Joy Behar, Typical Dhimmicrat says 'I'd Vote for a Rapist as Long as they Are Liberals'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
How principled of them.
I guess they'll make sure they are safe from the raping jihadi hordes.
Sod everyone else.
This is why I separate liberals from libtards. A real liberal would never say some crazy shit like that, but an ideological moron would, thus the word 'libtard'.
Behar and her ilk are why Hillary even if she was shown to be a pen pal and supporter of House of Horrors Dr. Kermit Gosnell/ former lover of John Wayne Gacy/and we had proof about Bill being into bestiality she'd still get 47% of the vote.

I miss true classic liberals and real Democrats. These ideologues are beyond the pale.
I miss true classic liberals and real Democrats. These ideologues are beyond the pale.

The current Dhimmicratic party is no longer the party of classic liberalism, as their running out Jim Webb demonstrated.

The Dhimmicrats are the party of Frankfurt School Marxism, Fabian Socialism, and Washington DC dictatorship. A party of murder, graft and lies.
Behar is essentially saying, "He's a rapist, but he's our rapist."

Good luck with that.
She is merely stating what many on the Left believe. Thanks to these hypocritical useful idiots, a rapist is a rock star instead of a pariah.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
She is merely stating what many on the Left believe. Thanks to these hypocritical useful idiots, a rapist is a rock star instead of a pariah.
It just sucks that one of only two major political parties has been taken over by these sorts of numb-skulls and they cant even see it.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Well, I think the same problem applies to both parties. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

To answer your question, I have no freakin' idea. We're still in the "it's getting worse" phase. It's still expanding.

The answer will have to come from "leaders" who are brave enough to blow the whistle on the whole thing. I don't see any right now.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Well, I think the same problem applies to both parties. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

To answer your question, I have no freakin' idea. We're still in the "it's getting worse" phase. It's still expanding.

The answer will have to come from "leaders" who are brave enough to blow the whistle on the whole thing. I don't see any right now.
It most certainly is both parties. Our entire political class is completely owned by the power elite. We have been trending this way for some time.

The meaning of the American Revolution and the Constitution are dying....and may be dead. Big unlimited government controlled by a small elite rules the day...and history tells us this is not likely to end well.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Well, I think the same problem applies to both parties. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

To answer your question, I have no freakin' idea. We're still in the "it's getting worse" phase. It's still expanding.

The answer will have to come from "leaders" who are brave enough to blow the whistle on the whole thing. I don't see any right now.
It most certainly is both parties. Our entire political class is completely owned by the power elite. We have been trending this way for some time.

The meaning of the American Revolution and the Constitution are dying....and may be dead. Big unlimited government controlled by a small elite rules the day...and history tells us this is not likely to end well.
What concerns me the most is the ongoing increase in everyday people who seem to be infected with the hyper-partisanship that's causing so much damage.

I deal every day with people and their personal finances, and that often means eventually discussing the economy and politics. And I'm telling you, I'm seeing more and more people who become fucking crazed when we veer near politics. They see shit on the internet or on teevee, or hear shit on the radio, and it's REALLY getting to them. Everybody thinks they're a Limbaugh or an Olbermann, and off we go. I just let them get it out of their system.

There are too many fucking people who have a vested interest in keeping others angry and divided, and unfortunately it's working.
This is why I separate liberals from libtards. A real liberal would never say some crazy shit like that, but an ideological moron would, thus the word 'libtard'.
While Hillary can't tell you the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist, I can't tell the difference between a Liberal and a Libtard.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Well, I think the same problem applies to both parties. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

To answer your question, I have no freakin' idea. We're still in the "it's getting worse" phase. It's still expanding.

The answer will have to come from "leaders" who are brave enough to blow the whistle on the whole thing. I don't see any right now.
It most certainly is both parties. Our entire political class is completely owned by the power elite. We have been trending this way for some time.

The meaning of the American Revolution and the Constitution are dying....and may be dead. Big unlimited government controlled by a small elite rules the day...and history tells us this is not likely to end well.
What concerns me the most is the ongoing increase in everyday people who seem to be infected with the hyper-partisanship that's causing so much damage.

I deal every day with people and their personal finances, and that often means eventually discussing the economy and politics. And I'm telling you, I'm seeing more and more people who become fucking crazed when we veer near politics. They see shit on the internet or on teevee, or hear shit on the radio, and it's REALLY getting to them. Everybody thinks they're a Limbaugh or an Olbermann, and off we go. I just let them get it out of their system.

There are too many fucking people who have a vested interest in keeping others angry and divided, and unfortunately it's working.
Agreed. What I find disheartening are those Americans who somehow think Rs are different from Ds. They can't see that both parties are aligned and merely playing a big game to enrich and empower themselves. The parties foment division, along with the media, to keep Americans divided when we should be united against the political class and their friends.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
How principled of them.
I guess they'll make sure they are safe from the raping jihadi hordes.
Sod everyone else.

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Well, I think the same problem applies to both parties. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

To answer your question, I have no freakin' idea. We're still in the "it's getting worse" phase. It's still expanding.

The answer will have to come from "leaders" who are brave enough to blow the whistle on the whole thing. I don't see any right now.
There is now someone who is blowing the whistle. Soon to be President Trump.
Take what support he has now. Add the 99% of supporters he will pick up as the other candidates leave the race. Remember every other candidate is going to tell their supporters that yes some of them may have to hold their noses when they vote for Trump but the alternative is having the Clinton's back in the White house for four years.
It's not as bad as the DEMs want to portray Trump.
He is a genius at finding the very best people to do any job. He will bring these people into his White house and do what he has always done: He'll task them with a job and stand back and let them do the job. He's never been a 'micromanager'.
Remember he's someone from New York with a New Yorker's attitude. It can rub some the wrong way but too bad.
And he never takes any shit from anyone. He NEVER negotiates unless he's already the winner.
Some world leaders would rather have a fucking LIB puusy in the Oval Office, for obvious reasons. These world leaders haven't taken the smiles off their faces from the day Obama was elected.
We need to ask why.
What a stupid ....nm, this essplains why Dhimmicrats are so willing to import Muslim rapists and criminals into our country.

The View's Joy Behar: I’d Vote for a Rapist as Long as They’re Liberal

The View’s Joy Behar on Tuesday insisted that, regardless of whether Bill Clinton raped a woman or Ted Kennedy drowned someone, she would vote for these liberal politicians. Behar and her fellow co-hosts were discussing how Clinton’s past would impact his wife. She justified, “Republicans have voted against the Violence Against Women Act. Now, that to me, is more important than anything that Bill Clinton did or didn't do because it's what [Hillary's] going to vote for.”

This came after co-host Paula Faris reminded, “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar conceded, “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
Well, give her this: She was honest. We could use more of that.

This is an example of what dogmatic adherence to an ideology does. Partisan ideologues specifically turn a blind eye to behaviors of those on their "side".

It's dishonest, it's hypocritical, and more people are doing it. At least this one admits it.
So how do classic liberals ever regain control of the Dhimmicrats?
Classic liberals are not Democrats and have no intention of regaining control of the D Party. The Democrat party is now socialist and fascist. Classic liberals are libertarians and we have absolutely nothing in common with Democrats.

FYI - The D party never was a classic liberal party.

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