Judge Blocks Oklahoma’s Ban on Using Shariah Law in Court

Well if you look at the list I posted above where they talk about death penalties for people who commit adultry, steal, homosexuality etc. its very scary stuff. When people hear you say you want Shariah, they assume you want the whole package, with beheadings, floggings and all.
Personally, I believe some people NEED to be flogged.

People who physically hurt children and infants, torture animals, molest children, beat women, etc.

As for beheadings; here in the U.S. the death penalty can be carried out by lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, depending on the state.

So beheading is just another method that we could easily include into the penalty phase of our justice system.

Would you be ok with people being flogged who cheated on their wives, stole something, commited blasphemy etc?
I agree but I don't want any religious courts in the US regardless of religion.

To be fair, we already have religious courts in the US. The Catholic Church grants religious divorces and there are jewish courts called Beit Din which resolve disputes between jews based on Jewish law.

Obviously, that's a purely voluntary thing for people of the same culture, but it does exist.

Aren't those 'courts' only working within the the legal framework of the 'faith'? Example if the Catholic Church issued a Certificate of Marriage in the church, it's power is limited to dissolving that certificate 'within' the faith (those divorced within the church need to also obtain a legal (US court system) divorce to be legally binding. It has no legal bearing, other than to serve as witness with the documentation of the ceremony.

Why is it when islam is showed to use despicable methods, all the libs run to point out others do it too. Since when does one wrong doing make it okay to do another?
So if Muslims got to have Shariah here in the States, how would it be applied?

Much like the jew's Beth din courts.

Or the native american's Tribal courts.

They deal with civil matters and not criminal cases.

People don't understand that the overwhelming bulk of Sharia Laws deals with civil court matters.

Like divorce, finance, law suits, banking matters, orphans, child custody, property rights, etc.

But most people in the West think that Sharia Law is just about punishment for criminals and criminal acts.

History has demonstrated in countries that were willing to 'allow' Sharia courts (were it didn't interfere with that country's laws) end up, undermining the countries' laws. It makes a stain.
You don't understand the difference...

If a hotel owner is offering his rooms to the general public he cannot discriminate by race...because he is offering his product to all.....but it is HIS product (rooms) he is selling...

An African-American can't demand that the hotel owner provide a room decorated with African decor...just because he wants it...take what is offered for sale or don't buy...

Why would you force anyone to rent a privately owned room to someone based on the color of his skin?

The point is that your can force someone to do something.
Why? Because you are offering rooms to "the public"....any person, whatever color, is one of "the public"...

Varth Dader said:
Can you force a pharmacy to carry all sorts of medicine, including contraceptive pills?

Think about it. To open a pharmacy you need a license.

The license, issued by a State, says you have to carry a certain set of products including contraceptive pills. If you are not happy, do not open a pharmacy.

Is everything OK with you so far? Are you going to challenge the right of a State to decide how to license a pharmacy?

So what do you do when a pharmacist says it is against his religion to sell the pill?

If you are OK with states rights to dictate pharmaceutical supplies.....then you must be also OK with Oklahoma's right to dictate no Sharia in the Oklahoma court system....:lol:

What do you do...? In most states.....if one pharmacy does not carry the pill.....you are free to go shop at another pharmacy which does carry them....
I agree but I don't want any religious courts in the US regardless of religion.

To be fair, we already have religious courts in the US. The Catholic Church grants religious divorces and there are jewish courts called Beit Din which resolve disputes between jews based on Jewish law.

Obviously, that's a purely voluntary thing for people of the same culture, but it does exist.

Aren't those 'courts' only working within the the legal framework of the 'faith'? Example if the Catholic Church issued a Certificate of Marriage in the church, it's power is limited to dissolving that certificate 'within' the faith (those divorced within the church need to also obtain a legal (US court system) divorce to be legally binding. It has no legal bearing, other than to serve as witness with the documentation of the ceremony.

Why is it when islam is showed to use despicable methods, all the libs run to point out others do it too. Since when does one wrong doing make it okay to do another?

A better question is why do liberals tolerate Islamic theocracy.....yet scream bloody murder at the top of their lungs at the merest whiff of Christian theology.....?
To be fair, we already have religious courts in the US. The Catholic Church grants religious divorces and there are jewish courts called Beit Din which resolve disputes between jews based on Jewish law.

Obviously, that's a purely voluntary thing for people of the same culture, but it does exist.

Aren't those 'courts' only working within the the legal framework of the 'faith'? Example if the Catholic Church issued a Certificate of Marriage in the church, it's power is limited to dissolving that certificate 'within' the faith (those divorced within the church need to also obtain a legal (US court system) divorce to be legally binding. It has no legal bearing, other than to serve as witness with the documentation of the ceremony.

