's so called turf. Most of this crap has always been about culture and turf wars, and not about color as one might think.
Imagine the courage of a Freedom Rider

Seems easy. Ride on an interstate bus with blacks and whites sitting together. A recent Supreme Court decision said segregated busing on interstate routes was unconstitutional.

So, you get on a bus, have a good time and then reach the Deep South. The Federal Government said you would be protected. State Police were supposed to offer protection.

When you pulled into a bus station in the Deep South you realized you were all alone. Angry mobs with pipes and blackjacks met you and pulled you off the bus and beat you savagely. Police were nowhere to be found. The bus was set on fire and you were left on the pavement unconscious.

John Lewis not only did it but volunteered to ride again.

View attachment 364775
You think he would have quit after having his skull busted
They did it again. Yet another Republican Senator posted a picture with Elijah Cummings, saying it was John Lewis. This time it was Alaska's Dan Sullivan. It’s disgusting. It gives you a real glimpse into what they honestly think of our heroes.

Imagine the courage of a Freedom Rider

Seems easy. Ride on an interstate bus with blacks and whites sitting together. A recent Supreme Court decision said segregated busing on interstate routes was unconstitutional.

So, you get on a bus, have a good time and then reach the Deep South. The Federal Government said you would be protected. State Police were supposed to offer protection.

When you pulled into a bus station in the Deep South you realized you were all alone. Angry mobs with pipes and blackjacks met you and pulled you off the bus and beat you savagely. Police were nowhere to be found. The bus was set on fire and you were left on the pavement unconscious.

John Lewis not only did it but volunteered to ride again.

View attachment 364775
And this has what to do with his life in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, and onward till his death ?? Gotta follow the politics to know how those days affected the person in his biases and actions in the future. Was John Lewis a racist after what he had been through ??? Could have been, but maybe not. His actions and politics might speak to it loud and clear, but again it would be understandable if he was.

I road a school bus in the late 60's after segregation, and guess what ? I was the only white to get on the bus when it reached my stop. And guess what ? The blacks were hell on me as a vengence I guess, but luckily I wasn't no wimp, and they had their hands full trying to intimidate or whoop my ace when they tried. This crap goes two ways, and can show up anytime you get a group or sometimes race trying to protect it's so called turf. Most of this crap has always been about culture and turf wars, and not about color as one might think.
What specific policy of Lewis in the 70s and beyond do you object to?

Supporting Civil rights, public healthcare, anti-war?

You had a tough time on the bus?
Difference was the Government wasn’t supporting or enforcing your bad treatment
They did it again. Yet another Republican Senator posted a picture with Elijah Cummings, saying it was John Lewis. This time it was Alaska's Dan Sullivan. It’s disgusting. It gives you a real glimpse into what they honestly think of our heroes.

They all look alike to Republicans

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