Joyous Outstanding News: Court Finds All 'Oregon Standoff' Bundy Defendants 'Not Guilty'

I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
I cannot help but wonder if this might also not be in part a reaction to Hillary being cleared of all charges in the classified document scandal and the Feds got some "jury nullification" blown back at them.
Joyous? A bunch of lazy loads inhabiting a site meant for all Americans makes you happy. I doubt God is big on free loaders but who knows. Hopefully they cleaned up their mess. There is a history book in which they would probably fit well. Check it out.
A bunch of SJW on the Berkley campus are preventing white students access to parts of the campus they deem as space spaces. Are you against that too?
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
I cannot help but wonder if this might also not be in part a reaction to Hillary being cleared of all charges in the classified document scandal and the Feds got some "jury nullification" blown back at them.
There were NO charges to be cleared of.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
Black Lives Matter but don't give these cattle ranchers a break of any kind.

I might have a little more sympathy for the Bundy's if they were paying the same grazing fees every other rancher pays. I know there's a back story there, but they should have continued paying the fees anyway. Even if the fees were returned.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
I cannot help but wonder if this might also not be in part a reaction to Hillary being cleared of all charges in the classified document scandal and the Feds got some "jury nullification" blown back at them.

I must have missed all that ! All those charges you're talking about.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
Black Lives Matter but don't give these cattle ranchers a break of any kind.

I might have a little more sympathy for the Bundy's if they were paying the same grazing fees every other rancher pays. I know there's a back story there, but they should have continued paying the fees anyway. Even if the fees were returned.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
and what does that have to do with paying your grazing fees
btw: I've been a bundy supporter. But I'm also have been in the farming game and cattle business
The adverse possession claim is critical...they believed the adverse possession claim, which is huge...

Adverse Possession
Adverse possession is a doctrine under which a person in possession of land owned by someone else may acquire valid title to it, so long as certain common law requirements are met, and the adverse possessor is in possession for a sufficient period of time, as defined by a statute of limitations.

The common law requirements

The common law requirements have evolved over time, and the articulation of those requirements varies somewhat from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Typically, adverse possession, in order to ripen into title, must be:

(1) Continuous; this means continual possession by a single adverse possessor, or by successive adverse possessors so long as privity exists between them.

(2) Hostile to the interests of the true owner; this is the adverse part of adverse possession.

(3) Open and notorious, so as to put the true owner on notice that a trespasser is in possession.

(4) Actual, so that the true owner has a cause of action for trespass, on which the true owner must act within the statute of limitations.

(5) Exclusive, in order that there be no confusion as to who acquires title once the time has run.

Adverse Possession

Adverse possession - Wikipedia
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The judge asked the marshals to step back, and they did not. What a bunch of pigs.
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If the judge in this case is going to say they didn't have the authority to consolidate and release, the marshals don't have the right to consolidate and hold them. The marshals prevented them from having that discussion, which was ILLEGAL on their part.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I do get the feeling that both sides are engaging in some serious misbehaving. It's never a good idea to provoke the police. Just saying.
Black Lives Matter but don't give these cattle ranchers a break of any kind.

I might have a little more sympathy for the Bundy's if they were paying the same grazing fees every other rancher pays. I know there's a back story there, but they should have continued paying the fees anyway. Even if the fees were returned.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
and what does that have to do with paying your grazing fees
btw: I've been a bundy supporter. But I'm also have been in the farming game and cattle business

I'm unable to choose sides on this issue because there's so much bad behavior on the part of both sides. Unbelievably bad behavior. Just saying.
Black Lives Matter but don't give these cattle ranchers a break of any kind.

I might have a little more sympathy for the Bundy's if they were paying the same grazing fees every other rancher pays. I know there's a back story there, but they should have continued paying the fees anyway. Even if the fees were returned.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
and what does that have to do with paying your grazing fees
btw: I've been a bundy supporter. But I'm also have been in the farming game and cattle business

I'm unable to choose sides on this issue because there's so much bad behavior on the part of both sides. Unbelievably bad behavior. Just saying.
I was raised on a dairy and farmed most my life.
So I'm on the side of the Bundy's in that respect. And I have a religion akin to them
But I'm surrounded by a ton of cattlemen that graze on Forest, and BLM land; and they get perturbed when someone doesn't pay their fees.
But I've already said that.
I'm glad the Bundys won anyway.
To all those saying tanks and machine guns should have been used on these guys. Should tanks and machine guns be used in the Dakota. Stand off over the pipeline?
I might have a little more sympathy for the Bundy's if they were paying the same grazing fees every other rancher pays. I know there's a back story there, but they should have continued paying the fees anyway. Even if the fees were returned.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
and what does that have to do with paying your grazing fees
btw: I've been a bundy supporter. But I'm also have been in the farming game and cattle business

I'm unable to choose sides on this issue because there's so much bad behavior on the part of both sides. Unbelievably bad behavior. Just saying.
I was raised on a dairy and farmed most my life.
So I'm on the side of the Bundy's in that respect. And I have a religion akin to them
But I'm surrounded by a ton of cattlemen that graze on Forest, and BLM land; and they get perturbed when someone doesn't pay their fees.
But I've already said that.
I'm glad the Bundys won anyway.

Without knowing the back story, I'm pretty sure I would have branded the Bundy's a criminal enterprise, so that's why I'm keeping my powder dry on this issue.
I live in grazing country. If there's anything ranchers can't stand is the other rancher that's not paying his grazing fee.

Yeah right. That's why the jury found all the defendants not guilty. Because everybody thinks they should submit to federal extortion and intimidation tactics.
and what does that have to do with paying your grazing fees
btw: I've been a bundy supporter. But I'm also have been in the farming game and cattle business

I'm unable to choose sides on this issue because there's so much bad behavior on the part of both sides. Unbelievably bad behavior. Just saying.
I was raised on a dairy and farmed most my life.
So I'm on the side of the Bundy's in that respect. And I have a religion akin to them
But I'm surrounded by a ton of cattlemen that graze on Forest, and BLM land; and they get perturbed when someone doesn't pay their fees.
But I've already said that.
I'm glad the Bundys won anyway.

Without knowing the back story, I'm pretty sure I would have branded the Bundy's a criminal enterprise, so that's why I'm keeping my powder dry on this issue.

Yes, well by your own admission such a brand would be ignorant and based on not knowing the facts.

It took the jury FIVE HOURS to determine they were not guilty on all charges.

Including the THEFT charge. Which is major because the defense was based on adverse possession..which is giving all federal whores a lot of heartburn about now because it means we have the right to take our fucking property back from them.

The marshals acted in the courtroom in exactly the way that the feds have been acting towards us for decades. While Ammon's attorney was making an argument to the court, and the court was engaged, they advanced on him. When the court told them to STOP, they ignored the court, jumped on the attorney, tased him, cuffed him, and dragged him out.

That's how our lovely *agents* and feds respect the laws, and the courts, of this country. If you aren't afraid, you should be.

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