Why is it when islam is showed to use despicable methods, all the libs run to point out others do it too. Since when does one wrong doing make it okay to do another?

A better question is why do liberals tolerate Islamic theocracy.....yet scream bloody murder at the top of their lungs at the merest whiff of Christian theology.....?

Local Threat appears more relevant.
So you have come to your senses and are abandoning Sharia Law? Wonderful! May God Bless you for your Wisdom. ;)
Not a chance. :eusa_angel:

Seems like no matter what the subject is concerning muslims or Islam.

Be it marriage, divorce, sharia law, children, courts, women, etc.

The first thing I hear people say to me; well in Iran or Pakistan or Egypt, they do this or did that.

Look, I live in America and am only concerned with laws and situations that affect American muslims.

What happens in other nations is their business, their culture, and their laws. :cool:

It's good that you see it that way, but it does target you. The Jihad is blind that way.
I agree but I don't want any religious courts in the US regardless of religion.

To be fair, we already have religious courts in the US. The Catholic Church grants religious divorces and there are jewish courts called Beit Din which resolve disputes between jews based on Jewish law.

Obviously, that's a purely voluntary thing for people of the same culture, but it does exist.

Aren't those 'courts' only working within the the legal framework of the 'faith'? Example if the Catholic Church issued a Certificate of Marriage in the church, it's power is limited to dissolving that certificate 'within' the faith (those divorced within the church need to also obtain a legal (US court system) divorce to be legally binding. It has no legal bearing, other than to serve as witness with the documentation of the ceremony.

Why is it when islam is showed to use despicable methods, all the libs run to point out others do it too. Since when does one wrong doing make it okay to do another?

They are also Licensed by the State, to perform Marriages. :lol:
You are indeed an anomaly Sunni Man... :eusa_eh:


Islam does Not condone murder, rape, or the beating of women. :cool:

I tend to agree, however this is a multi-layered issue since this issue is a cultural interpretation, and which many Muslim countries interpret the rights of a husband as sacrosanct and a few are marginally more moderate than the more cultural extreme interpretations.

But how many Governments support this interpretation to the extreme Sunni Man?

Let's take Afghanistan under the Islamic 'control' of the Taliban. With their interpretation of Islam and Sharia, you can not say what you just said.

So, I put forwards that you attempt to hide the reality with a softer moderate posting, but which is against the reality we see in the Islamic world.
Why should I care what they do in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or any other muslim country.

It doesn't affect me in the least.

I am only concerned with America and U.S. law. :cool:
Catholic tribunals are not "courts". They can provide annulments (not divorces) and can decide who can be excommunicated, and not participate fully in the mass. I'm fairly certain other faiths, including Muslims also have something similar. A "court" is an arm of the government.
In most states.....if one pharmacy does not carry the pill.....you are free to go shop at another pharmacy which does carry them....

Should a state be allowed to force anyone operating a pharmacy to carry the pill?

Should a state dictate what a private enterprise should sell....?
Regarding the morning after pill....states differ on that issue...

You are really off the mark here...attempting to equate the two questions somehow.....it's not working....

Sharia law should not be used because it would REPLACE U.S. state laws that are ALREADY on the books.....covering all sorts of family disputes regarding marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance, domestic violence, etc.
Catholic tribunals are not "courts". They can provide annulments (not divorces) and can decide who can be excommunicated, and not participate fully in the mass. I'm fairly certain other faiths, including Muslims also have something similar. A "court" is an arm of the government.

Sharia "Courts" in the UK are not an arm of the government.
There are 85 Sharia courts in Britain that are now legally binding.

slamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.

A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court's decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of 'smaller' criminal cases in future.

Read more: Islamic sharia courts in Britain are now 'legally binding' | Mail Online
There are 85 Sharia courts in Britain that are now legally binding.

slamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.

A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court's decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of 'smaller' criminal cases in future.

Read more: Islamic sharia courts in Britain are now 'legally binding' | Mail Online
Eventually, we will have Sharia Courts here in America.

Cause creeping sharia will make it happen. :cool:
There are 85 Sharia courts in Britain that are now legally binding.

slamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.

A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court's decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of 'smaller' criminal cases in future.

Read more: Islamic sharia courts in Britain are now 'legally binding' | Mail Online
Eventually, we will have Sharia Courts here in America.

Cause creeping sharia will make it happen. :cool:

I have no problem with mediation and arbitration that is binding no matter where it is as long as it is ok with all parties in CIVIL MATTERS ONLY.

But I have 100K that says we will not have Sharia courts of any kind here in America in the next 20 years.

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