Josh Hawley is not going anywhere.

Well, if you'd like to stand with them, it'd be ok.

I only want to see the insurrectionists jailed and financially ruined. Josh stood with em.

Those Insirektang Insirekshunists of Insirekshun who put feet on the desk of her elated highness, our ruler, Nancy Pigshit. An act more heinous than any act in the history of histrionics.

The great selfie revolution shook the very foundation of out demagogueryacy. Open defiance of the Reich by unarmed goobers with cell phones.

Not like the peaceful protests your Brown Shirts engaged in all summer long..

Your hysteria is fully warranted because Orange Man Bad!
93 percent of the summers protests were peaceful. This insurrection was not.
There are a lot of people that do not care about D.C. Yeah they rule the nation. It can go up in flames for all we care now.
I know all about you states rights racists.
Missouri will elect him for life. I'd like to see him sentenced to life. LOL
Missouri has been asking him to quit.
I dunno. I spent a week in Missouri last summer. I'd rather be in Mississippi. Seriously. And our two senators tried to put a rider on the stimulus bill to protect the unborn .... I assume that had to do with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine
I know how to read and moreso, I know a false equivalence. Josh Hawley helped incite an insurrection.

Bull fucking shit.

First off, there was no "insurrection," there was a mostly peaceful protest that culminated with some morons trespassing.

The lying and hyperbole by the Reich and the Baghdad Bob's of the Reich press has been jaw dropping. Joseph Goebbels would be embarrassed by the shameless demagoguery of these scum, including the KGB under Oberfuhrer Wray.

Secondly, what the fuck do you Nazi pigs claim Hawley did other than contest the EC certification, which the Reich has done with EVERY Republican back to 2000?

You go check 2004 against this last election and if Kerry lost by 8 million votes instead of by a qurstionable call by the republican secretary of State in Ohio, let me know.

There is nothing worse than a dumb ass white supremacist.

Kerry lost in a landslide, yet still the Reich challenges.

It is the right of the Senate to do so. To call is "sedition" is vile - but you Nazis are the definition of vile.
No, like + 2000 odds, bet 1,000 win 20,000 if and I do mean if....... but I've heard since the Capitol insurrection he's way down +8000.

Place yer bets, smoke-um if ya got um.

Ohhh, was it insirekshun by insirektang insirekshunist of insirekshun?

Our very demagogueryacy was shaken by the feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk.

How can we continue as a nation? Xi's will have to establish a totalitarian dictatorship so we can recover from the insirektang insirekshunist of insirekshun.

You fascists are itching for a shooting war, you are determined to spark a full blown civil war with lead flying.

Your hyperbole and demagoguery is stupid, evil, and dangerous. You're so fucking sure that the troops you're feeding maggot infested rations to will totally die to back your coup...

Whatever you want to call it, you know when Dr. Trumpenstein's Monster Mob tried to stop the counting of the EC votes by the Joint Session of Congress, in the vain attempt to subvert the Biden Victory. That event and Hawley's support of the group that carried it out is what the odds makers claim lessened his chances by more than half.

View attachment 465476

As you Nazi vermin tried to stop the Senate confirmation of Kavanaugh.

Fuck off with your faux outrage.
Sen. Hawley was extremely concerned that the FBI was checking the emails and social media communications of the very violent fascist insurrectionists.

Golly, I wonder why.
I dunno. I spent a week in Missouri last summer. I'd rather be in Mississippi. Seriously. And our two senators tried to put a rider on the stimulus bill to protect the unborn .... I assume that had to do with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine

I assure you that Missouri would rather you be in Mississippi as well.
Sen. Hawley was extremely concerned that the FBI was checking the emails and social media communications of the very violent fascist insurrectionists.

Golly, I wonder why.

Sure he was Frau Mammoth Mammaries. You wouldn't just make shit up to slander enemies of the Reich, after all....
Sure he was Frau Mammoth Mammaries. You wouldn't just make shit up to slander enemies of the Reich, after all....
You should have learned by now that, unlike the Trump cultists here, I never lie.

I don't have to lie. The truth almost always backs liberalism, so there's no need to lie to prop up liberalism. Sucks to be you. Reality always has a strong liberal bias, so you're forced to lie to prop up your cult.

By the way, all of your very violent fascist insurrectionist pals are still going to jail. Your copious fascist tears have no effect on that. What your fascist tears do tell us is that we're doing things right. Whenever fascists cry, good things are happening in the USA.
Hawley committed sedition. This is not about him not toeing some fake ass line. Prominent republicans in his own state are asking him to quit. So just because trump tells you to hate a newspaper doesn't make that paper wrong.

He did huh, Klanboi?

Fucking moron.

The hyperbole and demagoguery of the Nazi democrat Reich is off the scale.
There was no attempted democratic coup in 2016.

Learn to read, Klanboi.

You're an ignorant clown;

Dumb as dogshit.

The difference, 2020 was not only the Big Lie based on no evidence but hearsay and blatant propaganda which Hawley perpetuated, but also there was no opposition protest rally staged for the EV Count in Congress by the soon to be former President. No calls to stop the EV count.

It's up to the voters in 2024.
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View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
Josh Hawley should be in jail with the other seditionists
LefTard Logic:


Not Seditionists-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Oh? Did they want the Missouri voters to vote out the Budding Little Ivy League Fascist?
Can you not read? Or think? Or do you not know how the NY Times feels about someone who
tried to aid Trump when he was swindled out of the presidency?
Just pick one rhetorical option.
93 percent of the summers protests were peaceful. This insurrection was not.

99.5% of the 1/6 Reichstag fire was peaceful.

Less than 300 people entered the Capitol building. By definition all others would be peaceful protestors.
No, they wouldn't. You see, the problem you have with talking about this summer is the information is documented and it shows most of the violence was instigated by white supremacists, sometimes with the help of police.

The conflict between LEO's and the Black Communities have a long history. They have never really endangered the National Government.

We've never had a Rebel Mob shut down Congress much less during a Joint Session while they were counting the EV from the states.

Trumpybears Banana Republicans are just mad they were not able to successfully subvert the 2020 election and install their Exalted Leader for a few more terms.
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Oh? Did they want the Missouri voters to vote out the Budding Little Ivy League Fascist?
Can you not read? Or think? Or do you not know how the NY Times feels about someone who
tried to aid Trump when he was swindled out of the presidency?
Just pick one rhetorical option.

I'll take that as .... Yes, the NYT's wants all the pieces of shit who aided Dr. Tumpenstein's attempted fraud of the American election to be voted out of office during their next cycle.
Missouri will elect him for life. I'd like to see him sentenced to life. LOL
Missouri has been asking him to quit.
I dunno. I spent a week in Missouri last summer. I'd rather be in Mississippi. Seriously. And our two senators tried to put a rider on the stimulus bill to protect the unborn .... I assume that had to do with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine

Missouri is on the no stop list for black drivers. But when KC and St. Loius don't want you, things are going to be tough. And when the man who endorsed you wants you gone, that could be a problem. And by 2024 the way things are going for Biden right now, Josh Hawley can forget it.
View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
Josh Hawley should be in jail with the other seditionists
LefTard Logic:


Not Seditionists-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.



Did somebody say something?
No, like + 2000 odds, bet 1,000 win 20,000 if and I do mean if....... but I've heard since the Capitol insurrection he's way down +8000.

Place yer bets, smoke-um if ya got um.

Ohhh, was it insirekshun by insirektang insirekshunist of insirekshun?

Our very demagogueryacy was shaken by the feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk.

How can we continue as a nation? Xi's will have to establish a totalitarian dictatorship so we can recover from the insirektang insirekshunist of insirekshun.

You fascists are itching for a shooting war, you are determined to spark a full blown civil war with lead flying.

Your hyperbole and demagoguery is stupid, evil, and dangerous. You're so fucking sure that the troops you're feeding maggot infested rations to will totally die to back your coup...

Whatever you want to call it, you know when Dr. Trumpenstein's Monster Mob tried to stop the counting of the EC votes by the Joint Session of Congress, in the vain attempt to subvert the Biden Victory. That event and Hawley's support of the group that carried it out is what the odds makers claim lessened his chances by more than half.

View attachment 465476

As you Nazi vermin tried to stop the Senate confirmation of Kavanaugh.

Fuck off with your faux outrage.

Show me the mob violently attacking and ultimately fighting past the Capitol Police to gain entry into the building where the hearing was being held. I remember a few sit ins, and several activists who got tickets to the public hearing who stood up and unfolder banners and yelled things to interrupt the proceeding. They eventually all got arrested and the hearing proceeded.
I'll take that as .... Yes, the NYT's wants all the pieces of shit who aided Dr. Tumpenstein's attempted fraud of the American election to be voted out of office during their next cycle.
Once more the NY Times is publishing opinion as if it was fact or news.
And you can't see the difference or happen to care. That makes you a typical Biden backer.
We people of color have had more reason to commit insurrections and never have. And our reasons a REAL and LEGITIMATE. You have not seen people of color storming the nations capital because we refused to believe our candidate lost the election. When we talk about white privilege 1-6-2021 is a textbook example.

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